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A Lost Car

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Aiiniii two montüs ago im cast-bound [reigut traia over tbe L'utoii Pucirtc broke in f u neat Larainie City, ( ui., wblle go ing down liillin ibünigllttfn e. Tliefront l:ilí'. going aruund a curve, wbipped olï lbo reur cur. wntch weut rolling down o ' eiubankment. Tbe ¦.¦ir w:is tille. I witb cboicc silks, and yet tts departure from ibc fronl end was go clean and unattemlwl by any uu usual sbcn k Lhal iliu iraiu ui' n ilid aot notice il. Tbeycouplwi up iigaiu aiid wem on to Cbeyenae, where usa was dUcovorcd. Since that time bcarch has h un mude for Utc cm along the wbolu line, but to no avail. Lasl werk a ii a caí lyiug beliind ;i bic uf i-ocka and L-ovcred wiib busbes down u deep draw. He chMiced to be go fK '¦' l!l lation, and casually ui v, n iiie couipany didn t uu Hiai wreek. Tbe gent accom puiiH-d Ulm back and discovered tbal il Wns tbe missing car, Asidc from beln liinkcn in ai lbo gides sligbf.y iba car was nol damagcd, and ils valuablecontcnts und intact. j


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News