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Circuit Court Proceedings

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The People vs Arthur Powers. Charged with breaklng Intu and entering dwelling. PleaJ guilty. Sentenced to two years at Ionia. The People vs. Hld öwlck. Larceny from ilH-fiiniL'. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to Ionia for two years The People V8. Frank Wilson. Larceny from ilwilling. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to Ionia for four years The People vs. Wm. Anderson. Larceny from dwelling, Jury disagrecd. The People vs. Win. Cook. Rape. Plead not nulliy. Ball fixed at Í8U0 mul case continued. Jane R Forbes vs. Fred L. Thompson, et al. Foreclosure. Decree granted for 9097.79, Lavliüi E. Cooper vs. Abram Cooper. Divorce. Ordered that the order pro oou. be set ulds, and the defendanl be iillowed to file his answer. Complalnant be allowed to amend hls bil] within ten days; the defendant to answer the ameoded blll wlthlu ten days alter service of a copy of the same upon liii'u. Helen A Raywalt vs. John T. Raywalt. Divorce. Decree granted. John Burg vb. OnOQ It. Santord. Foreclosure. Decret gninled for $419.19, lo beüold any Hm.' aller i7in oi' Keb., ikmu. L'hriatopher C Ueuress v. Gertrude Deure -p. Divorce graninl. Arba S. Van Valkenburg vs. Gilbert M. Brown et al. Foreclosure. Decree granted wlili $19 solU-Hor's fee to be taxed. i "lias. Howell vs. John Huddy. et al. Continued upon appllcallou of the coinplalaaut without leriiiM. Jas. F. Clark vs. Wrn. Bradley. Appeal. Stricken from the docket. The 3S lasca ngaliiKt Nlcholns Cordary et al., growlng out of the faiuous Ypsüantl railure, were all ontlnued. s.iiiim üiuiMii v-, .i.ihn K'-i'k and Frederlek lurk. Strickeu froni the docket. Ueo. L. Kuhlaud John Braun were excused for the term as Jurors. John ainl [,ouls Klsenbeser were admltted to cillzenshlp Ida i.sniiiii vs. Geo. Palmer et al. contlnued od appllcatlon of defendaut. Edwin K. Doane vs. Daniel Hoy. Continued upon appllraitou of defendant. Jerome Germán vs. John W. Clark. Contlnued. Kvi'llne Doyle vu. John Doyle. Decree granted. 1 he visit of the Cadillac business Dien anti councll luit Wednesday niht and Thursd.iy fmetioon was a very enjoyable ¦¦flair. Tliey dld Dot ariive until about 10 o'clock, so thiit there was no banquet or public reception. Thursday mornlng the entire party, consisting of 33 pmple, including feveral ladiep, were taken in charge by committees of the council and citizens, driven about the city in carri:ics, and sliown over the tlniversity campa, hulldlngg, llbrary, museum, etc, witli Prof. Pettee as xuide. The time of their stay at so limited that but a luir ried visit was paid to miy thinjr, and our cltlMDI sincerely hope tliat the Cadi]lc people niay come :iLrníii sonie time, when tliey will have suttjcient time to examine our city and its ' lions. " The party lift here for Toledo nhcie a binqiii't and big time iivvuited them. Hou. W. 11. Iiurt la ioaklnK the most ni iiiiirkiii;li' canviiNs tl);it luis been ii)Hle In Michigan glnce tlie close of the war.--Dundee t('l)(jrier. Ves, reinarkabUi for a circular to whicl) icdare iot s'tgn bis nane, ind wljicli he bcrefore senils out anonyinously; and whicliUas ful I of fafsehood as Satan H f wickedness. He would tnake a better cunyasi by rlghtlng a more tnanly buftje. Chas. H. KliDe is making a thorough anvas9 of the county, not only speakinfí or hlniself, but for every man on the ist f rom Harrison down. Mr. Kline is ery popular among the younger voter, iid few men In the county would nll the ffioe of circuit court eommlssioner wiih more ability than he. We desire to call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the School of Music by which It will be seen tliat the teaching forcé has been increased. It is thc sim of Director Stanley to extend the work of the school, and to Increace lts i'fflclency in every department. A course of recitals and lecturea will be commenced at an early date, and we understaml that there will be a social íatlienng in Hohart HM on Thurwlay eveninu, Oct. 18th, to introduce the series ;ilove inenlloned. lIrs M. M. Tuttle, baa just brougliton her fall goods, and it is the tineat and most (xpensive line of millinery, trtnimings and ribbons ever brought to tlns City. She bas hats ranging i" price from $l"to $27.50. Kibbon up to $5 per yard; feather boas $5 ; gold and silver tliread ribbons, burnt orange shades, and al! the pretty and beautlful things that lndles ndmlre so niucli and generally will have. Tlu-re ia no need now of goiiiK out of the city for the best articles In ihis '.i'"1. Ladies are especially invited le come in and look over the beuutiful aseortment of leather trimiuing in all shades, slyles and forms of inake up; and the dillerent designs of hats and bonnet?, tojrether with ornanients and triinminjis. Many new patterns and styles of goods nerei brought to Ann Arbor before lecause of thcir expenslveness. Mrs. Tuttle lias never before made such extensivo and elegant purchases, and certainly leads every other dealer in her line.