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The Strange Sight That A Traveler Saw In A Lonely Tepee

The Strange Sight That A Traveler Saw In A Lonely Tepee image
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1'! 11 hunting fomc losl Ík ti = Ui ilie broken country real of Uic I!i.' lio' ii iii i. I liad ridUcn aü moraiag over a country that was strange tome Alumi ll ij'clx:k 1 croccl i plateau Mtl 8urpri.ed to cume suddculy to Uie of a can. ni, the existence ol tvhich I bad nu' even suscote(l. T ti the canon wui streain with rlumps of cottonwood timbet Hloug iis Imnks, and in onc of ilusr open gpixt's wns au I ndian lodgc, The Indliui Hiai luintctl in iliai country werc peaceable lm llic war was ju.-t over imd llu. Sioux fteling ratber ore. Iftlicv w.rc ('rows or Arapahocfl I mighl uci siinic information nbout my horses. 1 Imv down mul u.ii.lic.l No snioke carne f rom tUí tepec; un one moved round !t;luüfi dozen iraníes grazcd a lew Imndrod yttrdi distunt. There wiis uoteven a dog, whicb loitkctl ralhi-r BUSpícioUS. Aiiii wailiux Bvc minutes IKncwno more Hum ai Hret. Suddeuly tbree white lail dcor ciime froin the timber uní walki-d lelsurelv iiirii-s iiic openine. 'I'hcn ] knew llial camp was deserted, acd tlif Btrnngcnees of ii stHrtled me 1 inounted and rode down to the creck, and strairiil 111 tbe tepec. I Ihrew back I lie Bap, ana I hall n inember wlmt I saw uutil death. 1l the center of Ibe (cinc wan ipread a biif falo robe, oad i.m thc robe were iruns and ¦cnlpa .iii.l iii.i ii nrrows; and luere wai hI-ii lo.ui clone n[i :i for a journey; and sittiug cross-leetrea In a circle around thí robe werc bíx bravea of tbe Sioux oaüotí All were in iheír prime all decked out g ai paint, aii.l each ono held a lura and anou ín liíü band. On every face was au expression of (alm i m I i tl - 1 i - . as of UQjl who ucilber Buffers nor cnj... neithci hop. , fears. The faces were thosc of dead men, and llic small pox liad niaikcl tbcm witb i Is aul'ul mark. Tlicy look theii in -.(iv wilb ihcii headü u. aod ever the horrors of ilii.-. disease could toavc upon lueir liearts do Main oi feu, npon tfieir brows po mark of suffering. And this tbai llicirGod might judgetbem men. Jiinl dl tlicin to pitcll tlicir cuuipn fowvei in iv and natn liclds o IVmlis'.:


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News