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Hl.llh IIIKKTII.11. . , kbor r-OHMAVDBRY, No. IS meets firRt Tawlay of eaoh nonth. C. K. HUcnck, E. C; John R. Mlner. Reeorder. dTASHTKAWr HHAPrER, No. 6, R A. M.- Wiwts flrst Momiav each raonth. J. L. SlTne H P .; K-th. poiotarv. qUINESS CAROS. W W VIl'HOLS DE3STTIST. Rooms Over Vnn Arnor SavIneR Bank, Opp. Cmrt II'iisp Square. VITALIZSD A.IB. A4ninlstrei1. It agTvetie "d easy to lke, nd oo progtratlDg .-fl rK 'ol'ow wiille teetli re ntnctod without pain. CHAS. L. ALLEN; Contracto and Builder. Plans and Speclflcatlous oarefully drawn. Kesideooe, 46E. Catherine St., Ann Arbor, Mich. DR. C. HDWELL, OrviuB, Room 4, Masonic Block. OIBce honrs : 8 to 12 ; a to 6 p. m. DR. H R. ARNDT, PHLYSICIlSr Oftick Ovkb First National Bank. Houbs AT Ofkick: (0:íOto S a. ra ; 3:3 to 3'W u m Can be renched at resicience (West Huma street, the "Pri)f. Niohol place") by telephone, No. 97, and wlü reply tocallRin theeveolng. WU.MVn HERZ, Houso, Sin, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperio?, Glazlng Gilding, and Calcimining, and work of every description done in the best style, and warranted to give satisfaction. Shop, No, 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. O. ML. 3Cï2TI3sr, OKAL.KK IN' CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Ooramon Ooftlns. Calis at tented to Day or Nieht Krabalming a speclalty. Bto eroom on E. Washington streel. Resideuoe Oor. Liberty and Fifttt. W. H. JACKSO, IDiiE!il3Jl!TllX!lSllT!L OFFICE : Orer nach & bpl's bry Good Store. Entrnce next to National Bank. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! Ho. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldeat agenoy in the city. ERtabMshed over aquarter of acentury ago. Representtng the foltowlng flret-class companles. wltb over 80,000,000 Capital and Asets. HOME IN8. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL IN8. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. OO.. of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., or Phlladelphla. ORIEHT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL ÜNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rites Low a tlie Lowest, ïiOsseR LiberHy Adjnsted and promptljr l'aid. C. H. MILLEN Jsrome Freeman T Moves from hls present stand over Watts' to the POSTOFFICE, BARBER SHOP 3 BATH Ruoms, MoDday, March 19. p SITO aai BOT BAT2S ! TZHIIE SN ÁSB0R SAVINGS BASK, ANN ARBOK. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business, CAP1TaLT$BO,OOO. Owanlzed ander the Genera! Banking Law ol ttal Slat.:, the stockholaore tndividually liuble lor an addltlnnal amouut equal to the stock held hj uem, Ihereby creatina a Guaran tuc Fund for the benefit of Deposít'r8 of $100,000.00. TUree per cent. Interest Is allo ed oa all Ssvlnge D:poits of one dollar and upward, accordiug to the rulos of the Ijauk and interest compmnded emt-annnally Muney to Loan on unincunibered rl enlate and other ood security. DIRECTORS: CHRI8TIAN MACK, Wl. D. HAKKIMAN, W. W1NK.S. DANIKLUISCOCK, WILLIAM DEDBKI., WILLAKU B. SMI'I'H. DAVID RINSEY. OFFICERS: C. MACK, Pros. W. W. WINCS, Vicc-Pre O. ü. HISCOCK.Oashier. ÍWflflVIíRTñH l111 tevolutlonlzed tlic world IN V riM I 1 llfll iurlntc llie last half renlur} '" IMH UWH n"1 l('lisl HtmiiiK the uoodvra of lnveutlvn prouics is JQethiHi and HVKlern of work tlint ciin be per jormed all over the country without sf;nn "K tlie worki-m from t hel r home. I'y llb ;any one can do the wnrk; eilher ne! ig or oíd; no upeí-lal hlllty requlred Hpital nol needod ; yui nre starled fr f. Ca Uk om aod return to us aid we wlll end jourree, Komei hing of uret valne nnd linP"riance lo you. ttmtwlll start iou In buslne, whlch wlll lrlnir ynu In more iiKniey "Klitnway iliHn anyhlnu Blue In thi world. "rand outfit frtt. Address True 4 Co., Auïou, Malne.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News