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GEN, WM, H. GIBSON The silver tongued orator of Ohio, speaks at the zroiiêtik: HONDAY eVfi.,OÜT.18T. at 8:00 Ladies invited to come. Come out and hear [Uil Pil AT THE RINK. Free Trade handled without Gloves. FRIDAY, OCT. 5th. Ladies especially invited. Everytlihii; has a fair look about t this week. Go up to the fair tomorrow p. m., andhear Capt. Allen. Con. G. Cook is again boarding out for a few ilays. The orchestra of the M. E. Sunday scliool ft 11 be on bind again next Sunday. Protection Hose C 'inpany is to give a grand bèll at Fireman'a huil to-morrow night. Helen '1'. Huywalt was jrranted a dlvoice lust Fridiiy from Johu T. RuywaltDeiter parties. The annunl rental of pews in the M. E. churcli will tnke place next Monday evening üct. 1, at 7:30 p. m. Re?. Win. Bradshaw, of Galesburo-, III., bas been called to the pulpit of the Congregatiotial church of thiscity. Postmaner Duffy hae two pocket books eaeh conuining some money which the o'ner can have by provinjj property. I n the list of senatorial deleeates pubüshed last week the name of Jerome A. Free nan of tuis city was accidentally mnitted. Tlie snpply of clay havlng run out Mr. Moran will bc obllged to move his brick yard from the souiiiern part of the city next year. The Central Germán M. E. conference which luis been in sesslon at Coluinbus, Ohio, appotnted W. F. Henke as pastor of tlie church in ttifs city. B. E. Nichola ha the tbankt of (tae COüRlEü office Tor a basket of deli cious pears. Tlmy were toothsome as thi-y were fair to look upon. The Sunday cvening services at the Baptist church are beinjr well attemled, mul the oollectiont go toward m:iintaining the tliu uiusic of the church. The new board of Stewards of the M. E. church chose A. H. Roys for c.'iairman, Dr. Darling secretarj', and J. J. Goodyear treasurer for the eiisiiing year. The lat, 2.1, ;!, 4th and ,r)lh ward Re publicun Clubs are to meet at the 3d ward republican headquarters, in the Couriek block to-morrow night. Important meeting in which all the ward are intcresteil. On Fridy evening Frederick Douglass -pcaks at Vpsilatitl, and all desiring to ín down to our neiyhboilng city thnt eyeniüg and hear him can go for 25 cents fur the round trip. About 100 have already signified their inteution of going. Jack McNalIy in crossing the T. & A. A. track with a load of straw at the Travtr st. ernMing l.tst Saturday afternoon got stuck and was run luto by the incooiini train. Straw and wagon promcously scattered. Diiver and team safe. It is to be hnped that tlie republicans fill turn out eu masse to hear Capt. E. 1'. Allen and Thos. McVeigh, Ksq., at the fair poundl to morrow, at 2 o'clock p. in. To-morruw is reiubllcan day, and the crovfd sh.mld be such a oue as to honor the epeakers. On Fridiiy eveuin, at the M. E. church parlors, there is to be a recept ion given "Dr. and Mrs. W S. Studley, the new l'JStcir and wife. Retreslunents will be Wed, a musical program will be oftered, nil au üddreKS ol welcome Uelivered by rroC Hfiiry Wade Rogéis. The reputatlon of Dr. Studley as a pulpit orator has preceded him here, he liav'"g tilled the pulpits of prominent ¦¦¦ui-cues in Urooklyn, N. ï., Boston and ''Hier easteru ciLies. As He will preach DMftntMrmon nest Sunday, the diuicli illpriibably be filled to overflowing. Joe T Jacobs' camp, No. 90, Sons of is ttnkingaii tflort to secure for "lf an nppropriute flag. Any one de"f'igtoooütribute and not' beir.g called "pon by one of the members can lo so by Jv"g the same Wlth E. E Hallett at 'ie Arlincrton house, who will thankfully receive the sume for Ihe camp. Ataraet-tliiii of tiie Vahtenaw County -Hutuai j,'jre ii,surallCB (jo-8 executive ""aid Saiurday, the followiiig Idssbs ere jdjusted: M.irtin Breining, AuWi barn and contents, $010 16. Henry "on, Pltufleld, 8 horxes killed by üitning, $260 00. John Brojfiin, Pitts m Oll uorse killed by liglitning, $110 A pole raising will occur at Li-land's 'wiion n Northfltld next Saturday at "Ch Hons. A. J. Sawyer and Jolin F. Jj'wrence will be present. The people of "lecoumy, irrespective of race, nex, color Prerloai politlcal servitude ure invited w pe present md hear the issues now di''"K llie ;reat political parties ditcussed. Anumberof people have concluded to ie'iVvalk Hlo"S te line of the proWW i boolevard over the üth ward bilis NwiBanday p. m., f tshould be pleastoL?'atl":r' All! Warehavingcor.sented " „f'1 '"de. Thi-y will leave his house ' uroadway at as near 2 o'clock as pos8n T'i "", eJvery"e 'o would like to do '¦WTRed tojoln the number. nJ''erf 's t0 be a Hiirrison and Morton ''¦.'