Made From Worn-out Saws
A wagon, heavily laden with a uondescript assorlment of oíd mwi in ; i stage of decreptitude, was slowly wending its W8v along a Kew York avenue the otlier tiiiy. 'íhu curious collection caugbt the eyes of a reporter, who, liailing tlie driver, inquired wbltber he was bouud with his unique load. "Jump aboard ani I will show you." The reporter clambered lo tlie lofty seat and there obtained a closer view of wliat appeared to bc the most valueless lot of rubbish imaginable. There were hundreds of saws i tlie load of every kind Rnd description, from the long ana broad two-handled instrument of the lumber camp to the delicate scroll íaw óf tlie cabinet-maker, and thero was not a whole one in the wagon. s PröceediüE siowly lo a neighboring street, the driver turned into tlie yaití of a large factory, wlieio the broken and rtisty relies were dumped upon the ground to be sorted into separate piles according to their worth. "You will be surprised." said one oftbe proprietors of the establishment, "wltea you learn the vise to which these oíd saws are put nfter they lea ve our hands.' Then lcading the way into tile exhibítion-rooin of the place, the reporter'! attention was called to showcase containing a colleclion of engineerinir and Burgicat instruments of delicate inake and exquisito finish, includicg rulei, seztants, quadrants, compasees, and lanceta, and knivcs of tlic fin"ï-t mamifKüturu umi all tdghly polished. i "lOvery one of theso scientific instruments," continucd tlio proprietor, "ure made from the same stock which you saw duniped upon the ground a few momenU ago. We ïiiake a rotular business of buying usedupsaws from carpenten, cabinetmakers and olhers all over the country which we transform into these delicate tools. and they are the belt malcriáis for our purposes. It is not gt-nerally known Ihat saws are nrulc of tli" linesl iui:1 besttemperad steel, but it is a fuct, and llierefore, aa wc gei thomat prlces usually paid for Junk, you sec jt is much cheancr tuan inauufacturinjj our own product."
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News