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Sbort advertlsemenU not to exceed ttiree une, of Lost ana Found, H oases for Sale or Kent, Wants, etc., tnserted tbree weeks for 25 cents. SItnatlons wanted, free. WANTED.- A sltuation as housekeeper. Wldow with achlld of eluhtyears. Letters addressed, Chelsea Box, W7, FOR SALE or excliange a Large Almost New House and Barn and Two Lots at Corner of South and East Unlverslty Ave. 2 J. P. Judson. FIUND. - On tbe fair grounds a purse contalnlng a small amount of money, whlch tlieowner can have by caltlngat thisofflce, provlng property and paylng 2T cents for thls notlce. 25 T OST- A leather trnnk with letters J. T. J. I j palnted on one end. Pleaae Hend Information In regard to same to me. N. W. CHEEVER. 'IMIE person who took a white wrap (or JL bawl) from the M. E. church on Krlilay evenlng, Sept. 28, wlll please return it to tbe janltor and save further trouble. rpo RENT.- A part of a large convenlent X house. Also unfurnlshed rooms. Corner of Jefferson and División sla. Inqnireat. 47 División st. tf SOLDIERS! And others, havlng Pension Papers and Vouchers to exeeuto wlll flnd lt tothelr advantage tocall onComrnde WM. K.CHI1.DS, In the Insurance Office In tbe basementof theCourt House. Any lnforinatlon relatlve to Pensions frce of ehiiree. 29 r OANINQ-Money to loan on flrst-class Xj Keal Estáte Mortgage at Current rates of Interest. Satlsfactory arrangements made witb capitalista deslrlng Ruch lnvestmenU. tóvery conveyance and transaction In abstracts of tltles carefully exanilned as to legal effect. Z. K.INO. Ann Arbor. EEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.Houses and lots valued from $1,0(10 to ttiUOU and contalnlng from one-flfth of an tere to twenty acres-all In the city llmtts. Housese rented on reasonable term In oentral looalltles. Farms exclianged for city property. Enqulreof J. Q. A. .scsslons, Attoruey and Real Estttte Agent, Ornee No. 5 Norlb Main St., Ann Arbor. 51tf


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News