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The County Fair

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Once a year we have a fair, and oncea jear the weathtr clerk frowns and sliivers, and sends rain and huil and uil the unpleuant Ihings posslble to keep the people awav trom sald fuir. Thlí venr was no exeeption to the rule. Tlic Weather cut up lts usual unkiml freaks. But on r reporter was there, and in what tollows is a few of the things lie notcd: THE PBOPLI WIK) COME. It was aniusing to watch the faces oL people as they walked up to purchftM thelr tickets. Home caine Mailing witli i "how are you? '' nd threw out the exact chance for what they waüted and went away leaving a struik of siinshine in tbeir p.ilh, mak lag tliosc glad witli wliom they camn in contact. Anotlier comes aloiiff and in a gruli' volea nsks "how iinich are tho tickets?1' Reing answered lie tlirows down piece of inoney, (not the rlgut chaugc il' lie can Iielp it) nd growlsabout the outrageous charges, and witli a scowl on li is face and a buil dog set on bil j iws walks off to growl ii wlulo at the gate keeper, and ten Cbanoet ik one that he is ugly to his wlfe and ebüdren t b has any. Tban oomaa the flatliy fellow, witli a natty cane, slirk silk bat and niuely brushed clothcs. He sweeps up to tlie ticket olllee witli a lordly twiDf and dcinands: " How mucli do you charge for gol ng loto thi conctiro?" pulls out n 5. 00 or $10.00 blll - the lattcr ifliehas it- and declares tbal ir is the smallest " chango " he has jfOt Km ivin; hischange lio slowly puts it in hi vest pocket, mul silutcs the ticket sellcr with: 'I dODtSuppogfl that you hnveanyIhlng heie-worth looking at, butofconne I have ti) In ]p the society along, you know." Then comes the good old farmer: "Well, ye 're here agiiin are ye Toze? Glad to fee ye. Gut a good show this year I liear t Lets see, I want five tickets and a ticket for the team so I can drive in. And say, jnst ive me a tnember.-liip ticket io I can vote il' I Wint to when 'lection for otlicers ooines round. Mebbe 1 shall want to run lor sometliiii' myself, by Jocks, who knows, eh f" Hu ! ha ! ha! and then he goes over to bis aarrlnge, giveseach one a ticket and drives In to see the exhibition. but more cspccially to chat witli old friends and neiglibors. Then coinés the slmrpyoung rooster who wears a cap, chewp, smokes, swear?, and has all the "I'm a tougb" accomplisliments. Hi" ttips a coln, (iindoubtedly a nickle) on the pileof mnney and ilinniuls a ticket, over wlilch there is a Jinyle of coarte, and it usually ends witli the fellow losing his niclde and ticket botlt. Upon which 1 1 ivrearc vengtance, and proposes to wblp the whole cstablislinient. but alter bliistcring around awhile he walks off with a friend who comes back (hortly, buys a ticket, and they pass on Into the great crowd within. The inevitable youngster is on hand. He has been s.iying his inoney for sonu' time forttiis very tliiu;, and leels the importance of liis purch Bist he baulera the ticket ollicinl don n iintll he inakes hini believe that he is entitled to a 