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T1IBEE MORE HARVEST EXCURSIOS. At Half-fare Rales. To lViuls TVest, Xorllnvest and Southwest from Chicago. Only three more chances ut eatraordlmiry low rales, to see the woihIim ful country and crops of tlie Greiit Wi-.-i, durin! the Harveit Shmoii of 1888. lmprove llic opportuniiy hfforded by tinliuKAT Bock Isi.and Uoitk. wlilc oilWs (in Htltlition t ronnd-trip half-fare tickets) the mlucenients of n deMfflitfti joiirney In its fiimous pMlauc cara. Dates of Excuiísions. L"ivc C'bicijjo Tut'sday, September 25tii ; Tueaday, Oetober 9th, and Tuetday, Ootober '2:i I, 1888, for points in Kansnp, Nehrartn, Neiiliwestern Iow:i, Minnesota and Dukotn. The rate, oxe fare fok the roim xiur. Tickets lirst class, and ffood 30 tUys for return piissape. He iure yooT fcketa retid vin tlie (re at Kock Island Route, wliicli enjoj s the suiiei ior iidvmitftL'e t OI'KHATINQ 1T8 Off LINKS to principal points In the above-nanieil í ti'es. For rute and fnll partlcnlars, iiddnisC. H. HoLBIUIHiE, NiM'.lieii-terii I'a- i n (er Ajent, cor. Lamed aiul Grlíwold SIS., Detroit, Mi'li., or E. A. BOLBBOOK, G. T. & P. A, Clrc;io Illinois. Syrup of I'i,r ís nature's own true lux it.ivc [t is tlie inost casily tnkcn, :ind tlit' must pffeotiTe ijeraedy known to ('léanse ilie System wlien ISilious or Costive; (o dispel Hedachep, Uol'ls, and Kevers; to cure habitual Constipatlon, Iudigesúon, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fr Syrup Company, S:m Francisco, CnlSold in 50c. aud $1.00 botlles by Eüer. bach & Son. Five Haryest Excursión. The Burlington Route, C, 15. & B. R., will sell on Tue8days, Aur. áist, Sept. llth and 2.rth, and Oct. 9lh un i 23d, Harvest Excursión Tickets at Hif Rateé to the Faiminar Regious of the West, Soutliwest and Northwest Limit thirty dayi. For elrculái RtTing detnila concerniñg tickets, rates, time of train, etc., and fur ilescriptlve land folder, rail on Your Ticket Agent, or address P. S. Eustif, Geni Pass. md Ticket Afient C, 15. Q It. R., Chicago.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News