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Salt Rheum The agonies of lhose who suffer f rom severe alt rhcum are lndescrlbablc. The cleanslng, hcallng, purifylng induences of Hood's Sarsaparilla are uneflualled by any otlier medicine. " I take pleasure ia recommendlng Hood's Sarsaparllla, for it has doue wonders ior me. I had salt rheum yery scverely, affectlng mo over nearly my cntlre body. Only those who have sullered from thls dlsease in lts worst íorm can imagino the exteut of my afflictlon. I trled many medicines, but fuiled to receivc benefit untll I took Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then tho dtseas bcgan to subside, the Agonizing Itch and Pain disappeared, and now I am cntirely free from the disease. My blood seems to bc thoroughly purifled, and my general liealth ia greatly beneflted." Lymak Allen, Sexton N. E. Church, Nortli Chicago, Hl. "Myson bad salt rheum on lils hands and the calves of hlslegs, so bad tliatthey would crack open and bleed. He took Ilood's Barsaparilla and is cutirely cured." J. B. Stadion. Mt. Veruon, ühlo. From IO8 to 135 " I was seriously troublcd with salt ëicum for three years, and recelvlng no benent from medical treatmeut I decided to try Hood's Sarsaparllla. I am now cntirely cured of salt rheum; my welght has inercased from 108 lbs. to 135." Mbs. Alice Smith, Stamford, Conn. Il you suffer from salt vheum, or any blood dlsease, try Hood's Sarsaparllla. It has cured many others, and wlll cure you. Hood's Sarsaparilla gold by all druitgUti. JljiilforgS. Preparad only by O. L HOOD CO., Apothecario, Lowell, MaM. 100 Doses One Dollar


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