15 cent ticket, npon reorlTing wlitch he huriies (.ff to the uien round, the poanut or the hot candy stand to tpearl the ten cents favrd on bis adini-sion ticket by tkillful di)loin.:cy oii his very condensed age. A wealthy old citizen wuiks np to the cantiiin'n oílice, haviuL a peculiar gleam in bil eye. Tbat yle:im cunes to b fcimwii at eifiht. He is a "lite meinbcr," aml go is sn tl lied to attcnd ibe exiilUtkMia of tinsociety without piylnK anythiug. Sonic ye us ago they Kve liiesi: members tive ticket , ao hu comes witli tour persons, and his carriagc, expecting to ji-t the whole onttit in free. When iie finds that he on!y cets four adniission?, and it takes one of tlicm tor thehorse umi carriüfre lie "kicks." lic Uien gors and reporto, and tlie faiiiily :tt out of the vehicle. go down to tlic tiit mid wnit until ba Buda tome place In liitcli li is liorse. Hather thun jrive .society -2't cents to drive In and aboul tltc grtmnds, lic runs Lbe ri.-k of havin;: li:s vhip, robfla, etc. stolen out o! h is carriajfe wliile "tukinj; In" the show. He is only one kind of tb at cla8, huwever. '-lite memoer" wliorn we VU( ' itnQ '" )'..'bl .V 1T Luxlt Iwill liaket :ni.l iww them to l', Httii [ie side belnjí i "lifo raember" he had a oompllinuntary ticket in his pocket al-o fir h;i viiiíí 4-ínit i i 'niteil ..") toward paylny the nl I (iciit. In givlng one othurohamoter, we will c!oe onr obterVHtionx, tliousjh there was suHicicut material for several columns oí descrlption. Thi last fellow is one who wants to wet somethinj; tor nothInjf. Tiiera are scores ot' them, too, iu eveiy conimiinily. He coininences this way: "Say, Mister, I want n ticket or pas, or froinething to let me iu and out." "Tickets are SS cents each sir," replies the Ir iiriurer. "V.s 1 know, bnt I want u pass. My brther has ;ot soine eider h .rrcls in there and lie wants me to kin I 'a look after tliem." "It will cot you 35 cents eveiy lime you fro in. We don't i-sue j issts, is the answer. 'Oan'l I j in anil altend to them barrels?" "Yes yda c ui go'la for 25 cents," replios thé hard bearted Dr. " This is a daslied ice falrthtab. VVhy, tbey let me in down at V psi. and didu't charge me nnthln'. And they dldo't OhnMe me nothin' uu tn the state fair eitlier, mul yon needn't thiiik I'iii iioing to puy you tellers, Itti I slian't d t. Yon eau (to to li.utas with f'iir old f:iir, it bn't wortii loeking al anyway" Anil si tliu pmeeulmi piM-ed on witli vuieil exerieiices. I'AIK NOTKS. One fefttnre bont th money taken In at the treaeurer'g office at tbe fair was purticnlnrly aotfceablc. There was ati alniost entire ibsenci of ppimies, nnil liut little smull chasge m compared witli olher years. Tlie metbod, mannen and tricks tesorted to by ieople to beat tUelr w;iy liito tlie fair vu astoiiUbliig. Eren people of wealtb, pnaltion and respect nbilily seeined to cmisider it perfcctly ooramendable to beat the fair out of 2" cents. Had the wcatlier been half v;iy i-espectable tlie fair would liave been a irand success. The show in fmits, fiirni and (ruiden product., cattle, ibeep, horses, etc., was bette r Mmn for a number of yenrs, whtle floral h ill wat very pretty indeed. The dlaplay of fruit was splendid. Kvart II. Bcott had irr.