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láj Central Time talilo taking effect Ju'y lóth. 1888. Ontral Htandard Time. CHICAGO T0 DETROIT. olió P _ ,; a 'dl A s í fa !¦ !ï t J a Af 2 s! Il ! 1 1 l f 1 jë il L A.l. A.H. P. '..¦ P. ... Chicago .Lv. 500 900 3 10 4 40 ... 10 0 9 10 Kalamu'Mi... 10 Si) 138 658 B50 7 10 886 ïil Creek. 11 IS 116 7 33 7 5fi ( 27 3 15 Jarkson 120 4 15 8 4 3 6 15 4 46 GraeaLake....1 14.) 55 64 5( helse 20. 10 117 10 527 Dexler 2 17 121 7 S7 541 f-elhi M1I1B...Í a : ¦ 737 Ann rbor.... 2 43 5 30 9 41 101 7 50 600 Vpailanti 3 00 5 45 53 '0 53 8 OS 6 17 ttayneJpnc 3 %=, 6 05 1 8 i 648 Detmt ....Ar. 4 10 6 45 10 45 ...U'O 8 20 7 80 at.Thomw.... 10 10 11 05 20' ... 12 10 12 4Ï 3 S6 FallBViow 459 344 6 46 M B-xIlA 2 2l' 5U3 347 650 BnffHlo ... 330 4 3517 16 .. ¦ 7 25 5 55 9C6 DETROIT TO CHICAGO I u ê ís sá é 't i ï iZ w= 5 't L ï 12 il _ i _ 1_ 1! A.M. AH A M P.M p. M P.u. A.M. nufiAlo 1130 53.3 605 9 00 1 00 ... N. fallí, 1145 6 .... 2iíL... St.ThomaB 4 3. 9 5" 11 10 105 540... a.m . .. p . pm. p.m p.m. a.M. Detroit.... Lv. 73 910 120 4 00 800 10 15 3 46 Wayni: Jniic. S 11 53... . 4 45 8 38 10 55 .... Ypsllantl .... 8 33 10 17 212 512 9 00 1118 4 45 AnnArhor... 8 50 10 40 2 24 5 30 9 15 1135 5 00 Delhi Mills .. 90i) 542 Dexter 908 5 S0 9 44 6 16 Chlnea 9 6 06 10 00 6 27 (irsM Ijike... 43 697 1025 .... 6 43 Jacküon 10 13 1145 327 7 10,1055 1264 25 BalUeCreek.. 12 091 1Ï3 4 381 8 52 12 27 2 15 7 65 K&lamaziK). . . 1-2 50 2 04 5 15 9 45 1 -iü 3 07 8 40 t'h1caio...Ar. 6 K n 40 9 30 7 00 7 45 6 40 O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYBS, O. P. AT. Agent Aet. Ann Arbor. Chicago. Toiedo, Aun Arbor A North MIcblgM Rallwai. TIME SCHEDÜLK. To take effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, July 22d, 1888. Train rnn by Standard Time. GCTNQ NORTH. STATIONS. ïf S SÍ ft. ft. I wg Ia. m. p u. p. ü.Ia. ¦. Toledo Lv 9 15 3 25 11 00 06 Manhattan Jnnction 9 2.' 3 311110 15 Alexl 9 30 3 36 11 18 6 3 Samarla 9 38 8 50ll 50 7 16 Monroe Jnnction 9 58 4 0512 8 00 Dundee 10 U7 4 13112 35 K 2J Azalia 10 15 4 23 1 SU 8 50 Milan 10 25 4 31 1 05 9 15 Urania 10 37 4 431 1 87 f6 l'i'tHtield 10 HO 4 52 1 40 10 15 Aun Arbor 10 55 5 07 2 01) 10 55 Lelan 11 Hl 5 27 2 25 11 U0 Whltmore Lake 1124 5 45 3 47 12 SO Howell 12 00 6 2S 3 55 1 68 Durand 100 7 15 5 15P.M. ('orunna 121 7 46 6 47 Uwoo 180 755 60U Owotwo Junction 1 40 8 00 6 55 Iiha n 3 55 9 18 7 52 8u Louis 4 lf 9 35 10 A.'ma 4 27 9 41 8 16 Mr Pleasant 5 li 10 20 8 58 riirvvf-ll 6 50 11 05 10 00 Oulllluc Arl 8 4 ....1145 _p..p. . i..!:- GOINO 8OUTH. I-i' & =1'!= STATIONS. - s[j l A. M A. H. P Cadillac Lv 7 X 150 Kiirwell 5 5(i 915 8 47 Mt. Pleaeant 6 40 10 07 4 86 Alma 7 23 10 45 5 12 st. l.onls 7 34 11 116 5 16.... IthHCa 7 52 10 511 5 83.... Owosko Jonction 8 57 IS 05 6 0 a. . Owdss.i 9 001230 635 630 Corunna 9 0 12 37 6 42 6 50 Dnrand 9 27 1 00 7 15 7 46 lliiwell 10 15 155 7 55 10 16 Whltmore Lake 0 50 2 3t) 8 31 12 30 I.clnnd 11 li' 2 5" S 5'J 106 Ann Arbor 11 87 307 908 1 l'l'tr-flYld 11 40 3 22 S ! 2 Hl Tiai.ln 1147 3 :t0 9 T. 2 K Müan 12 01' ¦! 50 9 40 3 00 zalla IJ ]ii 4 00 V 50 3 20 f 111 dm 12 IK 4 10 9 57 3 45 Monroi' Jnnction 12 Ï4 4 11)'6 O5 Samarla 14 4R 4 32 10 SO 4 45 Alexis 12 5 4 4BÍ10 :i5 S 16 Manhutlaii Junction 104 4 55110 40 6 Toledo All 1 101 5 (101 10 48 6 46 p. .p. nr. n.r._; outli Ly.jn Kranch. NOKTH BOUND. STATIONS. SOUTH BOUND Train g Train 6 A. U. A. M. 7 45 Ar. Worden? Ar. 9 45 8 00 Ar South Lyon Lv. 9 30 Cnnnfctlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroartsdivw in?; at Manhattan Jumtion, wlth Whwline Krlc K. R.; at Aluxl Junciton, wiib M. t. 1(. R., L. S. M. B. Ry. and V. 4 P. M R. R ; ' Monroe Junctlon. with L. S. 4 M. 8. Ry.; at Dondea, with L. S. M. . Ry., M. & O. Ry.; al Mil Junctlon. with Waliaih, St. Loul H) ; at Pittsñeld, wlth L.s. M. 8. Ky.; at Ann Aroor with Michigan Central H. R., and at South Lyoo with Deiroit, Lanflng St Northern R. H.. s Mich. A. L Dlv. of Grand Trnnk Ry. At Hnibnri; wlth M. A. I.tne División Grand Trnnk KIAt How.'ll wiih Detroit, Lauslng & Nonbern Ky. tDurand wlth Chicago & Graud Trunk R'y ni1 Detroit, Oraud Haven 4 MilwAukic R'y. AtOwoêo Junction wlth Detroit, lírand Uuven êe MH" kee R'y and Michigan Central R. R. At St Lo"' wiih Uetroit. Urêitig Jt Northern K. K. and W na Villey 81. Lonli h'y. At Alma wltl, De"'1'' I. ml ni? Northern R'v. At Mt. Pleanant Ho Fliut & Pcre Marquette R'y. H. w . ASULKY, General Manater. W. H. BENNETT, A. J. PAlBLET. Oen'l. Pam. Ticket Airent. I-ocal Agent.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News