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Tuk b il Pi roptl! uk :iv,tno 10 ald the yellow fever Bufferera v i pa&aeü In the Senute on the A reolution wus adopied nuthorizmg Mr. llulc's ComalM I i' vil-Sen-lce Reform to continu om duringther cess. A resoluUon s% Intrndaccd requestlng tlio PreiidL'iit to negoiate treatiea iih the Governments of Kr.icland a:id for the txc lu-. on of di i laboren trom the North Amer.can continent and for the provention of their cnlrunca into ilio In ted States - In the Hou so th ' s.-n .t ¦ bill aüowlaf persons wbo huve ubandoncd or relin(iu:shed their nomesteurt eulriea to niakc oihcr enlnes was passed. Senator HoAit (Mass.) introduced abill in the Senate on the :i,l pro v ld Dg that the certlflcatcs and lisls of rotea for President and Vtcc-Prosdent stinll be for arded to the Senate afier the second Monday In January on whieh the sleoton ihall trive their '..nos. Senator Allison (Ia.) report ü a substuue for the Mills Tariff bUl, wl'ch was placad on tlie calendar and or.'t',-t't 10 !¦¦ pr ut-d. He announood that he would cali up the bil for consideratlon on the th. Senator Sherman (O. I, in speaking on the bill said ,t cOQtained a positivo, unquesttonable reduction of revcnues to the eitent ol 78,688,0O0; that It aatarfad the free hst by addlng to it cïrtuin articitis wtiich could not be produced In this country and that there was not a single Item in the b.ll wblob discriminated between seotions of the country. In speaking on the charge that Government officials had been OBllad upan for campalgn contributions Senator Hawley (Conn.) sald that If It was true that Mr. Cleveland had sent f10,000 to a pol.tloal commiitee he had committed a er. me punlshable by fine or by imprlsonmentor both... In the House no business of importanco was transactcd. The bill relat ngto the classiflcatlon of postofflees and ndjusting postmastets' salaries was taken and pussed in the Senate on the 4th. The majority and minonty repons on the Tariff bill wem Btibmlttcd and ordered pr ntcd. Adjourned to tho Hth .... In the House the time waf occupied in discusing the conference report on the Defidency bill, and the report was reject 1 THE Sonate was not in sesrlon on the 5th. ....In the House a eonini Het' was aprointed to investígate the work dons on the Washington aquecluft tunnel. The b 11 ai'propriat.n $18.r),2.'O lor couiplctiiig the improvement and dredging of the St. C uir flats ship canal was reported. At the evenlng sess on twenty-seven pr.vaie pension billa were passed. Adjourned to the 8th. DOMESTIC. Tnr. statement of the public debt issued on the lst showed the total tlobt to bo Í1,717,4S9,S3S; OMtl i" Trousury, t'.,444,845; debt less cash in Treaiury, 1, 141, 876,967. Deere. se dur ng September, Íl:,247,(tí5. Deorease since June M. 1SS8, IS3,TÖ9,00(X Isaac Bjftkr, a neddler, attacked by tliree buü-dogs whlle enter. ng a farmhouso near Harrisburg, Pu., on the lst to scll goods anl u-is fatully bitten. Jacob Kafib while intoxicated on the 2d committ.Rd suicido by hangin at Fort Wayne, Ind. Ba rat u wealtoy bachelor, and no cause could be assignoJ. Klinic's p'.aiin?-mill, Jioith & ee's milis and a dwalKng house at Altoona, Pa., were destiMye;l bv an incendiary flre on the 2d. WiLi.iAM H. Smitii and Caper Westjorfor wero struck by üffhtning and killed on the 2d ncar Evansvillo, In t. Jamks J[ili::iiu, Po-ter Tregunsi and Andrew ülsen were drowned on the 3d near Bmti ¦¦ iiy u... ayatatag i o Iish;iiL' boat. The wife of Oeorgo Pofllngbai-iirer coramitted suicido on the 2d at Blue Sprints, Neb., after haring stranglcd her two children. She left a letter stating that fear that she was becoming insane caused the deed. PLEriio-rxriMONiA was so prevalent on tho 2d near Limn, O., that inany herds oJ cattlo hud been quarantined. DtutXG the nlne montlis en ded September 30 last there were 7,550 business fuilures in the United statos, wlth liabilitiee of over $93,000,0 )(), as against G,S50 failures and Ï12S,000,(K)0 of liabUltlei iu tho same pcriod of 1S87. Wiiii.e re-nuing the crew from the barge Bt. Clair on the 2d near Band Keach, Mich., the surf boat was caps:zed and four men, and one woman woro drowned. An incendiary flre on the 2d at Antwerp, O., tíestroyed an entire business block. üx the 3d house officers at San Francisco stated that 30,77S return Chinese certifleates issued at that port were still outstanding. Tho3e holding them would not, under thenew law, be ailowed to re turn. Tns Traders' Bank, one of the old flnanciul lnstltuUons oí Chicago, failed on the 2d for nearly a.000.000. Tlie fatal illness of its jjresident was given as the reason for closing the door3. By the caving in of a eoal mine on the 2d at Bedford, Mo., Mathan Sheuard and S. F. Baley were killed and two other men were fatally injured. The exchanges of the New York cleap. ing house for the year ended October 1, 1888, amounted to $30,8(13,686,609.21; balances same time, $1,570,198,527; total transactions, 83,4S3.8S5,iaa9B; total transactions sirco organizatiou (thirty-five yoars), 1881,135,273,210. J 6. Snow feil in tho Mohawk valley, New York State, on the 3d. Goi.i) Lkap beat the world's one mile pacing record for three-year-olds on the 8d on th Nftpa (Cal) track, making2:15. Aboit half the tobáceo erop in Bracken County, Ky., wm ilamaged on the 3d by frost. The banking house of Shanklin fe Austen, of Trenton, the oldest bank in Northern Missouri, oloied its doors on the 8d, owingto the faüwre of the Traders' Bank, of Chicago. It was announced at tho Philadelphia Baptist Association meoting on the 3d that Hobert J. Burdette, the hamorlst, had been licensed to preaoh by the church at Lower Marión, Pa. Johx J. C'oNNKi.i.v. awa'ting trial at Salem, Mim., [or hlghwajr robbery, committed suicido in lus oell on the 3d by hanging himsoll with a towel Tuk Chtoago Board of Trado was the sceno of intense excitement again on the 8d, Deoember wh ,i reaoliiagtLlS, ViitiiiMv'i Btate expoiitioo opened at Eichmond on the :U with twenty thousand visitors. Bpoechfij vrnra made by GovLee and otherí The American Bakers' Association met In annual tession oti the 3J at Cincinnati. Tnr. eourt hou ¦¦. wlth most of th, and the jail of Sac County, Ia., was trarned ai Bao C':ty on the 3d. A priaoner named Charlea Carlson was thought to have perlshed in the fiamos. The American liockeepers' Association met on the 3J at Colum'bUS, O., with about half the atea and Canada repreMated. l'mii'.ii: ïiii's were reported raming on tbeSd Bldridge, I). 'i'., and the citiens were h'ghting to save the town. Tin: National Association of Ilailroad Freighc Agent-, wis organixed at St. Louis on the !id, and 1. V. Crawford was olected president. Duftiva the twenty-four hours ended on the8d there were V- oew cases of yellow fi-vcr at Jacksonvillo, Pla., mul 6 deaths from the disoase were reported, Total -...u. i,, date ; total deaths, 270.


Ann Arbor Courier
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