èpes in yreat variety, peache--, pean, etc , whoêe merits we caci fully attest. Jacob Ganzlurn showed 21 varii-ties ol gtp, t of cjuinces, 11 of peuches, 10 of Rpples, and 12 apAelmeoa of canned Irulu. Prtíf. lï.mr, who inakes a ppeci lty of pears liad a row of ibera togotbsr wilh peaolu's, grupea, i ti . Tbere were few better or liandlomer exhibits,'xcellinr, it is said, even the state fuift W. F. Und hail a nnniber of plat e of gra peg, asdid C. II. Woodrulf incluiliiig liis seedling, "Tlie W'ocidrnll" grape, whieh lor sweetness and ilavor haa very few equals. Tliere wefa (iLlier exbibttora also, iDoludlng Mrs. Ornner, H. C Markhim, The;an PreservlDg Woiks, e'c, etc. In the way of girden vegetables and faiin product?, H. C. MarHiHin had nuinerous entrie. The entira depurtment waa wrll iilled, and evcrythlug was .. Xo. 1 ahuut it. PREMIUMS AVVAKDED. The followlng ure tlie principal premiums KWNrdoil: CATTI.E. Axtttrw-HNMT, E. Boyilen, Delhi ; 2d A. A. Wood, Saline. Buil, S yrs - W. E. Royilen. " í " -A. A. Woud; ld, I'. E Oalpln " calf-W. K. Boydeu; a.1, C. U. W'krner. Cow4yr. ; L'd, A. A. Wo..d - 3 -P. E. QalplD; 2d. A. A. WcxM ' W,.u,l y' E' byae"; M. A A. Helfer 1 Mills Bros.; s, U. No land " ca f- H. Nowland; 2d, c. C. Waruer Bull.Sofiset-t; 0. Warner, i w and progeny - H. Nowland. QalouxBt-Ban, 2 yr. oíd; oow 9 yu or over; l.ciliTcalf, eacll toH. o. Tublis, Uollil' lat premium. ¦un and Alderneyi -Bull, 2 yr., F red Buil -alf. Ut iilid L'il ; OOW, I yrs. nr ov.-i BOw W 'lelrel1 '¦: iieifercalf, uil ion! Oraties- Cow I yrs.- Ira Wocxl ; M J II Sperry. ' . Uelfer 2 yrs.-3. O. Tiibbs; 2d, Ira Wood " 1 " -A.A. Wood; 8d, J.H. Sperry " calf-Im Wo. il; 2d do. y' Fat CutlU-3 livHd and fat fuif ; U lirem to U. Ndwlmid, ritlslield. üoUteins- Herd- Hul] 2 yrs.; buil I yr ¦ cr.w 4 yr, or ovir; cow 3 yrs vrs ¦ 1 vr ¦ hnr HOESES OF AI.L WORK. Stalllon, four ycirs oM or over. lat, J. W. Huil; Saline; 2d. L. Klttle, Ami Pair matched mare or gcldings, four years old or over. lat. John Keppler. Ann Arbor. Pair matched mares or geldings, three years, old. lst, Wm. Msuilltn. Arm Arbor. Mare or gelding, four years old r over. lst, Tobías Sutherland, Plttsfleld; 2d, Fred Hmel, Aun Arbor. Mare r gpldliiK. threo years old. lst, Julios F. Sanford. Saline; 2d, John F Avory, York. Mure or gelding, two years old. Hl, Dexter HrlRgs, Mooreville; 2d, C. C. Warner, Saline. Mare or gelding. ne yi'ar old. lst, .lulius F. Sanford, Saline; 2d .1. F. Sanford. Saline. Mare of any age. wiih foal at foot. lst. Fred Hutiel, Ann Arbor; Julm llw-r, Ann Arbor. Stalllon of any age wlth tlveof hls get. under four years old. lst, JiillusF. Sanford, Saline. Iill.ll I HOESI. I'air matclied mares or gelding, fonr years old or over. lt. V. H. Sweet. Ypsllantl. Pair matcbed mares or gelding, threo yenrs old. lst. T. Mtitherland, Pittslield; -Al, T. Kutherland, l'nWield. Mare or Gelding, three ycars old. lst, C. C Warner, faline; 2d, ïohn Huwt, Ann Arbor. Mareor