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Have You Any Idea What It Costs

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TO MAKE A CHICAGO DAILY NEWS? You havent? Well, let us give you just a glimpse into the business, perhaps it wilt interest you. To berin with, the work of the paper is divided inlo Scventeen Different Departments, each under its own responsible Superintendent. Let us take them in order as they stand on the weekly pay-roll : - , The Editorial Department.-This includes managing 8. The Mailing and Del.very Department.-" The maill- tor, city editors, telegraph editor8, exchange en, " and the del.very clerks ha, idle over nulhon editora editorial writers, peLal and abont papen a week. The forcenumben 25 thirty 'reporters. Thb Daily Nswb staff is g. The Engine Room.-l o supplythe motive power requires adniittcdly without a superior in the West, and three steam bollen, ol 175 horse-power capacity, and imbers 56 three engines with an aggregate of 270 horse-power, 3 The Teieeraph Room.-To'sa've tim special wires are All departments are lighted by the Edison incanrun into The Daily Nrws building, and the descent system, wlnch here compnses three dynamo paper's own operators take the raessages and hand machines and 500 lamps. The employés of tbis them immediately to the telegraph editor. The departraent number ............ 5 number of operators is 3 ,0. The Circulation Department.-The paper is now a The Compositor' Room.- When " copy " has passed manufactured article, and it is the business of thi the hands of the proper revising editor it goes to department to develop the market for it. The the type-setter. There are a good many of him in average number of workers is ....... 16 The Dait-T News office - on an average . . 73 IX. The Subscription Room. - All the subscriptions from 4 The Linotype Room. - But the compositor doesn't do out-of-town, whether of individual readers or wholeall the type-setting. The "Linotype" machine sale news agenU, pass through this department, and " sets type" by casting a-line-of-type, on somewhat this department employs on the average ... 17 the same principie a the type-founder casto a I2_ The Business The general clerical work of the single type. Fourteen of these machines are in use paper, such as receiving and caring for the advertisein The Daily News office, and the number of ments - of which over fifteen hundred are received persons required in this department is .... 29 an bandled every day- receiving and paying out 5. The Artists' and Engravers' Department.- But the oah, the general bookkeeping of the business, metropolitan daily now give its readers not only reqnires a couBting-roora forcé of 27 reading matter, but also illustrations. By the aid I3 xhe Care of Building requirea the constant service of of good artists, line etchers and rjhotography by tliree janitors 3 electric light Thi DaiLY News is now printing Tbe vVatchman. - To insure perfect protection against the best newspaper illustrations in America. Tras risk of fire two watchmen are constantly on duty. 2 takes the best service of skilied workers to tbe 1$ The New York Office.- This engages the entire time of a number of ¦ general manager and assistant 2 6. The Stereotype Foundry.-The matter-type and pie The Washington Bureau-In charge of its own special tures-beingnow"lookdup"in the forms the Washington staff correspondent 1 nti SanthTt From $SÏÏL r' accomplished by casting duplícate stereotyped 's ' ' ' ' 5( plates, from which, after they haye been fastened And the pay roll runs from $5,500 to $6,000 per week, afreto the presses, the printing U done. Of stereogating during the year $300,000. typers The Daily News requires 8 Tben there is even a larger annual expenditure for whit 7 The Press Room.- The Daily News uses six doublé piper, and telegraph and cable tolls sometimes run perfecting presses, capable of printing 100,000 comnearly a thousand dollars a week. Take t all plete papers per hour. To run these there are together the expenditures of The Daily News for required men to the number of. . 26 the year 1888 wül vary very little from $900,000. The ibregoing takes no account of the special correspondents at hunclreds of places throughout the country ; of European éorrespondents ; of fifteen hundred news agents throughout the Northwest who distribute The Daily News to its out of town feaders ; of two hundred city carriers ; of forty-two Wholesale city dealers with their horses and wagoos ; of one hundred and fifty branch advertisement offices throughout the city, all connected with the main office by telephone, nor of the abont three thousand newsboys who make a living, in whole or in part, selling The Daily News in Chicago. This is what it cosU the publisher to make a Chicago Daily Niws. It costs the reader to buy it one cent a day. Measured by the cost of its production, The Daily News is worth its price, im't itf The Chicago Daily News is sold by all newsdealers, or will b mailed postage paid, for $3.00 per year, or 25 cents per month. Address VÍCTOR W. LAWSON, Publisher The Daily News, Chicago.


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