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l'nicleuce! Frudence! In medlcat Ion, M In aught flsc. prudenoe Khoulcl bnfurKUWIe. Yet thotisands eiist Ulo the wlndn. Kvery new nosinnn rlnd Hs patrom, the medical empírica of every f I - e school have thplr KUll. Kvery dlmnga in the gftmut of humbug Is ruug succeKstuHy for a lime at lenst- the note bel na furnllied by the crednlons. In happy contrast to Ihe nianyadvertlsed Unpontures of tlieday stands Hostetlcr's Sti'Hi-ll liltters, now ni ilHlliinl deexde 01 populnrlty, approved and reconimended hy physjctanx, lodorsed l)y the press of roany lands, sought and prlzeri by Invjillds every where. It U an asoertalned fpeclllr tot and preventivo of nialarlal diseases, oln-riIndigenllon, llver complalnt and conslipatlon, check the growth or rheiiiimllsin and ïifunilüla, 1" a peerles Invluorant aud nsiini dmretlc. Nervaus people btínelltud ly II. -- A man's nwn good-brecdlnji is liis bftl securily ngiinst olher pcople's ill-u)anners. Ladics In doliente liealtl), nel uil who iqffer trom ti :¦ li tu:il constip-ition, will Ond llnj pleasant Calitorniu liquiil fruit rpnu'ilv, Syrnp of Fif?, more ensily lakii aml mora beiH'licial In effect Ihun any otlicr rcincily. It acts promptly yot (fpntly 00 the Bowels, Kldneys. Liverarnl Btomnoli, and doet not sicken or debilítate. Solil in 50c and $1.00 boltles by Eberb.uli & 8on. . There is DO sucli tliing as absolute perfeetion, and uo one neetl fear ever Ing too well inforraed. 1 i lülil e To Teil Yes; was so. For ye.irs I lifForff' severely witli s:rolula; shim lroke on' all over uiy bndy. and I aiu to U l1 one-h.ilf thut I snffi-red. I was ruit ü ! !- to oblain relief mitll I useil Snlplinr Bltters, wllleli oompletely cured me. - C H. Dai.k, 17 Alleton street, Boston. If you onrr try Carter' Ijltllc I.iver Pilis for Kick headuche, blllonsutíSH oí conMipatloll, you wij! liever Ik willnml llu'Iil. Tlley I art1 purcly vegetable; sniall and easy to lakt-. Don't iingtt tiiis.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News