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The amount of state taxes apportinnrd to this county is $86,278.47. John Schumacher, of tbis city, has been noininated for state senator by the prohibitionists of this district. John hopes to carry Freedom and the öth ward of Ypsilanti. The quiirtette choir, consistiug of Mrs. Henry B. Dodsley, Mrs. Prof. Kempf, Alvin Dodsley and Mr. Bi'sell, with Prof. Kempf as organist, rendered very good music at the Congregational cliurcl) last Sunday uaorning. The Binding was excellent, both in liarmony and expresslon, and was duly appreeiated by the congregatiou. Rheumatism Is canied by a poisonous acid in the blood and yields to Ayer's Pilis Many cases which seemed clironic and hopless, have been completely cured by this medicine. It will cast but little to try wbat effect the Pilis may have in your case. We predict success. Fine Derby Hats worth ?2.U0 only fl.GS at A. L. Noble's. We are bound to cut prices low enough to picase the lightcst pocket book. Pleasant rooms to rent, both furnishcd and unfurnished, at Xo. 18 Geddes Ave. THE UNITAIUAN (Rev. J. T. Snndeilaod, A. M , Editor) will he sent to new readers for exarnlnatiori, three months for 10 cents. Address, The ITuitarian, Ann Arbor, Mich. "Most excellent."-i?8i'. Dr. Thomas. (Chicago.) 'By all oilds the best rpliglous montlily In the United States "-Universalisl Record. 11 The Word "S9zodont," Wli ir h lias already becomea household word is derivad (rom the Greek. and eomposed of two words, Sozo and Odoutea. "Sozo tranxlaled means to preserve, and "Odontes" the teeth- "tiOZODONÏ'apreserverof tlieteeth. Aud IL Is true to lts name. It beautlfles and preserves the teetb, hardenit and lnvlgorates the Kums and correctR all impurltles of the brea tb. The odor of this pure preparntlon !s so delluhtftil that It Is a luxury to apply it. Il Is as harmless as water. Sold by drugglsts and pe i'unaers. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a peculiar medicine, and is carefully prepared by competent pharmaclsts. The combinatlon and proportlon of Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Yellow Doek, and other remedial agents la excluslvely peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, glvlng it strength and curativo power superior to other preparatlons. A trial wlll convlnce you ol lts great medicinal valué. Hood's Sarsaparilla Purifles the Blood creates and sliarpens the appetlte, stlmulates the digestión, and glves strengih to every organ ol the body. It cures the most severe cases of Scrofula, Salt Itlieum, Boils, Pimples, and all other affectlons caused by impure blood, Dyspepsla, Blliousness, Headache, Kldney and Llvcr Complalnts, Catarrh, i matism, and that extreme tlred leellng. " Hood's Sarsaparllla has lielped me more for catarrh and impure blood than anything else I ever used." A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y. Creates an Appetite " I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gavo me a good appetlte and secmed to buikl me over." E. M. Hale, Lima, Oblo. "I took nood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and It began to act unlike anything else. It cured the humor, nnd seemed to tone up the whole body and glve me new llfe." J. F. Nixon, Cambridgeport, Mass. Send for book glvlng statements of cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla Boldbyalldrugglst. fl;ilxforJ5. I'repatodonly by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecarle, Lowell, Mas. 100 Doses One Dollar