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A Maiden's Pocket Money

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"I Lave only an allowance of $10aweck for pockel money," sid thc daughter o( a millionaire Ín a confldential moment iüu otbcr la . "Papa bas such an idea of money, you kaovv, and be lliinks I am wildly entranganl lo gpend lliat small araount on candies, Üowers, noveU, and Ibeatcr tickets, Mam mu orders all inv clothiujt, yon kiii . and mi. ofcourae, 1 do not bave to buy anv hing I íeally need." To iDHDy a young uirl $ 10a wcekwouM sicm Mii1iicni for poekel niooey, and in deed, how maDV liundreds of prctty and clever girla aro ibero wlio can not earn mora iban lint nmounl even by working bard eadi day of the week? Bul thc a?erago fnaJiioDuble Bociety girl baa so many demandí on her pone tuat 10 does not go lar. Jt is said that Jay Gtould very generoh-Iv nllows his pretty daugliter 125, and uilli lilis BÜe no! ouly BiippHoS hi'r OWB wants, but givcs lo most oí het smsll cbaritics. "incluís Vaii(lcil)ilt and Elliotl P. Slicpard allow eack of tüeir gis cLildren i o rlam ainount of poekel inoncy cadi montii, and they ure required to keep cmIi accounta Rnd prcseiit ibera to tbeif papú tbe first of tlic montlt, Thc aniounta not large uud are given more lo make ib'1 litttlc uiillionaires underataud tho valué of mouey iban ougbl elae. Willifl K. Vanderbilt'a tinco liii aro nllowod plenty of poekel tuoney! are ttried beavily for all misdeineanors. 'l'licy dille in a prcllv little room adjacent !¦ llie groal drinking aaha, and if a vi'iv dri of any toffee or roilk or wine fa spilied on the snowy plotli the offender i nned 35 cents for cacb offense. A glasa ot wali r knocked over or a disb lcfíal! on Lhe door brings a Auoof 50 ecnta to tbu culprit, and all t lie fines go to ihc foreigo and home ntission. '1 do mu Ihink tuat lite wenUliied N.w i'orkers are more tliaii liberal in allowing poekel money for thcir diiughterg," sanl tbe principal of a very la-hionable up lown sclioiil. "My pupila are most of ihcm daugbten of milHounires, ánd y -i ihc bave schloin enough for tlieir manv little wants, li i wisdout. mil nieannen, on tbc part of thc párente, 1 lliiuk."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News