The Romance Of A Convent
Neiir Maestrichl ia Üclgium is u Judies' boardine school coodui leü lv sisters of a lioly order with a superior al ita Uead, A few weeks ago ¦ yoimp lady was inlrustcd to tliciu wilh a particular warniug to tako good care of her and Dot ullow lier any private society. Last week an old lady if a distinguiahed look came to U' placo mul aiked lor the girl, layiiigshe w .-. liy the parenta to uke her home. sister eiilled lliu boanier BBd snitl she woi;ld go for ihe lady superior to talk to the strenger. When tbe superior entered room she foond it empty. The visitor had assiiitcd the boardei to escape by 3limbing the all of the back (tarden and luid folio wed her. The inarks Jcfl by tho visitoi boots itMised the terrible augplclon Lbat tbe lady visiior Ivui actual 1 in-en a urn in ÜMf Km,
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News