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The Dunlap hat for which A. L. Noble is agent is a popular simpe tliis MMOD an I is selling rapidly. Aslecp on the Kallroad Traek. Alittlecliild, tiredof play, bad pMowed bis liead 011 a rail and fallen isleep. The train was almost upon hiin when n pnssI ii jf strenger rushed forward and üved liim from a horrible death. Perliaps yon are nsleep on tlie track, too. You are, if you ure noglectlng ttie biliousness nnd oonstipation whicli trouble ynu, In tlie hope tliat you wil] 'Vonie nll rfglit." Wake np, or the train will he upon ymi! Constipation is to orlen tlie foreiunncr of a general "breaking up." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purjrative Pellets will regúlate your liver, .-'miiacli and bowelf, and restore your System to its normal condiÜllll. THE UNITAKIAN (Rev. J. T. Bundetliinil, A. M., Kditor) will be sent to new rettdersfor examination, three montha for 10 cents. Address, The Uiiitarian, Aun Arbor, Mich. "Most excellent."-??. Dr. Thomas. (Chicago.) "By all odds the best rellglous monthly In the Uu lied States."- Universalisl Record. 31 If yon are ttred taking the large oíd fashioned grlplng pllls, try Carter's Little Llver Pilis uud take 8ome comfort. A mnu cairt stand everythlng. Oue pul a dose. Try Uie in. Thone unhappy persmin who surT.-r from nervousnNH and dyppepsla sliouht om Carter's LHtle Nerwe Pllls, whicli re minie expressly for nleepleas, nervous, dyspfiptlo sufferers. Prlce 2ö cents. A Frngrnnt Brcath and Poarly Teeth Arf e 'ölly obtalned by cleaüslug your tee'h dally wlth UiatJusUy popular denllfrlce, süZolutNT. Composed of rareantlseptlcherbs, lt Imparta whlteuess to the teoll), a delluloiu aroma to the breath, and preserves latact, from yoath to oíd age, the teeth. Acldlty of the ptomach will destroy tliu strongest. tfcth nnlesa lts eilects are counteraetcd witli SUZODONT, and Uil pure toothwash protecta the dental surfaces by removnK every iinnirity that adheres to thora. Ask your drugist for SOZODüNT. Caution. If you nsk your dfugyist for Poxd'S EXTBACT, and he tries to Impose upon you by offering "sometliinjr the Rfime as Pono's Extuact, h, nol heliene him Tliero is notblQg the mme as Pohd'8 Extract, llcaunot be sueeessfu 1 imitattd, and any article offert-d s sucli are only worthless counterrits. Put no fa. itli 1d any drujrgist trylng to so leceire you. It is sold only In botlks, inclosed in buff wrappers, witli the word "Pond's Extract" blown in the glasg, and is never sold in bulk. 't " in h iEAfV-A peí-non cured ofDeaAieM X. and nolses In tlie heud of 23 years' Klamliug Ijy asimple remedy, will laad a desorip tlou of lt kjíee to any Person wlio applled u NunoMra, 177 mo Dougnll ot., New York. 30 REMOVED! fililí UAS KEMOVBI) HIS STOCK OF GEEBiüIiniS TO No. 46 S. STATE St. (Two Doors North of Former Locatlon.) Where he will be pleased to meet all of his oíd friends and customers and as many new ones as will favor him with a cali. ín his new quarters he has increased facilities for doing business. GEO. I. MOORE, 46 S. State St., - Ann Arbor. "CHICAGO TRUSS." sí -as Js ludATOs SSbcu W ÏWïïS nlgbtbyan Infanta week oíd or an Aduk V hÍSÍÍÍ1 e"?.ra'. i""'"', nnd Umbilical Hernia, la both Infanta aud Adulta 8a til faetón (?uaranled In In all caes. Anv ' U-. s rabie uivssureobtalned. Lady's Dmbllloa lrussHS a rand succes. If your drORBte doH not keep thls Truss. encloie stam, i tud address. CHICAGO TKUSH í'O. Office same place. hicK, Ulm T. Y. KAYNE, Manaokk. SOI,I by AMN ARBOR DRIIGHIHTH This is the Top of the Grxuine PearlTop Lamp Chimney. Allothers, similar are imitation. yJHETrhis exact Label Adran Ssck ison cachi V:rl ftjfj fsSA TopChimne}-. ÜB Srf A dealer may say Vï xTwHíSuT :'n t'1'n'; 'le has QafiEñíp others as good, CíXi" BUT HE HAS KOT. Insistuponthe Exact Label and Top Fob Sa:e Everywhebe. Mace only ey GEOA. MAGBETH & CO.. Pittsbureh, Pa. O The BUYERS' GUIDE la issued March and Bept., eaoh year. It ia ao ency. clopedia oí useful information for all who pur. chase the luxuries or th necessities of life. Wj eun clothe you and furnish you with all the nocossary and unnecessaiy applmnces to ride, walk, dance, sleep eat, fleh, hunt, work, go to church. or stay at home, and in various sizec Btyles and quantities. Just figure out rnMrtnRTraRiUïredi#doa11 these thin8 COMFORTSBLY. and you can makeafair estímate of the value of the BUYEE8' GUIDE, which wilj be ent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage MONTGOMERY WARD i CO.' 1)1-114 Miohisan Avenue, Chicago. 111.


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