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Come out and hear coiN'G-ESSiMr-A.isrï DIM P. UU AT THE RINK. Free Trade handled without Gloves. FRIDAY, OCT. 5th. Ladies especially invited. UPUBUCAI MEETIXGS. Hons. A. J Snwycr. John F, Liwrence and Georpe S Wheeler will address the people upon the issues of the eampaign, at tbe followinf! places: Vednesiiay,Oct.3.- On thetown line.Shanklanrt District stone school house, at 7 : (0 p. m. Thurnday. Oct. 4.- At th3 school house In Win (ieer's district, Superior, at 7:30 p. m. Frlday, Üct. 6.- At Sillera tatlon, al 7 :30 p. "satunlay. Oot. 6.- At Wtiltmore Lak e, at 7-30 p. m, Mmiday, Oct. 8- At Webster Town House. at7:30p. raTuesday, Oct. 9.- At Merrill's school house. In Web-aer, at 7:.TJ p. m. Wediiesdiiy. Oot. 1U.- At Blrkett a school house, Hudson, Dexter townshlp at 7:30 p. id. Thursday. Oct. 11- AtQrange Hall, North Lafce Lyodon tuwnshlp at 7:30 p. m. Frlday, Oct. 12.- At Sylvan Center, at 7:30 PSiUurday, Oct. 13.- At Lima Center, at 7:30 p. m. UniversHy Republican Club, Attention! Special meeting at Law Lecture Hall Friday evetiing at 7 o'clock prompt. Second wanl club attention. There will he a uieeting of the republiciin club of the second ward Ht the Sd ward cl ui) rooms at the CoüRIeu office at 8 o'clock p. ra., every meinber should be present. Tn morrow eve Capt. E. P. Allen speaks at Saline. There is to be a social Friday ovening at the 5th ward Misson for the Sunday school. Rev. W.8. Studley commenced hi- pastoral work Sunday wkli two line sermons at tbe M. K. cliurch. Jndge Kuine a''journed the M on roe Ourt until "the dity atlor llarrison's election." That's the talk. The people of this representativa district will inake 110 rnisUke if they send Mr. S iwyer to the lcgislature. Two of our prominent farmers got to fightlng o the street Monday, and not oyer politics either, stick i pin there, The Ladies Aiil Society of the M. E. cliurch meets In the parlors ot the choren Tliur8lay (to-morrow) afternoon. Tea served at 0 o'cloek. Road districts Xo. 10 and 35 were consolidatcd into one district, No. 48, ut the meetinjr of the Aun Aibor town board last Monday p. in. On Saturday ovening the Youiijf Ladies Ulwlon circle of tlie M. K. cliurch, will give n "fishinjr socIhI," at the residenoe of Mis. Ticknor, No. 20 S. Jnjjalls street. At Üie Harriton &, Morton lieadquarters is a damly l'ig cabin, with mudplustered chimney and all. The barrel of eider is on tjq, :iud everytbing ibout it is complete. The republicans of the 5th ward raised l haiulsoine Harrison aml Morton poll last Friday evening, at the agricultiiral works, and celebrated the saine by the boomingof cannon. Slimson & San hal the old sidewalk in front of tüeir Ann st. store replaced by a new one sometime during Monüay tiiyli t, and now the city conncll propose to test the matter in the courts. The ludies of the Baptist cliurch will hold their regular Qfeetíug Tbunday atternoon in the church parlors. Tea serred t 6 o'cloek. Social In the evening. Public cordially iuvitcd. In the case of the U. S. vs. Chus. L. Livingston, Sheriff VValíh perved subpuMius upon Jndge E. D. Kinne, Chas. H. Worde, and Prof. Ahx Winchel) to attend a Bession of the U. S. district court at Detroit yesterduy. The Studente' Bible Class at the Unitaria cliurch opens next Sunday, Oct. 7th, at 12 in., in the auditorium of the cliurch. A very rich jour of work bas been planned on "OM Testament History, Lite rat ure nd Keliginn.'' The noon expres-s on the T. & A. A. 1!. E. to-duy Etruck the dray of D. L Gati-?, while crossing Jones st., 5th ward, and demolished the vehicle, carrying one wbeel 20 rods. Mr. Gates was cut on the head but not seriously injured. Oen. Wm. H. Gibson delirered a stirfing and patriotle speech at the Rlnk Monday evening. The General ia as excelleut a talker as he was a soldier, and lie Imd four horses shot from under hiin during the war. The very large audlence was well pleased. The city governtnent and business men pf Cadillac about 40 strong, are expected n the city thls afternooD. The councll "I this city has appointed committees to take charge of their entertatnmeot, and a banquet will be fiiven them this even'ni; by our business men. Chas. B. Howell died at lus home in Detroit yesterday aged 48 years. He was