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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powiliT ncvcr variea. A mirvcl of pnrlty strengt!) miei wholsxomeneia. Mre economie! thau me orrtinary kinds, and eau 10I be solrt In compi'litt n wilh the mu Itirudf of luw test. nhort wlgbcalnm or ph nphatop wdeir. $old mily In caiij. Koyai. B kinu Powder Co , in Wuli 81 N. Y. lOOfíSÍElOir Skin "¦tielj enp. l-'l-li a iuuhh I .11. l.i-u ilimliiïMM l on -llirl In lz. omltlloii li peleas. lliel b) iitiriir ;{iin IIi. FüttbrM ears I wa alm st ertppted wiih nn awiuUoreleg fr-vn mrkneedown 10 my anklc ; the kin w ip en tl rel; goae. and the Boeh on mass of disease. 8i me phyMdana prononnerd it iiinurabli. It had dinniished about one tbird the alxe of ihf other, nd I was In 1 hopeleffl condl'lon. Alïi-r tryir ir II kh'dn cf remedtea and apendlDg hundreds 01 dollars, fr m whlch I gol nu whateTer I wv peiunaded lotry yonrCtTncUBi Kb!K' ik hi d the tnoll 119 followa: Aftcr t ti r :i 1 1 (,¦ ] e :i im idi-d i'hai ge for the i'tter. and at the end of two in inlhi 1 maeomp cnred. My flash was puritii d, and the hone(whlcn liad heen axpovAd for d er I yen jot 8 'ond The rteh b. ijin to ":rov and t'-dayt tid f-r nearly two year pa-i, nu Irgtsuwdll as ever It wat. sound in ever; rcw set, and nol 1 mea cl the dia ue t be seen. S. G. AHiKN. Dnbula, Di.dga Co., Ga. Terrible Sufl'eriiig tVnm Kkïn li. .¦!-. -m I h.ivc bt'en a terrible eoffdrerer for yt-nrs fr in diceases of ihe kiti and blo d, aad havr been ohliged to ahnn p blir , iea iiy reanon ot mv disflgnnnj; ht, mors. Havo had the best of phyelcian ai.d 8;,i-ut lnindrMls ot do(lar, bilt g )t no relief nntil I aaed iIkmttkiha Rbickdixf, wnlch hav cured ue, and )pU my "k:n al r and my blood agpuruaiiacbilil". - IL) A MA.Y BAS", , O!h,! Bnni b I'. o.. Min. Froui 145 l'ounds to 17 ron ií, 1 have taki'n seu'r il bo Ie at Odtiodra Ruoir vknt wfth all the rfplll's I conl-1 w r'h lor. Ah,tlt ibla Knm l'iit ysar, vheo emnm-ncti g Ira oe 1 weig .td 14. ponnd-.atid to d;ij i iretffh 172 poutidpi. Güo. O iMPBELL, Vaaiihgtun, l. 0. Kon -The CtrnotTB ük-oi.vf.nt fs beynnd all d"ttbt the greateit blond imrider ever 'com3'tunded. Coticuba, the ereat skin cttre,and Coticuk Soap, ati exquipito kln K'-aU'lfler, t'xteri allv Kt.d 3u icI'ra KKSOLTBMT. tfie tn'W Hlood l'nrifl'T. internally, u [o-iliv,' en e lor ever) lonn of Hkiti and Blood Dlseases from Pimples to öcrofula. Soldeverywbere. Prlce: Cüticuba,50c. ; Soap, Re; Rkholvent, (1. Prcpartd hy tlie Pottkr DbUO & CHBH1CAL Co., Botol!, M Bfl. BSSend for "llour to Cure Skin DUeasea," 61 pages, 50 Illnstrations, and 10U testimoniáis. R A R V'Q skio aD(1 Sralf pree erved and beaatlf DrAU I O flud ny CUTICUR4 Mkih atkdSdap. Constitutional Catarrh. No RÍDgle diaease haii entailcd more euflWine or haptened the breikiny ii oí the coaatitatlOB tban Camrrh. Th ennü of 8m-llt of taste, or llit, ot hearing, the tiuninn voico, tbfl mind- nne or more, and Hometimew Hll.yieM t' fti destructivo ii ll;ience. Thü