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niNovu' iiMiii ni)i. Ass A mwR vmm ivnFitv. No. Hl mepls flrst Tuesday of enen raonth. C. E. Hlacnek, E. C; John II. Miner, lleoorder. WaHHTRHAW CHAPTKR, No. ti, K A. M.- MeeU tlrst Monday eaob month. J. L. fitone H P.: '. Hoatli. Recretary. BUSINESS CARDS. WW NICBOLA, Booms Over A.nn Arhor SkvInKi Bank, Opp. Cimrt Himiso Siian. VITALIZSD AIR Mratnistered. It lp Bffn-mhie "d easy to tke, nd no prostralliig .11 Wow. wtiile teeth are extrariü'1 without pain. CHAS. L. ALLE, Bontractop and Builder, Plans and Speciflcntlons oarefully drawn. Kesldence, 46 E. Catherine St., Ann Arbor, Mich. DR. C. HOWELL, PHYSICIAN Office. Room 4, Masoniu Block. Offlce hours : to 12 ; 2 to 6 p. m. DR. H R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN Office Ovkk Fibst Natio.val Bask. Hoübs at OVPtCK: 1(1:30 to ï a. m ; 2:3 to 3-W D. m. Oüll be reacllud ut resirlenoe (Wmit Htreet, the "Prof. Nlciiol plRoe") by telephone, No. 97, aid wlll reply to c!l tn the evenlng. wnxmi iierz, House, Sig-n.) Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! PaperlDK, GUzlng, Qildiii)?, and Calcimlning, and work of every deícrtotion done in the best style, and warranted to give Batigfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. o. iLJRTXisr, DKAI.KII IN CLOTH CASKET8, METALIC And Common OorBns. Cali attented to Day, or Nlght. Kmbalmtng a specialty. Htoteroom on E. Wiwhlnston slreet. Restdenoe Cor. Liberty and Klftn. XV. H. JACKSOM, X3;!ES:i ISTüTIIIIISIIT'IL OFFICE : Orer Bacil & AbeJ's Dry Good Store. EntranOB next to National Hank. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Establlshed oyer aquarter of acentury ago. Representiug the followlng flrst-olass companins, with over 60,000,000 Capitul and AlWU. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN3. CO., of New York. G1RARD IN.S. CO., of Phüadelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rates Low as the Lowcst, Losse LlberMj Adjiisted and promptly Paid. C. H. MILLEN. Jerome Freeman ! Moves from lila present stiiinl over Watts" to the POSTOFFICE, BIER SHOP i BATH Rooms, Monday, Marcli 19. Si ai HQT EATHS ! THE ANN ÁRB0R SAVINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business, capitalT$bo,ooo. Oreantzcd nnder the Oeneral Bankini; Lw o) ttaii State, the gtockholdors re indivldmilly lintle 'or tn addi tional amonm equal to tbe stork held by them, thereby creatina a Uaarantee Fund (ur the boneat of Deposltors or $100,000.00. Ttree per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Savlngs Deposita of one dollar and upwardu, accordlng to toe rnles of the Bank and interest com[ounde1 eml-annually. Koney to Ian on unlucumbcred 'tl state and otner good eecurlty. DIKECTORS : CHHISTIAN MACK, WK. V. HARRIMAN W.W. WINES, DANIEL I1ISCOCK, WILLIAM DBOBEL, WILLAKl B. SMITH DAVID RIN8KY. OFFICKIÏS: O, MACK, Pres. W. W. WIN BS, Vlce-Pres C. . HISCOCK.f'.ishier. TBMttlUf ñH h:ul rovolntlonlzed the world MUhNTiniU 'liirlnis tlie last hnlf cenlury. ¦n 1UH ¦lUtt N"' l"st among Uie wonder of iuventlve proKresa 1h a jnethod and systein of work tbatoao b per"rrned uil over Ihc country wltliout Hi-niratIng uu. workcr frnra thetr homes. I'ay 11bfl;any one cando the vork; elthercex, joung or oíd; no peclal iibllliy requlred. WPlUI not needed; ynu are uUirt.-.l iv e. Cal lnl oat and return to us aud we wlll Rpnd you fro, Hornetlilnij of great value hihI lmPortance loyni, timtwill Btartyou In Imslnen8, wblch win lirlm; you tu more innney rglituway Uian Kiiythlnit eUe la orld. rond outfit ree. Address 'ITue & Co„ Auinla, Malne.


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