Real Estate Transfers
Hattle M. Dolg to John Dolg, Ann Arbr 750 Richard C. Dolson, et al. to Reaben Cole, Vpsllauil ... 2:0 N. M. Engle to O. A. Kelley, York 80 Orln A. Kelly to Jas. Doyle, York 102JÍ Laura E. Whitehead to Jas. Doyle. Mllan 1 0 Katle Sheldon to Sarah Jaue Hughes Aun Arbor 800 Preston W. Ross to M. & Ellzabeth Max, Ypsllantl 3,000 Laura A Leonard to Mary C. Whltlng, Anu Arbor 1,000 Win. V. Whltlark to Mary A. Whitlark Anu Aroor 150 Wra. W. Whltlark to K. B. Whltlark, Aun Arbor 500 Albert SI. Clark to Arthur 8. Ulark, Lodl 22.05 Seth P. Summer to Wm. Burke. Ann Arbor 1,800 Wllson L Warner to Jacob Sturm, York 120 Thomas Richards to Albert F. Huil, York 135 Wm. Burke to Francés C. Welch, Ann Arbor 1,800 Franz Rotbenbuecher to A. A. Hlnlz, Anu Arbor 500 Daniel Klerstead to Caroline Fruehaun, A uu Arbor 160 Evart H Scott to Hattle Pond Barker, Aun Arbor 1,050 Wm Guenther to Trustee of the Geriiniu 1-J. II. tíocety. Helo 20 Robt. Leach to Dennis Lcach, Sylvan. .. 600 Den nis Leach to Robt. Leach, SyJvau.. . 500 G Bolgos to Win. lioigos, Balem 1,000 Lewls E, Chllds to Ja. C. to 3. Embrose, Ypsllantl 230 Peter Newton to Chas. O. Slmpson, Ypsllantl „.. 300 Valentine Schmldt to John G. Boller, Lodl 1,400 Sarah Dormens to Patrlck Hughes, Sclo 200 Warren W. Wadbams to Martin Noli, Ann Arbor 800 A. DeForest to Fred W. Buss. Ann Arbor 1,675 Wm. Robbins to Mary Rathlbn, Pittsfleld 7,800 Andrew DeForest to Jas. R. Bacb, Ann Arbor 1 350 Jas. Lougblln to Mary Loughlln, Ann Arbor 24 Wm. Day to Wm. G. Holland, Augusta, 823 Pure C. Alvord to Maggle Alvord, Manchester 200 Pure C. Alvord to Dlck M. Alvord, Manchester G00 Joslah Minor to Dlck M. & M. Alvord, Vancuester 800 E8uebla M. Alvord to Dlck M. Alvord, Manchester 100 Jas. H. Hunt to Perry E. Hnnt, Manchester 300 Edson lluiit to Richard Green, Manchester 1,450
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Hattie M. Doig
John Doig
Richard C. Dolson
Reuben Cole
N. M. Engle
O. A. Kelley
Orin A. Kelly
James Doyle
Laura E. Whitehead
Katie Sheldon
Sarah Jane Hughes
Preston W. Ross
M. Max
Elizabeth Max
Laura A. Leonard
Mary C. Whiting
William W. Whitlark
Mary A. Whitlark
K. B. Whitlark
Albert M. Clark
Arthur S. Clark
Seth P. Summer
William Burke
Jacob Sturm
Thomas Richards
Albert F. Ball
Frances C. Welch
Franz Rothenbuecher
A. A. Hintz
Daniel Kierstead
Caroline Fruehauff
Evart H. Scott
Hattie Pond
William Guenther
Robert Leach
Dennis Leach
G. Bolgos
William Bolgos
Lewis E. Childs
James C. Embrose
Peter Newton
Charles O. Simpson
Valentine Schmidt
John G. Roller
Sarah Dormens
Patrick Hughes
Warren W. Wadhams
Martin Noll
Andrew DeForest
Fred W. Buss
William Robbins
Mary Rathfon
James R. Bach
James Loughlin
Mary Loughlin
William Day
William G. Holland
Pure C. Alvord
Maggie Alvord
Dick M. Alvord
Josiah Minor
Eusebia M. Alvord
James H. Hunt
Perry E. Hunt
Edson Hunt
Richard Green