lawyerby protession, but had a taste tor literature. He published from the Codsibr prcsse8 a few months sioce a mcriiorious little volune of original po"ns entitleU " Next Door." Emil Baur, secretary, announcp? the moptlily meeting of Washtenaw PoniojogicHl S .ciety next Saturday. Topics: Inmiig trom t,e fajr. t1(, Rpple; inliry Into ihe conditions of the fruit fac' bonus ; what ghall we do with our irapes? Exhibit of the fi ults of the sea¦wn, and ot tlowers. The new Germán M. E. minister appointed to the charge in th!s city is Kev. Karl A. Millitzer, lormerly stationetl at tast Toledo. Rey. Mr. Millitzer arrivés 'n the city Siitnnlay and will preach liïs nrst sermón next Sunday mora Ing. It is tfl be hoped be will have n large ongregatio npon the occasion. The county cli-rk yesterday was clerk f the circuit court andjudge of the sume, Wltli power to adjuurn the court uDtil toW. wliich lie tlid, because of Judfre Klnne'i iihsence hs a witnessin the U. S. court at Detroit. The cilendar was called 'lus morninjr, and there were t'ound to be ¦ etiminal cases, 57 is-uesof fact, 3 impar 'nee, 1 issue of law, 22 chiuicery 4th clasp. The towmblp board of Ann Arbor beid ¦tnuctlDK Monday alternoon In the clcrk'a "mee and voted to raise by tax the fol'owing amounts: Hlghway funds S W 'r new brldue at Oeddes S0 U)iitlnKent fund 450 WocKlchuclc fund 60 Poorfund 150 Totiil 8;!.1.-j0 Rev. .1. ']' Snnderland lias jnst coinpleted liig tentb year uitli the Unitarian nuroh Inthiscity. Next Sumlay morn'Ojt )ie will preach a sermón nppropriatc totba occasion, on "Tenyearsof woik 111 Ano Arbor.'" In ihe CTeDing tli( re wilj lie a meeting of tlie young peopfe of the Cnnitrextiorj and stndents In syintthy witii liUirul tliouglit, to plau for iglom work among the young for the winter. Capt. Allen at the Riuk Frlday even'g Turn out and hearCapt. Allen Frida; evening at the liink. For 25 cents you can buy 10,500 matches. Fond mothers will piense note Sawyer and Lawrence are doing gram work making ringing speeches throughou the county. Mrs. Whltlng lias been assigned bj Judge Klnne to defend Sid Swiek, charged witli lurceny. There will be a dance jjiven at Germnnia hall, Frlday evening, October 12, by the city band. Marriajje license No. 2283 in Detroit, is for Win. Stiaw, Ann Arbor, and Aunie Piingle, Detroit. The Sludents' Christ'an Assoclation nnnonnce a reception Friday evenlng at the Uaiversily chapel. The Tuesday Club will hold an informal meeting on Tuesday, October 'J, at the Ludies' Library at 3 o'clock p. m., The Lalies' Charitable Union meets at the Ludies' Library, on E. Hurón st., Thursday, Ootobe'r 4, at 3 o'clock p. in. At Hobart hall on Sunday evenings at 7.30 o'clock, there will b a bible cluss or lecture conducted by the reetor of St. Anilrcws. AM. Ilcrz is putting in the plate glass for the Blitz & Langsdorf store this week. The glass alone in this store cost about f500. Dr. W. II. Sraith of St. Clalr has issued a republican campulgn song book i'Diiiiiininir twenty-four eclectione, good for republican clubs. Mis. bhctterly, of Ann Arbor town, while attempting to gct out of a carnaje onS. M:iiu bt., Saturdiiy, feil to the ïround and was considerably shocked and stunneü but not seriously injured. New telephones have been put in as Follows: Qeo. L. Moore's grocery on State st., No. 70. Stlnison & Son, Ann ft., No. 91. Mrs. Mary L. Gay, residenoe So. U7. Andrews & Co., Main st., No. 118. The services in St. Andrew's chiirnh next Sunday will be as follows: l.'.iO a. m. tnorning prayer and litany; 10.30 a. il. holy communion and sermón ; 3 p. in. Sundny school; 3.;J0 p. in. evcning prayer and catechism. Marshal Sipley made the lowest record n the expenditure of the poor fund last nonth bis been made for many vea i-8, $61.02. Wliile it is not rlght to et the dfserving needy suft'er, it is right o let those wbo can work but are too azy to do it, go without aid. The legistry at theUniversity indicates even a Iarjrer attendance than last year, which ral a phenomenal year There are more students now registered in the Veshman literary class than there was on the 18th of December last year. The St-nior medical is far ahead of list year, and not a depaitment in the University i r shows au advance in attendance. Jsually in the year of a national