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A Wonderful History

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At the república n convention lult week, Albert Gardner, the good-natured Geiman supervisor of the lst and 2d WHrdK of this city, was placed upon the ticket for the office of Register of Deed. Mr Gardnerhad a wonderful tixperience In the army, and but few men in the world could have lived throiigh t. In 1861 he was living in l'ennsylvania, and whn the cali of Abraliam Lincoln rang out over the country for uien to dcfend the nailon he haslened to respond. In May of that year lie joined the M Pa. Keserve Corps as a private. All went well with him until the terrible ' Seven Days' Fight," under McClella, when at the battle of Charles City Cross Koads, on June 30th, 1862, he was terrlbly wounded, beinj? liter Uy bored tliroujih by a grape shot. Mr. Gardner lias the shot now, as a relio. It weiglis ;i zs., is as large as a very large horse chestnut. The ball cntered his left breast between the third and fourth ribs, only about 1} inches from his heart, and was taken oui at hls back just below the left shoulder blaile. IIow such a ball could go through ii person's body, as It dld his, and not kill hlin, Is u mystery of mysterie?. It will be reraenibored that McClellnii feil back, and the battle-field, with all it dead and wounded, was left in the hands of the rebels. AndthereMr. Gardner lay for six long, dreadful duys, exposed to the un and the storuis, his wound festerinjr, and even the inaggots breeding In the sore. His only sustenance was a cracker or two, and an occasional drink givcu him by the rebels who carne upon the field to pilfer the pockets and strip the dead bodics of the f lain. He was finally loiidcd into a wagon, taken to Kichmond and for th ree months endured confinement in that derf%f misery, Libby prisou At tlie end of that time he was fortuuately exclianged, but even then he could pour water Into hts wound and draw it "t through bis mouth, and for five months he could not lie down without blood run Dtnjr out of hls mouth. A fter being exchanged he was hotiorably discliarged, the surgeons not deeming him of any further service as a soldier He went home, commenced gettlng bet ter, and resolved to grive the rebel another trial. His pluck, or "sand" as thvj cali it now, coming to the notice of Qov Curtin, be was commissionsd as lst Lien tenant and asslgned to the lSth Pennsyl vania cavulry. With this regiment he served during '64 and a part of '65, unti the battle of Winchester, where under the command of that grand soldier so re cently mourned, Gen. Philip Sherldan he was again wouuded, this time in the thlgh, and he was discliarged from serv ice as a captain of cavalry, on the 31st o October, 1805. This is the soldier history of Albert Gardner, and it entitles him t( the gratitude of every true lover f thi country. He was a brave, noble soldier and not one man in a thousand couli pass through what he has passed througl and eurvive. After beintr dlscharged, he caine to thl city in December ot 186r, and has practi cally llved here ever since, an honest, in dustrious, upright citi.en, respected aiu esteemed by everybody. Because the faniily of states enjo; free trade between thetnsclves, our dein ocratic contemporánea, and especial l our Argus frieiui, argües tliat all tlie people of the world should bo nvited to share the privilege witli tliem. A beuuti lul sentiment, bnt arrant nonsensc as raattw of business. The demócrata of the 2d district have noiuiiiatcd James M. Lowüen, of Y pal lanti town, tor representativa in tiu state l(.'j{islatiire. The farm barn of Jas. Kiley, of Lyn don, barned by sparks fro u ii thrcslie last M )ndny, together wilh 800 bus. o wheat and 1,200 of rye. Loss $3,500, in sured In the Washtenaw Mutual. Tliere has been anothpr change i próprietorship of the Register. Mr Howard M. Holmes, who bouglit a hal interest in the offlee sonie time sinee Steps out :iinl Mr. liit.irili U iiiiin .! proprietor. A man named Henry Minear wa bounced trom the "dark train" at Dex ter, last night at about 11 o'clock, and a he was put off he attempted to catch on ayiiin, in attempting which he feil into the cattle-guard and bad is left arua mangled so tbat it had to be amputatec between the elbow and shoulder, Dr lee performing the operation. liobert E. Frazer fornierly of thls city is making a great reputation down eas as a speaker. He was one of the speakers at the ;;reat republican ratirlcition meet in held in New York city at the Cooper Institute last Tuesday eveuing. The Tribune report of his fpeech says he was interrupted witb "applause culminatinu in three cheers for the man froni Michigan." At the close of his speech there were "three more cheers for the Michi ga man."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News