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- L - I Earlv Aotiiniii Stvles ! DRESS GOODS XOW OPEN' AT F. SCI-IAIRER'S The early arrival of our New Dress Coods enables us to display on our counters the greatest variety of New Designs and weaves in Dress Materials, to which we invite the inspection of our lady friends. Plain Coods are the correct thing this Fall especially in HEITHIETTAS! Our stock Is immense. c oflor l. piMM Colorcd Hcnriettas at 25c per yard. 10 piecos Silk Finish Henriettas at 10o ppr yard. 13 pieces 40 in. wide All ÏVool Henricttas at 75c per yard. 12 pieces 4 in. Hcuriettas at l.OO per yard. The aboye are all in the choleo lien Fall .Shades. BLACK BEHBIETTAS All Wool in tliree shades of Black, Bhie, Medium and Jet, 4O and 4 in. wide. 10 pieces Black Henricttas at 40c and 50c per yard. 5 pieces wide Silk Finish Henriettas at 75c per yard. 7 pieces 4S in. Heuriettas at $1.00 per yard. Silk Warp Henriet! as at 1.25, 1.50 and 11.75 per jard. In Trimmiiigs our stock is complete. Xothin? to compare wïth the avsortment ever shown in Ann Arbor. Fancy Braids, Jets, Gimps, and Steels ia Bralds and Ornaments to match. BLACK SILKS FOR FALL WEAR ! Wc have some Big Barains at 75c 85c and $1.OO. Special yalne in Black Faille Fraucaise at l.OO and i1.25 per jard. Silk Piashes ! Silk Plushes ! ! Bargains ! Bargains ! ! Bargains ! ! ! 15 pieces at 60c per yard. 10 pieces SI.25 Silk Plushes at 75c per ynrd. Everybody eau have a Silk l'ln -li Dress. Tliey are the cheapest lot of Plnshcs ever offered in this city. Early Fall Jackets for Misses. Early Fall Jackcts for Ladies. Advance Sale of SEAL PLUSH CLOAKS ! at Very Low Prices. Seal Plush bid fair to bc more popnt han orer thi.s season. Certatnlr tliere is no) nnj-thing1 so to all complexión or 80 rich lookin unless, indeed, tlio gronuïne Seal Skin. Wc Iinve in stock over 200 Unrments in Jacket s. Wraps. Sacqnrs and 'eninarkels, at i:{.oo. .-..M, 18.00, $20.00 #22.00, 2..oo to #50.00. Garinpiits wiU be. laid aside for parties until vranted by in a kin ir a sniall pa ment on Ui same. It will be oiily auticipatine your wants a few weeks. is iw hare 1li grnotls we iiit-aii ISusiness and expect to do a large trade at the Low Pnces made. D. F. SCHAIRER mi nn AH Dcpartmente of Maiical Inatrnction fully represen ed. I.ns-on ud prartice rooms large, comnodious. and centrally lucated S.W.CornerSTATEandHURONSts. ÜUANCHES TAUGIIT : Piano, Voice Culture and Singimj, Viofifn, Viola, Orchestral Instruments, Onjan, Clioral Music. Harmony, Ommterpoint, Composition, Science and Art of Teaching, l'hysical Culture. Facully to be enlarged early In present jmi. S])ecial Clayg for Clilldren'e Voicea under charge of the Principal. FALL TERM 0PE98 SEPT. 27tH, '88 Ofllce, Ante Iloom, University Hall, open three daya previous fur n?gmtraiion and during vacation from !i to 11 i.. in. CAI.I. OR ADDKKSS FOIÏ INFORMATION. ORIN CADY, - Acting Director. HÜTZEL'S WATER BACK! A very important invention whicfa vill be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in producing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoms ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZBL &c CO., Plumbers and Steamfttern. ANN ARB0R, - - ÍÍICH BEAL ESTÁTE INSÜRANef AGBN6Y, OF J. 0. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNEY AND NOTAKY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and rents collected on reasouable terms. None l)iu old and flrst-class Insurance C'oinpunleH represented- with lnsuriince capital or Í10,JOO,000. Knti'B as low un any other ïnmiruiict' coiuptiny and Iossph promptly pald. Ullluü ovor Amerloan KxpreHS omoe, Malu streel, Min Arbor. Jlich. THIS PñPÉR I niU i Pil !¦¦¦ KOWELL A COS Ncw8paper Advcrtislng Bareau (10 Spruca Strcct),whereadvcr. ¦¦f tgfM,i,.,,l,tl:icts!Uliy HhUI YIIKK he maUo ior it la Uk ff I UflIX.


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