election he stilden ts have been slow cominii In, nul the present rush indicates ijreatly increased numbers. John B. Dow, whose snddcn death nccurn cl at bis liome on V. Huron streef ast Sunday night, was a familiar face on our streets. and well and favorably ;nown in theconimunity. He was about he streets Frlday, but took a severe cold vliich resultcd in his death. Mr. Dow vas 67 years oíd, a contractor and builder by occupation. He carne here in 1851, and helped to build the original higli chool building, the lirst university buildn, etc. He liad held niany positions of rust, lid was n much respected citi.en vho will be missed. Tliere is a heiip ol triitli in this paragraph: "Millions of dollars in tlie ag{rregate, are invested yearly in advertising, and raany millions more could be prolUably invested and yet many men scem toentirely unJervalue and üisregard tlie gieatest agent of tradc, while others advertise only from custom. The science of advertising s to deuüfy your name with your business, thvt tha public may not forgct you. Give the sauie attention to advertising that you give to ot her details of your business and you are on the 8:ife road to prosperity." A cordial welcoming rcceplion was given Dr. Studley at the M. E. church, Friday evening. A f ter rcfreshnients tlie congreiation gathered in tlie audience ronm ivh re a program was give consistitijj of an organ voluntary rendered by Prof. A. A. Stauley, the new Director of the School of Musie, solos by Misses Winchell and Whedon, and welcoming addresses by Profs. Winchell, Roger?, Carhart, Steere, Rev. B. Day, K. Kemjt, Rev. A. F. Bourns and J. E. Beal. Dr. Studley responded In a feellng marnier declaringit tbc warmest reception he had ever had. Prof. A. Stanley, who comes from Piovidenee, K. I., to take the duectorship of the School of Music is a valuable acqulsition to the university and city. He comes bere from a good position at a personal sacrltice as did Prof. Fiieze and otbers because he has faith in the state uuivcrsity t-ystem and to build up the work in bis departnient. He is a gentleman of rare culture e.nd musical ability, being one of the tlnest of organista and an ex-president of the National Musical Teacher's Association. Under bini we trust the School of Music wlll be built up of take the place it ought to have. J. C. Knowlton was removed as postma-ter in tliia city three years ago, charged with "oflensive partisaushlp," because be had been chairmaii of the republican county commlttee durlng the campaign. Mi. Knowlton will forglve us lf we state tbat quite a number of republicans (and rnanv democrats) hve freely asserted that he was not very "offeusive" and far from being "perniciously active." But now we have a spectacle that is truly wonderful! Wlllard Stearn3 the postmaster of the city of Adrián is not only "pernicious-ly active," but neglecting li is official duties and going about the country mak ing bitter partisan speeches, abusing republicans who pay taxes to make up his salary, calling some of them liars, telling bar room storten on the stump, and applying opprobrioOi epithets to those of oppoite political faith. Consistency thou art a jewul! And thy name is democratie civil service reform ! Monday evening will long be remembered by many of the üttle ones In our city. The offleer?, teachers and scholurs of the M E. Sunday school gave a reception to Rev. Dr. Studley. The musical part of the program conieted of a Belection "The Chapel," by the Ladies' Quar tnitM piumiHtinff of Misses Nina Davison, Itl LI . yWUOI4Vliig v -__.. - - -_r - - - ______ _ AllieCramer, May Wilsey, and Jcnnie Davison. A violin solo by Miss Qrace Hendrtckson, wbiob was very fine. A Scotch bailad by Miss Millle Knowlton ; and any one who bus lieard Miss Knowlton sing necd not be told that thls was very gOOÓ indeed Another song by tlie Qtnrtettc, whose singinj. is always fi"d After a speech by Dr. Stowell, the superintendent, and mother by Dr. Htndley, eicb one present shook bands with the new pustor, and B short time wus gpent in gctting cqualoted. Oae little girl said wliat a guod many thought: "1 Iblnk ournew mluUter ia just gpleodla. The little ones were out in lurger nuiubers tlian the older ones.


Ann Arbor Courier
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