gelding, one year old. lst, Jullu? F. Saniord, Saline. FIBCSXBOin, Stallion. fonr years old nr over. lst, Jolin Braun, Ann Arbor; L'd, Chas. L. heeler, York. Stallion, one year old. lst, Wm. Whipple, Inlands. Mareor gelding, four years old or over. Ut. C 0. Warner, Saline. Mare or gelding, threc years old. lst, C. C. Warner, Saline. Mare or gelding, two years old. lst, C. C. Warner. Salii e. Maro or gelding, one year old. lst, Christian Klager, Ann Arb r; 2d, do. Mare of any age, with foal at foot. lst, Wm. Whipple, l-elancb; 2d, John Braun, Ann Arbor. CLTMDAUB. stalllon. iour years old or over. lft, W A. allacc, Denten. COACH HORSF.1. FRENrlI OK ( t.F.VFII.ANP HAY9. Stallion, threc years old. Ut, Kugeue E. Helber, Saline. Mareor gelding, four ycars old or over. lst, Kugene E. Helber, Saline. Mare or gelding, three years old. lst, Eugene E. Helber, Saline. CARRIAGE B01UA Single mareor gelding, four years old or over, 16 bands or over, lt.t, J. W. Van Atla, Ann Arbor. Single mare or gelding, four yeara old or over, under 16 hands. lst. O. L. ïuomey, Scio; Jd, Juslus Nixon, Ann Arbor. Single mare or gelding, three years old. 1-t. Geo. L. Johnson, Ann Arbor; 2d, Albert Pierce, Ann Arbor. single mareor gelding, two yeara old. lst, P. ïrwin. Ann Aroor; 2d. C. M. Stoup, Ann Arbor. Single mare or gelding, one year old. lst. P. Irwln, Ann Arbor; 2d, Albert H.nckley, Ann Arbor. Mare of any age, with foal at foot. lst, Henry Toer, Seio; 2d, P. Irwin, Ann Arbor. stallion of any M?e, with five of his get, under four years old. P. Irwin, Aan Arbor; 2d, li. W. Mills, Aun Arbor. STANDARD TR0TT1NG HORSES. Stalllon. four yeara old or over. lst, C. A. Lemon, YpsIUnti; 21, Mr. Garsliue. Ypstlanti. stallion, three years old. lst, Chas, tiauntlett, York; 2d. C. A. Leinon. Ypsilanti. Colt or fllly, two years old. lst, Jesse A. Dell, Ann Arbor. Colt or fllly, under one year. lst, L. P. Hall, Ann Arbor, dis. Mare three years old or over by standard none. lfet, C. A. Lemon, Vpsilantl. ROAIKTERS AN1I GKNTI.EMEN'S URIVING HORSES. l'alr horses. four years old or over. lst, P. Irwlo, Ann Arbor. Single mare or gelding, four years old orover. Ist. P. lrwin, Aqu Arbor; 2d, O. A. Leiuou, Ann Arbor. Single mare or gelding, three years old. lst, Geo. L. .Tohiisou. Ann Arbor. FAMILY HORS -. Mare or gelding, 16 hands or over. lst, J.W.Tan Alta, Aun Arbor. PONY RACE. Pony to be 14 hands or under. ridilen by a boy U years old or under, ono-hfilf mile beats, best 2 in i. lst, Holmes; d, Sehmidt; 3d, Niehols. 8HEEP. AMKRlr.YN linStOS. NOT KI.UÜBI.K TO RECORD. Ewe, three yoars old or over, having brud a lamb. Ist, K. W. Mills, Ann Arbor, 2d, do. Ewe, two years old. lst, K. W. Milu, Aun Arfa ) ; 2d, do. Kwe. oue year old. lst, lï. W. Mills, Ann Arbor; 2d, R. Nowland. Ann Arbor. Kwe lainb. lt. 1(. V. Mills, Ann Arbor 2d, R. Nowland, Ann Arbor. THOROlüllBRED SIIEEP. ELIulBI.K TO RF.CORD. Ilam, three years old or over. Ut, A. A. Wood, Saline; 2d. Ira nood. Saline. Ram, two years old. lst, R. W. Mili-, Ann Arbor; 2d, A. A. Wond. Saün-. Rain, one year old. lut, A. A. Woad, Saline; 2d, do. Ram