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One On Uncle Russell

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lt is ii fací well known on Wall strcot that Mr. Hiisscll Sage is of au economlcal turn of mind Altuougb he has mtlliona of chilláis ai his command he seUlom cxpends a üimo Umi eau by auy hook or ciook l)o saved. -a maller of ecoaomy Mr. Snije for rnanv years rteclined lo replacetbe shabbjr ihi'i u-i id othei furnituro in his business o, lier. " ihcse oM ihlnn air good cnougb for !no, " I v aiil. "uiu! ttin't anv use of getting luw unes." A fe il ¦. ugo the faiiiuus (irofessor of jnits mul i ihIh h i ir out of i.iw ii on n business nip, Wis employés look ad aulaga Of llis alisenee, aud liad Ule oiliee H'iiovsit¦(.'(l and rcfurnished in tiandsome styla Wlleu Mr. iroge returned he as so astdiiisheil il was se eral niinuies hcforo hu could recover bimsclf to brv: "Well, boys, Ihis is a terrible waste of money; but now lliat the Ultnn are paid for I Eiiess we mllfhl as well ki'en Ihem."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News