¦1S(-'lattlie Agricultural Work? in ' "ii ward nezt Friday evening at 7 "'W, and the 5th ward Kt-piibllcan r"Ztendl an invitation to uil triendly ui , t0 "ttl'ni1 ll' gathering. Those HngtheChelea mau meeting, and un "'"5 at o'dock, are invited to end "e pole 00Ú WOlk by belPlD ral9e ca'be, fPpubücans In the vicinity of urn n Arm Arbor town, Oef Ti l 1"1Vt' bi time "ext Tuesdiiy, ani ' tlie foronn they wlll ralse will V r wllicl' ll l)lcnic an(l dinner re i ' e pl:'ce '" the yrd at E. P. Camp'l del Aftl'r"i addresxes will be and H d 1yT Honf, Ant)rew Suwyer Arbor John ¦ Lawrence of Ann wr' Turn out and have a good time. And atill t reigns- the draught. The Two Sarns expect to get into their new store by Oct. lat. Another dry goods store on Main st. making four in one block. Every republican In tlie city who can, should go up to Clielsea, Fridfiy. A prouibilion club is to be organized at Cropsey'a hall to-morrov nlj; lit. The Arlington house is utilizing the waier works n its new toilet roums. The Loomis property on Main streef, near the city limit?, is to be plattcd into city lots. Juck Frost has taken a notion to choice llowers and planta. Wutcti out for him! There were seven persons who united t witu the First by baptlsui last Suuday eveuing. Adolph Christinan paid Justice Pond's cosU and the suit agaiust ulm for beating liis wife was dismisBed Monday. Favoretta Nina Neir, of Ypsi, wnnts a divoice trom Geo. Washington Neir, and asked Judge Kinne for tlie sanie. Ann Arbor republicans ought to send a tlelegation of about 300 jp to Chelssa Fiiday to atteud the mass meeting. The atone walk in front of the opera house block h;iB at last been completed, much to the aatisfaetion of pedestnans. Wilh one or two excep„ions, the entire new State street business block will be lighted vvith are or incandescent electric Mguta. A eide traek has been run to the new lumber yrd on the T. & A. A. R. R., and thegiaüeof the maiu track gieatly improved. A. A. Wood took $200 wortli of premiums at the State tair on sheep. Waahtenuw cotioty can beat tlie state on sheen and blootled cattle. The brick arches for the sidewalk In front ot Blltz & Langsdorf's new store feil in ThurwJay morning last, but luckily didu't barm anything. A inovemenc is on foot to secure an elaotrki light tor the northeast wrner of the court house square as the other three corners already have them. A. P. Ferguaon, of this city took first prlzes at the Toledo Tri-State Fair, the Columbio Kxposition and the Jackson ölate Fair, on hls road carta. The team of Judge Cooley ran away and resulted iu a bad shaking Dp, and injury to Airs. Cooley's mother, but nothinff serious, we btlieye. Nelson Sutherland Is building an addltiou tor a bake shop to his store on E Washington at. whicb will be occupled y Salyer & Son, formerly of Yptilanti. Wm Aiiderson was bound over to the ciicuit coui-t tor trial, by JusticeFrueauff, Fiiday. He iseharged with larceny froin Wmnie lianfield's house, some time ago. ïlie sermón of Dr. Ramsay, last Sanday a. m., to young peoploon "Character Building," was oue of the tinest ttils excellent divine lias ever delivered m tuis city. The M. C. R. R. has "tumbled" to the fact tliiit it was half a mile short in its reckonings trom Detroit to Chicug, and has therefore added the same on its mile DOitS. A concert wlll be given on Fridiiy evening, at Catholic school hall, for the benetlt of the school. The admission is 25 cents and interesting program