Lamb. lst, A. A. Woud, Saline; 2d, C. R. ParHons, Sllne. Ewes, turee vcars oíd or over. lst, A. A. Wood, 2d. do. Kwi', two years old. haviuï bre'l a Ia rab. let, A. A. WooJ, Saline; 2d, R. W. Mills. Aun Arbor. Ewe, one year oíd. A. A. Woo 1. Sailne; 2d. di. Ewe lamb. lst, A. A. Wood, Salín; 2nd, C. R. Parsons, Saline. Bist Rain, any ase. wlth live of hl? get. lst, A. A. Wood, Saline; 2d, C. E. Parsons, Saline. LONG WOOL 8HEEP. Ewe, two years old, having bred this seasou. -M. Keed Dading, Ypsüantl. Two lanibs, rum and ewe. lst, Reed Darlintr, snnorsnmra.- - - Ram, three years old or over. lst, E A Garlock. Uowell. Kam, two years old. lst, E. A. Garlix-k, iiowtli. Ram, oue year old. 2d, E. A. Oarlock. ilowell; '2d, do. Kam lamb. lst, E. E. Leiand, Emery; 2d. E A. Garlock, Howell. Ke, oue yeur old. lst. E. E. Leiand, Bman; 2d. John Welen, Dexter. tEwe lamb. lsf, E. E. Leiand, Emery. Best Ram, any age, with flve of his net. lst, E. A. Uarlock. Howell. SimOPSHISES, NOT ELIGIHLE TO RECORD. Ewe, three years old or over, havini; bred a lamb. l8t, John Welch, Dextei ; 2d, Wm. Bush, Aun Arbor. Ewe, two yeara old. lst. Wm. Bish, Ann Arbor; 2d, E. E. Leiand. Emery. Kwe, one year old. lst, John Welch, Dexter; 2d. Wm. Bush, Ann Arbor. Ewe lamb. lst, Johu Welch, Dexter; 2d, E. E. Lclaud, Emery. IIAMI-SHIRE. Ewe, one year old. Jst, John Welch, Dexter. FAT SHKEP. Two mlddle wool sheep. ]8t. John Welch, Dexter. 8WINK. BERKUIHE. Iíerkhtre boar, six montbs or untier one vcar. lst atid 2.1, K. Nowland. Plttsfield. Berkhire sow, one year oíd or over. lst and 2d, K Nowland, Plttsfleld. Berkshire sow, six münths or under one year lst ai. d d. K. Nowland. Pitisfleld. Threü Berkshire )ks. six nionlhs or under. lst and 2J, R. Suwlaud, Pittitieid. POLAND CHINA, Poland boar, one year oíd or over. lat P H Rouse. Saline. Púland boar, s!x mnnths or uoder one year lst T. Sutlierland, Piusiield; d, A. A. Wood, Ballñe. Poland suw, one year oíd or over. Ut, T Sutherland, PiiLsfleld: Jd. Ï. suüierland, Pittsflcld. Poland sow, six months or ui.der oue year lst, A. A. Wood, saline; Ud. T. áutheilaud Pittsíleld. Three Poland pigs.six months or nnder. lst A. A. Wood. Salint; 2d, Ï. Suüierland, Piturteld. KAUM AN1) GAHDKN PKODUCE. Sample wlille wheut- C. H. Pursous; 2d C H, Stoup, A. A. Sample red wheat- Cora, report no dUerlminallon lietween numples sliuwn hy John Fox Frad Hutzel und t A. Bmltb; 2d, k. w. .Milu,' Óatg-Fred Hutzel; C. R. Pursons. Saline Kye-Keed Durllng, Ypsl.; 2d, MI1U Bros., A. A. Harley- U. M. Hicks, A. A.; 2d, Fred. Hutzel. Corn In talks-R. Nowland, A. A. Clover seed-O. K. PanioiiN, Saline Corn In varlety- T. Kutln-rluud Pittsfleld l lax eed -Chas. Braun, A. A. Early Polatoes- Henry Braun, A. A.