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Mr. Harnson siiice hls notn I natrón luis bccn visited by liundreds of delegations, and to every oue lie has not been afraid to make n speech, frequently three or four a dsy. Every speecli is wonderfully adapted to tlie kind of deJejrution, whleh Includes veterans aud first voten, Irishmen and Gennans, travelling; men and farmers, rl:iss workers and railroad men. Althongh evury word is watclied by the enemy tliey have not found an uncertain or Indlacreet utterance. He does not have to crib from éncycJpj n lias, but alwiiyg has a new tlinught. To Ilústrate, we quote from a speech he made tlie other day to a delegation on the surplus. I have reoently been talklng, and haveone th ing further tosay about the surplus. (Cries of ' Good, good," and "l'hat'g wbat we want to hear Bbout."] ïhere 1 a vory proper use I tlilnk, that ean be made of more tlian tui - (00,000 of it. During the civil war oor cimtom receipts and onr recelpts from taxef,, wliuh last hitü lrouiil)L uuder tribute almost every pursuit In life, were quale to tho greal drain upon onr Treasury, caused by the civil war. OurCoDereBs.ricrcIsingoueofiliepowerg of the (JoDstltutlon, ievlrd a direct tax upun the States. Ohlo pald her part of lt; Indiana rmld hers, and so dld the other loyal Slntis The Southern States were In ttie rebelliou' and dld not pay tiieirs. Now we have come toa time when the government has surplus money, and tlieproposltlon was made in Congres to return tiils tax to the States that had paid lt. [Applaus.] The .State of Indiana would haverecelved fl.OUD.OUO, wliiuh niy fellowclllzens or this State know would have been a pírea t relief to our tax payers In the presen led depleted cohd Ilion ol our treasury ICbeers.J Ido not recall tlie exact ainouiit Ohlo would have recelved, but lt was innch lart'er. If any mie asks : Why repay this tax this lllustration will be A SL'KFICIKNT ANHWKH: Suppote Ove men are aasoclated In business corporatluns. The corporallon suffers losses and its capital ís lmpulred. An WMauneol becoraeB necessary, and three membeis pnv thelr assessmenta whlletwo donot. Thê eorp'iratlon U aguln properoua aud there is a Mirplus of mouey Ín the treusury. What Bhall be done wlth lt? Manlleatly, Jnstie requlres that the two lelinquents should pay or that there siiould be returned to tlie ntber three the asaessmi'nt levied upon tnem [(real cheerlng ] A blll provldlng for the repayment of the tnx was killed In the House of Uepresentatlves, not by voling lt down.but by flllbusterlnK, a majorlty of the House belngln favor of 1U paitsnue. And those who defeuted tlio bill by those revohitlonary tactlcs were largely from the States that hail not paldtbetax. [(;heers.) I raentlon UieHcfaciR to show that $2),UO0,00O of the surplus now lylng in the bunkn, wliere lt draws no In teresU, mignt very rlghteously le Qiednuto greatly llghten the real burdeng of taxiilion uow restiugon the people, burdcus that tho peoplekuuwto be laxes without uny argument frora our statesrnen. [Applause and lauifhter.] I am a lover of silenes (laughterland yet when mich assemblles as neet me wlth thelr kind, eurncst la.i s, aml thelr klnder wordM, I do not know how I cando less than to say a few wonls upon some of THESE (KKAT PUBLIC QUESTIONM. I have spoken frank ly and fearlessly my coir vlctlons nim) these ((uesllons. Cheen and cries of'Oood. good."J And now, unuppalleil by lbo linmenslty of thls audlence, f wlll complete the accustomed programme and lake by the hand such of you as deaire lo meet me personally. [Cheers.]


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