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Mt.SOVU' iiikii nuil. .ss kbor i'ommandkry. No. IX meet first Tuanlay of flach month. C. E. Hlxcook. KC.; John K. Mlner, rteeorder. VASHrKVW fH.VtTKK, No. 6, R K. M.- MeWs flrat Monilav each month. J. L. Slone H P.; 7,. Kunth. poritarv. uiiess caros. DENTIST. Rooms Omt Ann Arbir Savinsrs Rank Opp. Oiirt H'nsf Square. 7ITALIZSD AIR A4mini8treH. Ir 'n agrenhie ad ay 'o ttke, and tv pratrnlln(t --n ¦! 'ol'ow while teeih are extra te i without pain, CHAS. L. ALLEN, öontractop and Builder. Plans and Speclficutlons "ftrefully drawn. Kesldenee, 46 E. Catherine St., Ann Arbor, Mich. DR. C. HDWELL, PHYSICIAN Ornes, Room 4, Masosic Block. OBlce hours : to 13; 2 to ö p. m. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN Office üvf.k First National Bank. Hodks at Office: 10:30 to '2 a. ra ; ï:3 to S:tU d. in. i'.in be reaebed at reside nee (West Huron street, the "Prof. Nlchol plu'e") by telephone, No. 1)7, and wlU reply to oll la the evenlng. UIIIn HERZ, House, 3ign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Ptperioe. iïKzinc, (lildln, nd Calciminine, and wortt of every decriDtiün done in the lut aiyle.and warranted to give aatisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St,, Ann Arbor. o. im:. cjLiTiisr, DEALER IS CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Ooramon ColUns. Calis attented to Day or Nlulit. Kmtaalmlng a speclalty. StO'eroora on I". Washington street. Resldence Cor. Liberty aod Flftb. V. II. I llMt. IDtiESilIIITIIIIISÜTII. OFFICK : Orer Rach & AbcI's Dr Qood Store. Entrance next to National Bank. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldesl agency In tbe city. EstablUhed orer squarter of aoentary ago. Represeutlng tbe (ollowlng flrst-clasg eompauies, wlth over 60,000,000 Capital and Aselt. HOME IN8. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL IN8. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN3. CO., of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., or Phlladelpbla. ORIËNT IN8. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. RatM Low as the Lowest, Losses Liberally Adjustod and promptly l'ald. C. H. MILLEN. Jorome Freeman ! Moves from bis preeent stand oTer Watts' to the POSTOFFICE, BARBER SHOP ! BATH Knoins, Mouday, Marcli 10. ti lías taa ;:: baths ! THE iNN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOR. MICHIGAN, Transacte Qoneral Banking Business. CAPITAlT $80,000. O'ltMilzed ander the General Banking Law ol U tte, the itockholdors are indlvldnallv Hable w n tddltlontl amonnt eqnml to the stock held by wem, therebjr creatinif a Uuarantee Fund for the Mneat of Deponitors of $100,000.00. Tare per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Ssvlngf uP4)He of one dollar and apwardB, accordiug to 'He rule or the Bank and lotereot compounded ¦nl-annoally. Koneyto Loan on nninciitnbered '1 estáte and other good securlty. DIRECTORS : CURI8TIAN MACK, WK. D. HARHIMAN, W.W. WINE8. DANIEL HI8COCK, WILLUM DBDBEL, WII-LAKU B. HM1TH. DAVID RINSEY. ÜFFÍCER8: C.MACK,Pres. W. W. WINEK, Vlce-Pre C. n. HISCOCK.CaBhler. TWïfllKHTnll ha revolutlonlzed tlie world IikH Uclurlng tbe last balfcenlury. '" '¦MllUii Wot least among tbe wonders of hiventtve proresü Is a jneihod and System or work tliat can be perormwi all over the country wltbout Hppnraiin th workere h-om tbelr homes. Pay llb""i;any one nm do the work; elther sex, rL"P.g,or old; "u "P"'11"1 iiblllty r.-qnln-d. ilfr not "eeded ; you ure starled Ir e. Cut iniii out and rrturn tu us and we wlll send jou rre, oraethlng of great value and lmP"rtance to you, that wlll start you in busl¦.bltlill brlne you In more raoney „nl ."way than any'hlng elne In tbe world. aiuif M fT"' Aüdress True Au I


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