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Three Blind Men

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Tho tbings lliat tliree blind men wlio live lu different parta of llie country can o are astonisbing. JoLn 8. Wemges, of Brecknock townsbip, Masuchosette, i ¦ mercbani and macaioe agent. HeselU binden, raspen, gmxa tnowers. and otlier farm hnplomenU, Wpa tbem away and jnits Uiera in running order. Simon CollIns, of Marfetta, bas jut Bnisnod ¦ pretty ca poe, eightcen feot Ion;, u rentest width lliiity incbes, and weigblng lil'ivsix pounds. Wlien tlu canoe was ready to u-e bc inspected il cArefully wilh bis fingere umi Miiil lic was perfectly satiaBod wiui liis woric lle walks Iba stroetoofbis lown r it bout auy assiatance except a cañe, and altend to tbe meel ing of the local lyceum and takea part In debate. Wbcn be fecls Hke taking a trip to New York or Boston lie tokea t. and oca alono, loo, Aal-on II. Eagle is total ly blind, likc Uic oüwr two. A suowball de slroyed liia eyoaUrbt wben a boy. lle is well knowti for miles around Mounl .loy. He walks miles into llie country alone, lic is aii agent for organs, and i's a skillful performer on and can repair Hich Instruments, lic is very fond of flowen, cultivatiw maiiy. aud takts pleasure in jhowing ilicm to his friends.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News