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Texas Journalism

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A Texas journalist, who had been sumnur fallowing blmsetfon u stock ranch for ¦ couple of yeare, suddenly assmned coair! of a country weekly, and ín tUe tirst issue iftcr he struck Umj quarter deck, be published a small and unpretentious card, 10 wbicb be said: ¦'I be former odilor of tliis Bhecl is pnielically .-mil polttically dead, bul The Sausage Btill survives. It is jusi as weli, Ihough, and i mighty sigln botter, ;is i uui ;i bonsai editin', and sliiifj one ol tbc must caustic and ti uentost quilla wesi oftiie Ked íírr. I tiave a record behind me wbich dotísu'l ueed a new coat o f whHewaab every spring, like that otlier editor wbich receutly peyunked and drawed mil of the ganiv. ¦Ai gitten up obltuaries I'm a tossel top, and if ihrn's any bitch in the program I cm generally fnrnlsh a freíli corpso tin sbort notice, and at tbe usual sliglit advnce on cost ot inibrUon. I inerely Ibrow lliis out as a feeler lo the opposisbun, wliicb, 1 Lear, is g massing íta fi agin me and my paper, and, by ibe freckleed, cock-eyed gods of war, bere'H bu .-i power of bis;b-prieed opera tlofttiug in the air, if any of Ibem ry tu cliine me ¦i ibere Uenny corte house ring iu lis swcet-sccnled localilv. i'll gct on (o . sure a you're a fool bígh. l! ibero is b any munkying witb tbo free-bora, ntranimeled country delegates to (he nezl y conveation, i'H he tbero witb my .ice washod and Luir combed back ot niy ais. 'Tve licked many :t good man, and Tve ! r iv.iir in my variognted career, bul l've alwaya uoticed that tbem feilen who whipped mewere not tlic samo nnii aflerwards, and drooped along for a while Hke a sun-structí tomato vine, and flnally droppcd into the grave uith a dull tlmd, bavlu kinder out lí ved tlieir usefulness. "1 wanl i distinctly remeuibered that l'ni ni from llíe back connties, and ain't ap lo the cortvmiket of thestrawberry liloiKlt or i be jiil]iy dude. If 1 make anymiacuea it will be more an error of the head than the beurt, bul for all that I piopose to run a jam up, sizzing hot, nifty little paper, and move along with the hek kiml of harnioiiv, bul it barmony bucka and trie to do any sort of lin on me, harmony will bave i" gitofl tbo track and let me glide righl ínter the confldence of the public. "If iliis journal saya anyth{ng out of tbo way and grlevea any mottlc-faced teu"ierfoot, reineuibcr lui the man he wants lo sec iiboul it. There ain't no back staira or back nlndows to this sanctum gane tori u iu. l'ni aluays in. I'm ever on tbe (xipod, and uu wilh these few brief reHiarks I cordially invito ererybody's cooperntion and subscriptions. The tone of the paper fill be luiré in M-nlinienl. chaslo iu expreasion, and lypographically bany up and delirious."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News