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Whichi iii your opinión, would be the nt, likely to promote tlie real interest l the mass of the American people by the control of the National power during hc next tour years - the republican or the democratie party?" Thi9 qnestion every voter shnuld ask limself in all seriousness. The qusüon viiy voter wlll helpto answer, itmatters iot what ticket he muy vote - or indeed, whether he votes at all. The American tizon holils in li is hands the power of he 8overeiin - the power to rive his felow citizens good goveroment or withi'ilil t trom them. and is equally respou-ihlc tor what he does and what he tails o do. The fact that he disagrees with both of the great parties or believes it would be better that sonie thlrd party's special idea should prevail does not in any degree tend to relieve him froni respoii8ibility for the natural result. He nows veiy well that one of these parlie will be fjivcn ilie power of the land - that ue of tliese two forcea will domínate the country during the next quadrennial. He may reaiird both as defective in some Stpecte, but he must choose between hem If he would have the future hold Mm lilameless for the result. It is just is much a tluty incumbi'iit on the wise uier to avoid the greater evil as it is to lesire the greater good. Few patriota üive ever been allowed to take exactly lic i'OUrse they preferred. Crumwtll and Washington and Lincoln - the tb. ree greatebt naiues in Aniflo-Saxon hlitory - each obtaimd preeininence in his day by a tvle choice between what he deemed mdesliable but unavoidable alternatives. l'he readiness of the A.inerican pcople to choose the better part is the real key to mr marvelooi siu.veas as a self snveruinc


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News