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I PAiNT I I Byn,InTrOITACOS OTK-fOATBrOfiYrMVT 1-fi Hint l-'riday. run it lo Church Sunday. Eight - = L Sa Faihionabie Shades: Black, Maroon. VcrmiTion „ „ ? 3 Bltie Ycllow, Olive I.ake, Brewster and Wiyon c f+t Green. No VwoHhing; necessary. BriM hird t wiih a "hinc." une Coat and job is done, a -' L YOUR BUCCY ffl - Tip top for Chaira, Lawn Sean. Sash. Flower Lm , Pots.Baby Carriams, Curtain Polcs, Fumlturt. fl"Q UU 1 ronl, Storefront. Screen Ioors. Boais. s r 1 s, Iron Femcs, in fut everytbi:iL. Jim L o ""¦ the tiiiug íor the Jadíes to uve alíout the house g . L FOR ONE DOLLAR Jl 2C0ITSH0NEST LJ) Are ynu poing to Paitit this ycar? If so. don't o fi t r, Imy .i puilt contatntng watet or benzine irheii L id _ Cor the tama monev(ornarly-aD) you tan procure "3 COI I' 108 l'tllh 1'tlN i' ti It i. warrntp( to 5 tf 3 - bean HOMST, (ninK UNÍiUtD-OIL AIT "8 g ,ind free ftoni water and benzine Urutand Ihli J __ Km mi timl lato no Ihrr. M tchant haiullinff ggg J it ate our agents and authori rf b writing. 5z s to arr.nt it to wi-ar 6 ÏK1H8 lli S tOA'lor i 2_ LA $ TltAlTfi ffith 2 COAT. Oor Sli.des are the J cl % l.atest Styl-s nsed in the Mast now btoniiny _"¦ Uu M m t!ie West, and up with thc time, ü - rf 'fy br.inrl of IIBH-t I'AIXT and yon will -fj 5 ' never rejjrt.t iL This to thc w&e iü tufficíenl .u v = HOUSE PAINT pi iCOIT'SFLOORPAINTS Paint that never drled beyond the sticky point. 3C ¦1 Mía r week, hmí! the job, and tiien swearT f Nrxt time cali lo( POI I A. O'S FlAiOH PAIH1 Z. L 4 popular and suu.ible sh.des, rnirr:m( i lo dri Lmm - - hnrd a rurl cr m-ht. No troublc No U g 3-dWONT DRY STiCKY ¦ ¦ni II ICcivarilctl are those wlio rem! U f'u] VlIiIs and then Hc-t; Uiey wlll flnd ¦ UUu I li'mir.!.li. eraploymeDt UjhI will nol tiike [tii'ni trom thcir bornes and farullles. Tbe pronta ure large uinl uure for eviry IndQBtrtona person, many llave inade and are now inakiuti si-vrral linndr. il dollar a montli. Il Is easy for any une to makc Sr aiui npwards per tlay, who is wiUlnjí lovon. Kllher 8ex. young or oíd; capital nol n.'cdrd ; wc start yon EverythinK new No special abllity required, you, reinier, can do It as well aH auy une. Write to i?s at once forfull particular, which we mail free. Addreas MilnBon & ('o.. Portland, Matne. ¦ ¦¦¦ Moa U'onilrra exlst Ín ihousandx of llLTUforins. but are surpassed by ttie mar MMMt veis of Inventlon. Thoe who are In neod of profltahle wurk hat can be donewhlle living at home should at once eend thetr address to Mallet & Co., Portland, Malne, aud recelve free. ful 1 Information how elther sex, of all ages, can earn from ÍS to $i5 per day and apwards, wherever they live. You are Ktarted free. Capital uot required. 8ome have marie over föU iu a single day at thls work. All succeed. MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Ratea FoTir Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Inace, Clioboyfrnn, Alpen, Harrisviile Otcoda, Sana Beach, Port Hurou, St. Clair, Oaki.ind House, Marine City, Every Week Day Beiween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Speoial Sunday Trips during July and August. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS iiatcs and Sxounion Tickets vU b f urulshed by i our Ticket Agent , or addresB E. B WHITCOMB, Gon'l Pu. Ag.nt, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE I $29,000,000. eenrity held for the protection of the pollcy CHRISTÏAN MACK Kepresentí 'he followlnK first-clac comptniep, of which one, the .lEtna, bua alono paid f5S,000,000 Ure loPBfd in Klxty-flve y.'HTB: Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Frankiiu ot Philadelphia 3,118,713 Gcrmiini, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán Ainerioan, N. Y 4,06f,968 EiOndon Assurance, Lnmloii.. . 1.416,788 Michijran F. fc M., D.'troit. . . 27 . 008 N. Y. Uiidtrwnicrs, N. Y 3,696,676 NiitioiiHl, Hartford 1,774,506 l'hffinix, ÜMOklya 3,759,036 I.osscs liberally adjusted and nromptly pnd. Policies tssued at the lowent rate of nreinium llOltf Estntc of Jamos Claney. QTATEOF MICHIGAN, County or Waahlenaw i, n. Ata KOííion of the Prohnto Court for the County ol Waalitenaw. holden at the Probate Office. In Ihc city f Ana Arlmr, on Turrday, the twi-ntyeihth dny ot August in the yiar one 'honpand "lht hundr.d and.elghty-igbt 1'reNent, Wllllam 0. IlMirinian, Jodtfe of Irohatf. In thü matter of thu cwtat ol James 'lanry, deceafed. m rc:ulii!: and fllingtlie pctltlon, dnly vorlHed, of J m - ll.Chncy. Draytni t hit a cenairi liwtrumeut n-'W 'n (Ue In ihi-t court pnrpórtfnff to it ttic las' wlll and testament if wild doceased, m adtnlitcd lo i robite, hthI that he and (Jeorüu E. liieck may tie ippolotrd eatM fr thi-reof. Tbereapon 11 la orderad,tua1 Momlay. thetwentyfourth day of Septi mher nest, t ten o'clock iu ihe forenoon. lx1 aselyned lor thu heartiiK of kl ntition, and thHt the devisve, lejraM, and luir at luw ol sald dcceaed aud all other pamna intcrattod ni Haid t-statt', are ri'ijuirt'd to jippt-ar at a sepston ol' iaid court, then to W holden at the Probate üfflie. In the city of Ann Arh..r. ud show caiiKe, II any there In-, why thr prayer of ihe petitioiitTHhould liot be fcjranted. And t Ib Turther ordered, that nld peMi Inner glve aotlce to tht' pi r-onp interested ín nald entate. j f the iiendency of iaid petitlnu and the hearine hereuf, l candor ¦ ,-,,,, ,,f thln or.ier to le pnbinhrd in the Atin Arbor Courier, a - wgpanar iiioted and circolated In fiiiti countr. three huc'esuive weeks prviooi to Hiil di oi ln'arlug WILLIAM O. HAKR1MAN. (A trne copy.) Jodue of Probate. VM. U. DOTY. Probate RexUter.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News