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Beauty Is (lesired and ailmircil 1 all. Aniong the tluiigs wliicli inay best ba cUdM (O v- i'iiiiaiiM' personal JmSI 1IS(' "' Aj'it's 1 1 air wliat tlic culcir of --jjjVAMr tljt huir, tliis pr-aAlillFKj dry, or tmning gray, isfeyE Í5 Aycr's Hair Vijror CS- 0W fjiOWtll, LIK l ronder tlie old soft and shiny. For kceplng the sralp (lean, cool, and hri'tnv, there la no btttax jireparation in the iiiarkct. " I ain (ree lo confesa that a trial of A.vrr s Jlitir Vigor lias ronvinrod mo that it i-i a genome artlcle. lts om lias mu only caiised tbe lialr of my wife and ¦¦i be Abundant and Glossy, lm: it liad giren my ratlior stnnti'd nmst i Ue .i reftpectable lengtb and appearan-.v" -11 Britton, Oakland, Ohio. "My hair wm coming out (without anv aulntance frora my wifc elther). I tri.' 1 A.vrs Hair Vigor, iising onlj on.' 1 i tl.-, and 1 now have as tii, heail "f bak as anv one could wish for." - R. T Schmlttoa, Dlckson, Tenn. ¦¦ I have iited Ayer'a tïalr Vigor In my family for a number of yeara, anl regard ii as Ihe best hair preparation I k-nowof. It kiTps tbe scalp the liar soft and livi-ly. and preserves the rigtnal color. My wife lias used it f.r & time with'most satisfactory resiilM. - Benjamin M. Johnson, M. 1).. Tkomas Hill, Mo. " My liair was li. coming liarsh and dry, hut after using half a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor it grew hlaok and glossy. I cannot expresa the Joy and gratitnde I Malie] O. Hardy, Di-lavan, 111. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PEEPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Druggists and rerfumers. " I ¦ '"' ¦ " Thisis the Top of the Genuin i PearlTop Lamp Chimney All otiiers, similar are imitat ion. iSrhis exact Label .i,% SlV isoneachPeari i iÊ S4 Top Chimney. J3rj A dealer may say u;;;' Wj and tliink he has OVK ijgpK' others as good, JjZP' BUT HE HAS NOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. Fus Salí Everywhere. Mace ohly sy BEO. A. MACBETH & CO.. Pfttsburgb, Pa. C I DER mAuHINEnYctioe9tUJn" FnEE Address C. G. HAMPTON, Detroit, Micb. Piso's Cure for ContSk sumption is also the best p Cough Medicine. If you have a Cough 3 without disease of tho BI M Lungs, a few doses are all M Ka you need. ButifyouneIQ E3 glect this easy means of INI tj4 safety, the slight Cough Hl tJ may beconie a serious jEj Ija matter, and soveral bottles will be required. 1CARTEKSI ¦PlTTLE ' j CURE Bick ücadache and roliovo all tho tronblfts Incident to a billoua state of tbo system, such as DizzinesB, Kausca, Drowsincsa, Distross aftor rating. Paic in the SMo, 4a. While thoir most romarkablo succoss has been shown iu curing SÏCK Jlcadache, yet Cartcr's Littlo Livor Pilis aro cqually valuablo in Conetipatiñn, curing and proventing tbisaiinoyincomplaint.whilo tbeyalso correct all di sordera of thostomachtimulate tho liver and regúlate tlio bowela. Even if tbey only 5 HEAD Achethcywoaldbealmoetpricelesstothosowho euffcr f rom this distressing complaint; baft f ortuuatoly their good nosa does notend hcro.and thoso irhooncotrythera will flnd theso littlc pillsvaluabloln soniany wayathat they will not bo willing to do without them. But af ter allsick head ACHE Is tho bane of po many livea that horo Is where wo make our gre-at boast. Our pilla cure it whilo Othors do not. Carter's Littlo Liver Pilbi aro very small and vcry easy to take. One or two pilla makea dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purgo, but by their gentleaction plcifloall who iirtothem. In vialsat 25 cents ; fivofor$l. Sold by druggists everywhere, or nent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLP1LL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE O The BUYEHS' GUIDE ia issued Maroh and Sept., each year. It is an encyclopedia of useful iuformation for all who purchase the luxuries or tho necessities of life. VVj can olothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various size: Btyles and quantities. Just figure out what is required t do all these things COMFORTABLT, and you can makea fair estímate of the value of the BOYEES' GUTDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERYWARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Til.


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