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W ¦ Troyal. isa; s i rpj . fel fcAKlH POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powdcr never varlt-s. A mirvel of pnrlty, utrength Hnd vrbOlenoniBliesa, More economlcal than me ord'.niry kinds, and caonot lic sold in cornpetitl n wlth the mnltltude of low test. short wi-ighl alnm or ph spharc P"w1ers. SnM nnty In can. Koïai, B.kino PowDKB Co , 1UU Wall St., N. Y. NOTAPIMPLEONHIMNOW. Bad wltli Krarma. Unir all enne ial covered wil li oruptl uh. Tliimslit h 'hlinir wotild nevel gruw. Curedby micura ltcmiliN. llair pi. ndid and nol a pimple on lim. I cannot say enonh in prai-e of the CuTirntA Kkmkdik.s. 'My boy. whcu one ytar 01 ñgB, ni eo bad with ecz mithat he lost all of hts ha.r. His pcalp waa covereü with eruptione, which the ooc tors satd was t-cald hoad, and tliat his taair wonld never íítow i: li 11. D.'ptirin ot a cure from phy si iaiih, I bogan the use of tho CUTioUB hewdies, and, I :ini happy to fny, with the most per f eet (OOCeM, halr Is now oplendid, and thi-re Is not a p'mple on hm. I rvci mni'.'nd the i uti ( cica Hkmiedies to ni tthers ae ihe most npeedy, econimlcul, ii 1 rare 00 e for all skin dlseaïe of mfaiHB ind children, and teel that every moiher wbo haa an af.lictid child will thauk me lor so 'nB' Mk = . M. E. WOOUSÜM, Norway, Me. A Ftver Soi-c i:ia'a Vear Curcd. I inn"t eitend to yon the thunk of ono nf my customerf, wbn has been cured. by iisioff the Cotillra Rkukdis", ol an oíd eore, cansd bv a Ioiik spell ot s .ckuers or lever eiir'u ycarí ap. He wa so bad hu ju ijMirfal he wonld havo ui have his Ie? ampmated, hut is h ippy to ay ke is now entirely weii, - .ountl af a dollar. Henq'iints me t nse his nnm ', hieh la 11. li. Cason, mercbaöt of thie p!m . ,IOL1N' Y. MIXOR.Drufiíift, Qalssburo.Tenn. Scnli DiaeaH Cured. A few weeks ago in wife siitl'ered vory moch ff' ra & cutJinous distase o the scalo and re ceiv.d no relief ffni tb varlooa nmedi s sh. used nnfl ihe t led CüTiruKA. 'Ihe disease promp W yielded to this tren mom, and in a snori hilei-h wis entirely well. i nere has heen no retur i uf .he luid ('i'Timn rank No. 1 iii onr esiimation for dis aes uf tne skin RtV J.hKESSLEY BAKRETf, O. D., Kleigh, H. C. From Pimples io Scrofnla Cured. ('UTicUR. the t;ieat skin curu and ('uucuka Soap preared from l, cxternally, and CD i ikRksolvent. the new blood purifler. intei imlly ra a pci.-uive cure lor every forro of eklu and blond dlseases from pimple-' to Scrnfnia. Sild ivery wher. . Prlce: Cutjcura, 50 c. ; Soap, 23 c; Rksoi.vent, (i. Prepari d bv the 1'otiü.h Drüo & v hkhical Co,, Bo-t'ni, M fl t#Send tor "Ho to uure Skin Dlicaaea," 0) puges, 50 Illustrations, and 1U0 testimoniáis. n 1 DVIP Skin and Scali'Preerved a"d beautl JAÖY O fl'-d iy ('l'TirL'KlMEDICATKD-'iAP Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed Irom the dnngers üi eoffocatlor. irhile lyln down ; to breiithe Irecly, sleep eonndlj Tid undistorbed; ta rlse relresued, uead ciear, rain active and free from pain or ache ; to know hat no polsimous.putrld niaiter denles tho bremh nd rots away the delicate machlnery of emell aste and hearing ; to feil th t Ihe syetem does nut hrin"h IU veins nd rterlcR, snck up the po'soi hat i snre to andermine and dcatrov, is indeed ilesxln" bevond all otüer human enjoMnentn. To uurchane Immir Hy from anch afnte xhould b. th. .nji-ct of al nffllcted. But hone nl.o have tried ma. y remedies and physiciana despair of relict or ure. Sanpord's Radical ('urk meets eviry pbaic f Catrrh, ir..m a himple nrad cold to the mw oatusome nd destructive stage. It U and u'.aiitaünnal. Inítnnt In re.ievins, permatieu n curlii-, afe. eccu omlcal and never falllng. sasdmhd'i Radical Cdre conslsts of one botleol Kadical' um, one bor of ('atahhiiai. olvb T an. Impbovbii Inhaleb, al) wrapp'-H n op p.icR g, with trejitise nnd directions , and sold by all uruKCwta for tl. Pottík and Chemical Co.. Bostow. NoRheumatizAbDutMe IX OXE MIMJTE V m ne Cntlcnra Antl-I'ajn KS 1'lanter, leheves Kheumntir, ia . IJ tic sndden.SharpandNerv ul'alni M k -trü.m and Weakncwei. The nrei ITiiKi ouly pain-killinK piaster. New, I I y original, ln"tau ancue, InMüble, le A mtnrelP A"tid 'te to Pain, Inflnmma „nd Wtkn. ütterly unlike and sjnüy „per", to all o.hcr plas er. At all dr.iüe; -t-, ïiïentfl nve for 1.00; or. !")9'a,ï lïL. TER lliÚo AND J. KMICAL to., Bo.ton. llMB. ITheGreatcst BlooJ Purifierjn KNOWN. # I ThisGreat Germán Mclldnc lc#. I i-h.vuiestamlbcst. 128 doses of 8ÜL-jfj I I-I ri K l!lTTEIS3for91.W),lesstl""W I OM cent a close. It wlll euro the# L U -j worst rases of Bkln diMaae, irom# gg Q i common vimi'lo on the face Ito nwful dliease Scrofula -f 8ÜLPHUB BITXKE8 U t u -f $ best medkdne to use in nl g " I (a'3 of such Btubborn nndyour M'I-III deep MÏatod dlscasea. VoMneyn nre out III not ever taka M"l'Twu il K S m n, Dll IQ B l! 1.1 HU "M Q BLUE PILLS bitters. 1 1 Sj Blormprcury.tlicy aro !'# yon are lck,nol II ly. J'hice your trust inM ,Jiatt(.r what alia II II the purest nnd }eW„J . , „.., ill llmiKlIclnO ever made. #Juphnr l)ltiers!U Dof order. r.-.lítucrsU I SÍ61 i'n'íV'iis The Invalld's Friend. nl Is your ITr-jfterlng are soon made wel l I llneJ thick,#iu uw. H.n.'-ml.eiMvhatyoul ropy,clo.#rca here, U mnj J0lK lludy, ii#llf.', H ha aved II #Dou!t wuit uulli to-mon-ow, 0 ƒ Try a Bottle To-day! E H - B Are vou low-snlrlted nnd wcak,l 1 lywíllcureyou.


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