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Alian Southard, nf Chicago, is visitinsr In the city. Dr. Ford has returned from hls sumnier liome. Or. Sendrlcki returned from Dakota last Saturday. Wm. Fauth. of St. Louis, is visiting fiiends n the city. W. V. Fordham. of Chicago, s clerkinff at H. J. Brown's. ClirUtinn Hack returned Suturday algfat from Xew York. Nelson Turner, of Boston, spent Sunday at V. V. Whedon's. Arthur J. Sweet and wlfe, of Jackson spent Sunday in the city. John Wahr has moved into the Brehm house on W. Liberty streel. Prot. Henry Wade Rokers and wife have returned from New Jersey. David Ky, of west Huron streef, has lus sister from Canada tor bis guest. Mrg. II. Woodward has returned from a visit with her parents in Wisconsin. And now Wil] Baxter smiles a smile that is childlike and bland-for lt' a girl. Mir W. C. RatiPom, president of the Old Mission Resort Association was in town Saturday. Chas. S. Miller returned Friday from the east, and lie is as enthusiastic as ever over Harrison. Mrs. Wra. J. Olcutt, of Hurley, Wis , is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. X. Balley on Division-st. Herbert French, of Ueedsburg, Wisconsin, will attend the Ann Arbor High School this year. Mrs. Spence has returned from California and will occupy the residence, No. 35 S. Division St. Mrs. G. E. Smitli, nee Belle Karl, and son, of Detroit, are visiting her mother, Mrs. S. A. Howe. Alvin H. Dodsley, left yesterday to assist his father in the apple trade tor D. Henning in Missouri. Theodore Welzel, formerly with H. J. Brown, has returned to the city to attend the pharmacy department. Prof. Carhart has returned from a short Visit in the east. Ile will occupy tiis new residence in about a month, Mrs. II. Bovee, of Big Kaiids, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Paris Baiiüeld, returned home Saturday. James A. Hobison and wife, of Detroit, are spending a few weeks at the home of their parent, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kublson. Mis. Martha Corbin, of Dundee, on her way home from Vermont, stopped over a couple of days last week to visit friends in the city. Prof. L. L. Van Slyke has returned for college work. He will cake Mrs. Stowell'B classes the flrst semester and Prof. Langl-y's the SKCond. Win. Henne, Katbtn Stanger, Dr. Gus. üeucher, Chris. Jenter, and Chris. Overbeek went over to Aluucheater, Sunday, to call on friends. Miss aura Roberts, of Stratford, Ont., wlio Iihs been visiting at her uncle's, Mr. Jolin Allen, of No. 40 south Fourth St, returned home Monday. Win üoty will not enter the university again as he expected, but has accepted a position in a Chicago drug house, and leaves therefor to-nigut. Mrs. II. B. LaArop, of Oroville, California, and grand d:iujrhter Miss Effle Anthony, ure visilinj: thuir cousin, Mrs. Helea Waiuright of X. División st. Tbere will bc a reception for Dr. and Mrs. K.nnsay tliis (Wfdnesday ) eveniii!? in the parlors of the M. E. chuicli, alter prayer meeting, froui 8:.'i0 to 9:.'iO o'clock. Geo. Feiner returned frora Clinton, Iowa, Öatuiday, and repons a gooi! time, and that Lis son, Chas., is prosperlng fineiy. Airs. Feiner and daagbter have uoi yet returned. Dr. Maclean hag been quite ill at his home in Detroit, the result of blood poisoninj; in hi.s let t arm caused by an abrasión of the skin od his hand while perfonuiug an operution. A lm ge nuruber of our cltizens utteuded tho fair at Ypsilanti last week. The lat ward republican club meets at the 31 ward Republican Headquarters in the (Jou uier building on Tburaday, tomorrow evening, to complete their organization. A f ui ï tttendance Is earnestly surged. The varioiis politloal partios are making cxi i' i tÖrts to have a urowd to hear tbeir speakers at the fair this week. Tomorrow is republiciin day, aiul Friday Senator McDouald, of Indiana, fpenkl to the ili'imici ais. Dr. Taft 8ays the prospects for a very large elass in ihe dental departraent are tinglit - indeed, toobright, for it all come wlio have signitied their liiteiition of so domg, there will not be room to accommodate lliein. Whose business is it to nee that the variius fire hydrants throughout the cily are ki-pt iu working comiltlouf One or two more such experlences as at the .State Street and at Winslow's tire ougut to be euough to arouse somubody. Tue American board of foreign missions has sent Dr. Miniiie B. Sinclair, who gimluated from the Universily of Michigan and afterwards taught ia 8arnia schools, to PeKin, China, to assume charge of large mission liospital lor wouien, located there. The demócrata, af ter a long trial, at In-t succeeded iu raislnjf their pole on the S W. eoruer of the couit house square, ainl it nmkfs a crediuble appearance lifter being iu posilii'ii. By the smell arouud its base, however, it is evident that it knocked a hole iu the gas malo. The Ann Arbor art club starts olT the year enthusiastic and wilh l'ull ranks. Oue meeting has already been held and some plans and work for the yeur considered and mapped out. This is a worthy club, and all lovers of art will do well to lend it their aid by their presence and meuibership. One of the sensations about town last Fiiday was a Tounjl man who was attempting to cnllect 50 cents which had been promised him for carrying a torch in the democratie blowout last Tuesday evening. He didu't get the half dollar. ('Imirmau Schuh snys the young man is a republican, and they were just in fun when they ngreed to pay him 50 cents for carrying the torch, and bes'ides tint, 'he isn't a voter anywar, ao it doesn't make any difference." The young man says he was squarely hired to carry a torch. It was as fair a bargain as wasever m ule, and that he was not the only one liired, eitht-r. He says lie spoiled a hat that was worth $150 whilti in the parade by oil from the torch falllug upou it. and that he "will get eyen with those fellows be fore the campaig Is over if he don't get lus pay."