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Rich and Poor, Prince and Peaaant, the Millionaire and ii.iv Laborer, by thelr common use of this rcmoily, attest the world-wide repatation of Áyer's Pilis. Leading pinsicians recorumend these pilla for Stouiach and Liver Troubles, Costivonrss, Bilionsncss, and Sick Headache ; also, for Rlicumatism, Jaundi e, and Neuralgia. They are sugar-ooated ; contada nu calomel are pri.init, but mild, in operation ; and, thereforp, tlio verv best medicine for Famlly isr, ai weU as for Travbíers and Touiists. t "I have derived great relief from Ayer's l'ills. Five years ago I was taken so ill with Rheumatism that I was unable to lo any work. I took tbree boxea ol Ayer'a ril Is and ras cntircly cured. Slnce tbat time I (mi noviT without a bos "f these pills." l'eter Christsnses, Sherwood, Wis. "Ayer's Pilis have been in nse in my tamil; opwarda of twenty years anl lijive completely voriticd all that is clainicd for tlioiu. In attacks of piles, from which I lalfered inany years, lln'v kfford freater relief than any ether medicine 1 ever trled." - T. K. Adams, ilolly Bprings, Texas, " I have uaeil Ayer's Pilis for a number of years, and have never foand anytliins eqaal to tliom for (iivi'i}? me a'n appetito and iniparting encif;y and Kreagth to the systi-m. I alwayi keep thtiii in the house." - R. U. Jackson, Vilmington, De 1. " Two boxes of Ayer's Pilis cured me of severe Headache, from whicb I uw long a snffprer. - Einina Kcy.s. HubbardstoB, Mass. "wm 'ii trnnlilpd with constipation, or siillcr froni loss "f ïppetite, Ayer's Pilla iet me rlghl agaio." - A.J. Kiser, Jr., Kook House, 'a. "Ayer's Pilla are in genera! domand among our Boatomera. Oui sales of tlicm exoeed those ol all other pilla convbined. We have never kimwn thera fail to give entire satisfaition." - Wrlght & llannelly, San Diego, ïexas. Ayer's Pilis, FREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer Sc Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. 5pfüé5 CBEAM AKlNg Lts superior excellence proven In ralllions of homes for more than a (jtiarter of iicentury. It hus.iI by ihe (Tnlted statesgovernnieDt. Kndorsed by Die lieacls of theOreat Unlversilies at the Strongeat, run-i.nnil most Health ful. Dr, Prloe'a tbeonly liakina I'owder that does not oontaln Ammonia I.inie or Aluin, isokl only In eau. PHICE BAKINCi TOWDER CO., NKW YORK. CHICAGO. 8T. L0UI8. Píso's Cure for Consumption is also tho beat E3 H Coiigh Medicine, gj 1C yon havo a C'ouhtIi withont dtsease oí tlio M Lungs, a few doses are all ESI you need. But if you fS C3 ploct tliis easy means of NJj Ejl safety, tho slíght Cough ISf Kl may become a sorious EJ nuutcr, and soveral buttles wlll bo requhed. "¦"¦ CARTERS] CURE Bick IIíadacbeand relieve all the tronóles Incident to a bilious Btato of tho systam, puch as DízzIdcss, Nausea, Drowsinoss, iJistrea after cating. Pair. in tho 8iili kc. Vliilo thcirmost romarkablo eucceaa has boen sliuwo iu curing SICK Hcadache, yet Carter'g Littlo Livor Pilla ara cqually valuablo Ín Constipat ion, curing aud provmting tliiaannoyingcomplaint.wliilo theyalao correct all disorders oí thostomach.,8tímulato tho liver and regúlate tao bowels. Even if they only " HEAD Achethoy would boalmoatpriceleeato those who BUffjr trom thie diHÍr-Psinfícoinijliúnt; brftfortujiatcly thcirpoodnPHfldoc's ntendhcro.aTidthoso who once try thomwill lind these littlo pilla val uableln Bomany waysthat they will not bo willing to do without them. But af tor allelck heatl ACHÍ Is the baño of po many livea tht here Ja whero vo make our grcat boast. Uur pilla cure it whilo othera do not. Cartor'a Littlo Livor Pilis aro very small and very êêMf ío tako. Out cw two pills makoa dose. They aro Btrictly TBgetabU and do not gripe or purge, bntby thetr gentla action plooseau who usethem. iñ vialsat 25 cents ; flvoíor$L Sold by druggists overywhero, or sent by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLP1LL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE LADIES Pov. Do Tour Oivii Iíiifí ai Home They will dye eTeryítiiop. They aresold every¦where. Pnce lOc.u package. Theyhavcnoequal íor Strength, Brif?htness, Amount in Paokaea or for Fastness of Color, or non-fadinp . They do not crock or smut ; 40 colora. For sale by J. J. COODYEAR. CIDER MACHINERYrrnsFREE Addross C. G. HAMPTON, Detroit, Mich.


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