ia pronounced. The forth-ninth animal report of the Suiioriuteudent of Public Instruction iately iasued gives a list of 460 difterent works for township and district school libiaries, one of whieh comprises 40 volumes. Arrangements were made last Monday evening to jrive Hev. ür. Siudley a suitable reception at the SI. E church parlurs next Friday eveing to which all members and Iriends of the cougregation are nvited. Justice Pond had two disorderly womeu, Mary Shuter and Free Strawhacker, before him Monday for violating the city ordinance. They paid $1405 eosts "and agreed to leave town before night, and the suit was dismlMed. A certHin O'Grady, who was Identitied by the ofBeers as being wanted for jumping liis hotel bill at Lunsing caused a lively díase up Main st. last Thursday evening, where he was linally captured by Adolph Kemper of "Wagner & Co's. M. Weiumann has had constructed a draln in the gutter adjoinlning ti is meat murket on Fifth st. to be used in connection with the water motor that will furnisli power for bis sausnge-chopper, which he has purchased of G. F. Stem. The annual mission festival of theZion Lotheran church was held last Sunday with several forelgn divines present, services beins; held both moni'n;; and afternnou. The collection taken will be ilevoted to home and foreijjn missionary work. Miss Rose Gondall, the leading lady In the People's Theatre Co., which Is playinsr this weck at the opera house, was severely iujured Monday eveninij in beinft struck on the head by a falllng fourteen foot lank that had been atood up on end against the walls of the stage. "Tbere's a new ooon In town. He carne Ibe other day," is what the third ward boys sing in thelr club rooms at the Cocrier building. They have fltted up a reading room and installed a live young coon recentlv captured. The room is lighted with the electrie light and open every evening. The gnod cfrr'ct the postcfflee has had upon the block known as "rat row" on Ann Pt. is manifestly evident. One by one the many saloons have dlsappeured and been supplanted by legitímate business places, until only one remaius, and this one has relégate! lts bar to the back end and replaced the front with a stock of tobáceo and cigars. The followin? ofticers were elected by the CL.SC. at their meeting last Thursdny eveninsr : rresi,.'iit-Mlss Ella HUI. Vlo Presldeoi - MIsh Amelia McLarea. 8ecrclry- Miss Oarrle Watts Traurer- Miss Brama Hayley. Program C'ommlttee- Dr. and Mrs. C. Q. Darllng. The next meeting will be held at Dr. Darling's home on E. University ave., to-mnrrow (Thursday) evening. Thi' prnctice the T. & A. A. R. R. has of separatine the englne from the cura, running it to the depot ahead, and lettinz the cars follow down the grade in corana into the city from the south, cannot be too greatly coiidemned as gross carelei-8neea. Any person with a team at the crosslng might suppose that the ens'me was coming in alone and fret on the track when it has past iut in time to be struck by the cara followlag after. A mercliant of tliis city, being in New York recently, was fhown a back room fllled with Importad rujrs which arebeing kept there In hopes the duty will be taken off ao tiiat thpy can flood tlie American market with those ctieaply manufactnrcil rngs and drive out our own good?, costing more hecause of higher wages pnid the workmen liere. Wlio knows how many otlier Rtorehouses are filled with forelgn goods waiting to be tlirown upon 'our market? If the new boulevard 3 opened over the lower town I1ÜI9. there will be a fine chance for Ann Arbor to rival Detroit and Toledo with 1111 iland park. We understiind there is an Isltnd in the rlver, which bas occasionally b-en used for picnic, that coulil very eaölly be luppiled with rustic benclies and connected with the shorea near the boulevard by rustic tiriilijes, the river could be swollen by mr nis of a dam, and in all it would make a cool, shüdy spot for the sweltering public to rest in on hot nummer days.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News