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Think Before You Vote

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Plunder the poor. Eilarge poor-faniiS. Muitiply tenement houses. Shiivi'l the public revenue. Diiiiii the country of money. ' Drive labor Urgely to the land. Scale down all salaries and profits. Turn the balance of Iradé ajiainst l13Revive here the Brilish colonial systern. Inúndate thls country witïi foreign goods. Deatroy our capaeUy for eheap produotions. Universallj' reduce the value of faruiinir land. Üiisottlc all fornis of mercantile business. Iiistantly oaus4 n paralysisin ron manufacture lacrease furta producís and diniii; if U the inarket. Strike the skilled laborer first and most severely. Destroy the possibllity of diversified employment. Paralyz tUe arm of the worker and empty his pocket. Add Kieatly to the wealth ot' the rich and in;ik(j the ptor pooier. Leave the skilied labur the alternalive of idletics or Knglish wages. Close up tbuuMiida of mili-, factories, furnaces and workshops. Empty the building associations of tlieir tens of uiillioMs of dollars. Throw the south back to the onc general industry of cotton-raising. Put the whole libor population back to the aute-bellum condition. Forcé capital out of tields of enterpHse into permanent retiiement. Kille our pockets to swell the incomes of trreedy foreipii corpoi ations. Take frons the liome of the artisan tlie conforta and necessities of life. Reduce ua from a state of commercial Indepeodenofl to one of depeodfnee. Uostroy our coastingtrade, froin which all toiinnjif la now excluded. "Makcs two blades of irass grow where oue now grows" in mauutacturing towns. Rob us ot our Indastriil prosperitj' for the bcDefit of Manchester and BirmUghain. Makc labor a bejrgar at the fect of Capital instead of a partner and an cqual, as now. ( ; i ve the foreljrner an rqual chance with ourselves to protit by our natural advantajics Stifle the genius of AnerieaiM for advancemeiit in tl'.c civilizing arts and sutilices. Invite a struzgte betwflen home laii'ir, on a high plañe, .uní oíd World labor, on a kw plam . Enormouly sufiraent the buiden of natlonul, ttHte, county, municipal tnt3 individual di'l't-i. Stimulate the spirit of dltoofd springing from the secils of socialisin trans plantod from Europe. BubstitQte tnr tlie muic of the looms and lathes and hammen the complaints of iille woi kmen. Make 08 the vietims of OW World monoiolics which cannot lie rcached bjT American lc;islatioii. Leave no better opporlunity here than tbre is in Rurope for the success of the brain and nratde combined. Malie tliis countrj' a seller of raw products at lovv rates and a bu ver of Hnished productsat hih ratf-s. Leave edueared, ckillful labor no better chance for promotion than the hewer of wood and drawer of water. Eventually place America practically in the condition of agricultural countries like India anti Southern Russia. linkrupt man}' railroads and displace an immense numher ot laborers in transportation, by reason of a diininished internal commerec. M ike these stites the dumpini ground for EuKliind's surplus products, which necessity wou ld compel us to take, upon her own terms. - Cincinnati Times-Star. Free trade vi!l do all these things. Devxocracy ineans free trade.


Ann Arbor Courier
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