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THEODOBE RGOSEVELT ! OF NEW YORK CITY, WILI, ADDRESS OUR PEOPLE NEXT Wednesday Eve.. t'ss 11 POLIT1CAL ISSUES L.ADIKS INVITED. REPÚBLICAS MEETHÏGS. Homs. A. J. Sawyer. John F. Lawrence and George S Wheeler will address Ilie people upon the issues of the campaign, at the followiiig places: Wednesday. Oct. 10.- At Birkett'8 school house, Hudson, Dexter townshlp at 7:30 p. m. TtiursUay. Oct. 11.- At Grange Hall, Nonh Lake, Lyudon tuwnshlp at 7:30 p. m. Friday, Oct. 12.- At Sylvan Center, at 7:30 p. m. Satúrela?. Oct. 1!.- At Lima Center, at 7:30 p. m. There is to be a rare politica! treat t the Opera House on Saturday erenlng, Oct. 13ch. Col. John Atkinson, of Detroit, and Hniiry ilaigh, of the same city, wlll address the propte, undpr the auspice of the U. of M. hranch of the Michigan dun. Kvery one who has beard Col. Aikinson will want to hear hiui afrain, and those who have not will certainly improv the oppoitnnity. Ue is one of the best speaker in Michigan. Read the letter of Mr. Davenny from Bi-lyiiim on 4th pafte. D. C. Fall is lookinjr for some flig calicó. Anybody seen it? There are fcven republican poles in the tifth ward and only one democratie. Remember the lecture of Theodore Rooêevelt, at the Rlnk next Wednesday evening. Eherhach & Co. have a pair of acales so delicately bnlanced that they can weigh the 1 ü4th óf a grain. Mr. Sunderland will wivc the first of his eveni g lectures at the L'nitarian cliurch next Sundüj' evening. Tea social given by the Lidies Aid Society of 8t. Andrews' church at Hobart Hall to-morrow evening. The city ofllcials havestopped the erectlon of ii wooden bain in the rear of Mr. Ziiern's market on Washington St. Rev. H. Palmer is gettiug nicely settled in the Dixboro charge, and will give the people theie sume good perinons. The church choir of the Oerman ohurch of Maocliester paid a vlsit to the choir of Ueihleheiu church last Sunday. The congregution of St. Andrews church, are inaking an extra effprt in securing aood music for the coming yer. Christopher C. Deuress was granted a divorce from Gertnide Deuress by Jndge Kmne Monday, on the grouiuls of cle9ertion. All premiums awarded will be paid in full by applying to the secretary of the Ouinty Agricultural Society at the Coukieu nfflce. Wagner & Co. liave a new mirror In their store that is very deceptive indeed It duplicates everything in the store alniort but prices. The picture of "Horses In a Storm, V paioted by Mrs. E. B. Lewis, and the property of Qeo. Hlum, in Koch A Henne's windoiv, is a beauty. 'The meeting and speech ot Capt Allen's was the grandet tbing we've hd this year," taid a well-known citizen the next mornnr. So say we all of up. lt ward lïepublican Club meets FriV-iy tiight in rooms over J. T. Jacob's ftorc. Every republican In the ward nvited to be present. Business of Importance. County Treafurer Bclser settled wlth the superinlendents of the county poor Jesteniaf. Total of ordnrs paid during the year ending Oct. lst, 17.793 97; balance on hand $405.09 Lt year the poor 'uui was overdrawn $43 52. Next Friday evenlng the people of the M. E. church of Dixboro, and of the "Free" churrh six miles east of that rUce, will meet at the Dixboro parsonajre wa pound social. They Invite everybody and promise a good time. Philip Baeh has accepted the $800 for hu lot on the Second ftreet extensión, offered by the city councll, and that gremly discucsed project will now become i rc&iity. The T. & A. B. B. wlll commenee their new station building at once, weare Informed. The friends of Dr. Tt. 15. Pope will be P'easHd to learn that letters from hls famiy give proniise of his early recovery. """conference cent hirn a very svmpal'irticana bwutlfiU testimonial of conti nee and regard. Sinee his illness he "8 received two calis from large eattern dnirches. It Is not very welcome intelligence 'iitthe old and reliable tlrm of Hansfwrfer & Co. are to close out their res"Urant and ctmfectionery business at "nee. The ñrm will continue the ice business anil also the ice cream bufine?, hich will he turned into the whole-ale trade next season. Theodore Rooevelf, of New York City, w"o is to ipenk bere next Wednesday veninjt, the 17tli, Is one of the cultured, ïgressive am np with-the-times young jneii of that woniierful (frOWing metropo'l8- He is a gentleman who will uppral 10 "e people froin the standpolnt of ft enolar and business man alike.


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