-2d H C. Markliam. ' ' Late Polaloes- H. C. Markbam, A. A 2d John Fox. ' ' 3 ¦?e""flOWtir Markliam ; 2d, Cone Muskmelons- John Hudüy, A. A Piiiiipklns-i:. M. Stoup, A. A. Squash- H. C. Markliam, A. A 2d Do Cabbage- John Hiulily. CarruU-Fred. Hutzel; 2d, H. (_'. Markliam, Yellow Onlons- Qco. Mulbaeh bahd " W' W Dl"1; 2d' MuBeets for table- E. Baur; 2d, Clias Brauu Beet.s for Rtock-Cha. liraun ; 2il,"t)o Whlie Turnlp-K. A. Bmllta, Dezlto; 2d Cha, üraiiu. Markbam'l!iK' A' Smlth' Dexter ; II. C. Mhuy 1tatoe9-H 0' irk, A. A.; I!. C. Late I'ot'atoes- II. C. Mivrkham; 2d, Do. Seedlings-U. C. Msrkbam ; ïd, Do. 10 var. potatoes-H. C. Markbam ; 2J, Do Table beets-H. C. Clark. ' Hubbard SaDUb II. 0. Clark. Iiinatoes-H. 0. Clark ; 2d, Cono Sperry Lima Beans-U. C Clark. ' Pop Corn-Cone Sperry; 2d, Chas. Brftun "weet Corn In ölalks-Cone Sperry; 2d H. ' - ' Kil K. 8 Se"'ret COrn 'D earH Clttrfe : 3d. Cone Egt' Plant- H. C. Clark. Cuullfloweni- John Allmand; 2d Do Winter Hiidlslies- E. Baur; ad, H. c. JfarU. Beets for tnblo-Hoed Darllng Ypsl Beets for Btook-K. Nowland ; 2d, ijo lumatoes-Ueed Darliug, Ypsl. ui, rop uorn- T. .Sutlierland. erlañd Ci-W. Uell ; 2d, T. SuthFRUIT AND SWKKTMEATS. Ben dlsp. apples, 15 vnr.-Wm. Maii.llln A A.; J. J. l'urslmll, A. A.; M, 0on Sp..,-ry lU-st dist winter iippl... ui vur.-W m. MUdli ;21.J.J. PsrabaTl;8d,00Dèspr Hfniillsp. winter uppie, 5 var.- 2d i .!,tdl8;-ral1 PPle. ¦" var. Sperrf ¦ M. Wm, Mandil,, ; m, j. j. Panhall. f ' )t-'ÍT'.l,IíintrUb AWlei-Von6 sperry; 2d, Iluurl:''-1: i' 7iSr,ï:Vart " WC"tl; ¦¦¦¦ Biiurnler peurSl 5 var-- I'vart II. Scott ; Sd, E. eH'Í! ;m,T: KVmñiKv!irt "¦ S'"'tt; 2d' EQulnoes- J. (Janzhorn; 2cl, Kvnrt II. Scott (ia,')zhornP' Parsball; 2d, J. ¦Mliwl v'Zrl'H pr8l'n ; V, ulr': 31, J. Uaoz'inru. 2d 1? P' pe"clle8. ' var.-L. Oruner. A. A,; Best diep. izrapes, 3 var.- W. F. Blrd; 2d, I. Quixborn; M, Kvart H. Scolt. Beat Ulsp. grapes, 1 var.- U. II. Woodrun; 2d. W. F. Blrd ; :id, J. Oanzhoru, Canned peaches- Miss Surali FW-M.. r ; 2d, Mrs. J. Perk Ins. Canned pears- Cone Sperry ; 2d, Mr. 1 Perkin. ('unned strawberrles- J. Qanzhorn; 'Jd. Cune Sperry. Canned cherrlea- J. Uanzhorn ; LM, i'nue Sperry. ('uinied quinces- Cone Sperry ; Sd, J. l!:uizhnrn. Cnnnert blackberrles- C. II. Wooürufl'; Sd, W. F. Blrd. Canned laspberrles- C. H. Woodruff; 2d, J. Ganzhoro. Canned Whortleberrles- Miss Sarali Kletcher; 2d, Couo Sperry. CiiniiPd pluma- Miss Sarah Fletclier; 'd, V F. Blrd. Cnued grape- C. H. Woodruff; 2d, W. F. Blrd. Exhlb. dlffl-rent var. Jellles-Mlss Sarah Kletcher; ad, I. Oruncr. liosl disp. canned fruit- Cone Sperry; ld, Miss Sarah Fletcher. DAIRY AND FAKM PRODUCT3. Four gallon crock butter, fall made. Ist, Cieo Kash, Ann Arbor. Teu pnunds of butter In roll. Ist. John Fox, Ann Arbor; 2d, J. D. Williams, Ann Arbor. Three loaves of baker's bread, lst, David Kay, Ann Arbor. One loaf of hep yeast bread, lst. Reed Darling, Yp.-llanti. Une loaf of sait or milk-rlsing bread, lst, David Kay, Ann Arbor. One loaf of brown bread- unbolted flour. lst. J. D. Williams, Ann Arbor; 2d, David Kar, Ann Arbor, Tin of baking powder biscuit. lst, H. M. Hit ks, Ann Arbor. Display of pickeled vegetables, lst, Miss Sarah KU'tcher. Ann Arbor. Specimen of eucumber pickels. lst. Cone Sperry. Ann Arbor. BottleofTomatocatsup. lst. Miss Sarah Fletener. Ann Arbor; id, Cone Sperry, Anu Arbor. Specimen ol canned tomatoes. lt. Core Sper ry, Ann Arbor; 2d, W. F. Bird, Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News