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"nearly Everybody Reads It."

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WKË&---m TbeFarmerrea(1,heCI,ic(lr,[,j,yNewab,. 'rhi TS'ic "ré" 1. ChTa"n aih M.-rrhant read. ihe Chicago Daily News cMíc m:)kM more haD , .„.„_„., cint a. becsu lu: Luow lha:even o ! . ; now rnat"l En.; on in the peal t'itv_ )v kii promptly posred en the vanatior.s lil= "9 nteülscnce u man ïai Me njure busih. u (entres of ihc v.orrd, ani! h -an'( waue of mirl.t _h; Joesn't wt for the low weckhc'N "¦ Th: worLingman cin wc!l airj h., time liiliuiag lor il in a " Llankel ¦...¦ lies ¦ v more! dily paptr t "ooe cent a day." , . fTT iloiherrcadilheCbicaso Daily Newcbecafse Grantliijottièr rwds the C icaga i.-.., Chicago NcwJ h U;o w;ih-h(.r husband ia bccllB,e .he ,ll want lo leno Wha:'s g..xt iycJ all thn!W.,aJ1ijfto condense,! , ; andthen 5he parücularly enjoys the And ifs a comfort to . a daily paper Li ihc'.U. which ar.: ;i it everj' day. " 'he childrco see " ,.: . .... the Chic Now. Ti.c Iviiuc;..n a!:.yMx-adS .he C icago The Girlr, al! rr.;.i ih, Chicago I beo Í.-.M neus sofully.-.üsay News Uou-... a, ,:,.:„;.. r„al paper, and wlhcr (h. .„ ( ;i,,., nttIt..tC(i :., .11 the oihtr tbiQ boy. enjoy. And llkcs,"s "dcpendcnl iriews ur not, hc wam, to gossip about f,,Kion, an,, ,,„_,,. ma!, this year even ihc boys doit skip the polilical know 'llc ''"'¦'¦ ''" "PP?" h" particular nothing abouI ,h0 excellent seria! il „„.... party "organ,' but when he. wantt colda-j he „.„„:It nMLCU HM ( UK .'.i 1 'AIl.V N KWS. c 'i'j. Office Rtvitm, says : " Ncarly rvtrybody who reads ihc I'nllsli langiiage in, aronnd and about Chicajo, reads the Chics co Daily New." ] h. yüu ? lis a " ihort and to the point pape.-," - m.idc particu'arly lor busy pcople, and it OMti one cent a day. All newsdealcrs scll t, and all postr.iasicrs iurward ubscriptijns fbf it at $3.00 a ycar, or $1.00 for fbur months. Address VÍCTOR F. LAWSON. PublUher The Chicago Daily News, Chtcafio.


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