poifn it throuyhmt the Hystem anarku 'very vital forcé, nd hn-ak up the moet rohugt of coi tttntlcoi. Iirnored, b b t little underntood, by niowt plivtilctan!", imp)tentiy assalled by qaacka and charlatans, thoee Baffcr'nif from it have liitle hope to be relleved of It thip Bide of the erave II ir rimo, Uien, that t e popular txea'ment ot this terrible diecase by remedies wlthln the rench of all pBBMd into hundí Ht once competent nd nuciwin iliy. The new nd hirherto untri-d method adopted y Dr. d'ord in the prepararion o! hls Radical Cürk has won the hem ty npptva] of thouandf. It Is i tantalio in aiT rdliiif relief in all head cldH, nreziiig. pnuftling and obstructüd br atl)li'tf,an(i nipidli removei ihemustopprvxstvr H.vmpfom. ciearlug lh head, sweercuing the bre th, reetorllUE tne oeuscB oi ameil, tast.' tod henrini;, aüd neutral tel Dg the rontittitional tondency of the dir-eaae towardd tlie Iudiü, liver and ki'itu'j'f. Sandpokd's Raiucai. Curi consista of one bottle of the Radical Cuke, mie bnx of ('atahkiial SoLTK.NT,anduneIxpKovED Injialeb; price, $1. POTTÜU UllüO 1ND CIIKMIÜA.L CO., 1ÍOSTON. KIDNEY PAINS, Striilns and ffWtWBMi fc Kelleved In orenvna e hy that marvelHB ons Antidote to Pain Infl imtnatio" and ¦f vekne. the Cutieu a ntif ¦ I'híii Piaster. The flrot and only 1 lL pul H-kil unir f trciii'tli'Mih : pla-ter. Ks Jk pecially uda,ti-d to In at.tly relieve ai d speedily cure Kidney and Iterlne Palnfand W. akness. Warranted vatlv stiperior to all other piasters. At all drugglet, 98 'in-: 5 for $1 00; r, posta.'e fre-, of Pottbu ukuo and Cukmical Co., Botton. Masa. THE CREAT j I Germán Remedy. Ia TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. j "Trmrmr.itiiiy fLomiwin !¦ !;¦ 10 111 BlliousSpellBdepend foracajcwheresix-lll onSDLPBDEBrmtM phub Bnm na il itwJll cure yon. notaaaiatorcure. ltJ -- ¦- - " oever rails. cs Q Io yon Buffer witn ihU Ithnt ti'icil ini'l nllgi'iK cicanaethc nkuoini (eellnic; 1' so, use iiiooil whiti yoo set I I sui.i'iii'B BrrrSKS; ,, Irapurlttes imi-st 1 1 tt wlll cnr yoo. Ingthroagb the i"l I -- - ' !- TTTT i Pimples, lsi. .t.iies.I I („HTutiv.Hu ya S(;r(,. ,,,,, o„y Qthe milla nml wort ! 'A '' ?m 11 íol S ¦ahope;ctorka,whodo ," (1 llt-'"" WUI 101 fl Ulnot procure eufllcleni ' III lcxcniHMinlall wli" .,, i i; l'.i i il usl I lllarei'iinflncdlnilnori. m cure Llvei nin III I IhIi.iuI'1 dm m i.t'itt k pant. Don't be lls-al ¦HlttTi-KitH. They wil) ,,,',„:,.. cl; ltwlllcurcUI Ba not then be wea imd . „Ui n Sl-M'IIIK "¦¦"'¦¦" '"¦¦'"llIII it nevar fali t"'""1 Sulphi bBittebsIU l,,u't iK-unlH.ut ;, wll.ii.'ii,.-.,i,, _lmttle. Tryit; yon pure, rldi and atronjr.lg nlwlll.intr.rrctit ¦iti.1 ..t.r f,lt liar.1. Ijl lllhca'itt), vrho are all ms to-nürht, ;i m 'II! lllrunilown.shoiililiiM1 y wlll sleep wi-lll I lllSUI.I'lll U ÜITTI'.ltS. ailjfivllitlrf 1W Do yuu -nut toe lu'st Bédlcnl Work uubllshed? end 8 2-ent etamps to A. 1'. üruway 4 Co, Boaton, Mass., and. reoclve B copy, free.


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