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County Fair Notes

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Our county fair is forty years old next week. Fair and forty as it were. Mills Bros. will have thelr state premium cattle at the countv fair- all Holsteins. Pleasant weather U the only thing needed for a grand snccess at the fiiir uext week. The offlcers of the fair have uorked bard for and deserve suecess. Come In and help along the show. D. Henning will exhibit 12 heart of Herefords at the county fair, having already engaged stalls therefor. R. N. Nowland and the Valentine Bros., all noted stockroen, will have an exhibit of their various breeds at the county fair. Reducftd rates on the M. C. from Detroit and Jackson, and on the T. & A. A. from Toledo and Howell next week. Come to the fair and see the crowd. President Braun, of the county fair deaires to have it stated that the grand cavalcade will be a success tbis vear, and that all entering stock for premiums will be required tojoin in the procession. The services of Frank W. Uickey, of Marshall, a horge man of considerable note in the state, have heen secured to act as judge in the norse department of the county fair. Another good move. Owlng to a misunderstamling of dates, Col. J. II. Brlgham, of Oliio, ex-muiter of the NxtloiiHl Grange, will not speak at the county fair, but his place will be supplied by Oen. Qeo. Spaulding, of Monror, an eloquent speaker. The county fair, which conimenccs Tuesday and ends Friday, is something the people ouglit to interest thetnselves in. Have you not sompthlng that will help the exlilbltion ? If you have, just bring It along and help maka the Mr boom. The secretary of the fair has received applications from no less than fifteen men desiring to run games of chance on the fair grouuds during fair week. To all of them the same nnswer whs given : "No games of chanco allowed on the grounds.'1


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News