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Supervisors Proceedings

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Taesday- Afteinnm. - M. F. Cee WSI elected chalrman i"" l'"The rom ín tice "ii prtntlng waitithorIzed lo recelve bM f' priatlög I, -Mío copie of the procaedlngg of the boarj ln paniplilft íorm, "I bave the Bame ready for dlstrlbution befbre Dws. Ut, ad ta procure the publioatloti of tlie Mine ln the Waslitenaw Portal a coat nol to axoeed $0. The Onniy Clerk wa ínrtructed to Meara bids trom Mw diflerent ímnks ol the city for Un; depoalting of coanly fandi fot the eflplog ye. ir. Wednctday -The ppartlonmeni of state tnxet wa preaeoted to the bourd by the clerk and ordered tprend opon tlie rec ords. The clcik was aüowrd 935 for fnrnlahlog eopy i proweding for the printer. The unknown belr fmul and the Inreitlgatlonof the same, was reftsrred to a eommltted eonitottng of Meurt. Oaborn, Gravel and Case, anq lüey were authori.cil to procure c Mitisel f neceieary. Tui rili y- TUi', amiii:il report "f the all inspertors wal picsentcd -hmI rtrdered lilrd, i oirct lit-r wit li tlic riiiniial report ol the Judge of 1 'róbate relutive to the commitmenti to the lm me asvlom. The oommittee on claltna u forhldden to recelve nyclatnu nnleai wrtlfled to bv the pertQn onlerlng the s:une. lic county offlcuis were Invked to aceompany the suii'rvisord to the county house. In the aftcrnooii the board resolved Ittell Intu a commtttee f the whole and took rehlclet for the county poor honte. l-'riiliiu- The bOUf Inving irrivcd for tlic picsi'iitiition of the report of the county 8iiperintenil.'iits of the poor, the Mine wme prewnted, aod the followi:iir is :i Ciindensatioii of the same: In the repurt we And the followlng iim'un(s ilue the poor fmul tïoni cities and towna for the yean Ann Ailior rily $ 8 M ' ¦' tüWll 1H0 U Angnu !;'; ¦m .. ,' :' Lima "5 l.."l ;". ' MnuclieslL-r 7 L saline ' . '-' S,i, J7B lo Bharoo }S ÍS Superior 48 avivan J Webster ' ¦'' Northfleld J J York ['; Vpsihiiiti town ,: ¦;- ¦' elly 6"i M Tula í!-1K ': Thisis pist 1'. eeiiu.per wek more tliun list yeur for every pui per aupported, and still not ciioujrh ilislies to jfive the siiicrviors a dinner. Tlic producís of the farm are put Ui at Jl. 857. i.'); the perennal propertf at $1,049 7ö; the farm tooli at $4,722 7ö. The N" . of iviupers malutained dur ing the ycar waa ]'¦'¦. of wliicli 10 were uoder lfi yi'ars of HL'f, ) WÍ0W, :i blind and 1 unutes. The natlonaflitlea are: Amerlcans 79 French 2 Oermaas -'-1 Ru.s.suiu ' Irish M awta 1 Engllsh I) Afrlcan 8 C.CI 1. 11:111 4 " - Total Ut The aTer.ijre coat pur week has been 'M 'Yl The e-itini.iti's f r the enw1iiji year is 8,285, and of Ihla amount i:5,000 are due rom lowus and oitlcs. temrftlg f 5,100 ro bc provided for. Mr. Duncan chnlriaxn of the comtnltlee of the u hole to visit the eoiuity llOUBl' reponed ñndlnjj everytliin in iroful conilitlon and nimites well carcd lor. County Trtinirer Beiaer'i report presentcd ai I ordefed spread on Journal. TInamouDl ol inoney n the " conncleiio finid," s.1, nr'Jered transfiTfcd to llie i contingent fünd. The afiernoon wea pafSed hi allowlng bilis, and adjoiiruinenl was niule to Monday. tonüity, I5tk - Xo forenoon -essionIn the atternoon Mepsrg. Caie, O'Heurn, and Butts were appoliited to iix cumprnsation of sheriff for the bo.ird ol prUoner. Tutêday - The bank liiils were receivcil and placed on the Uble, BavillJiS bank btiini; :i', and the Farineis and Meehiintcs' -as :; lTlie priotlng hids wcie read and awarded. The Waahtenaw I' il was allowed Í50 for publishiiij; proceedlngs. The county tieasurer was InstlUCteÜ lo report the miiount of line money pald In darinx the year. Which atnouutia as follona: K. K. Frneauff. Ann Arbor $ 41.00 E. 1'. l'on.l, Ann Albor Frank .loilyn, Ypsihmtl 71 UU K. A. Howh'ti, coiinly elerk 25 W Jas Doyla, Milan 5110 A. li. (rune, Dexter ÜMX1 W J. Knapp, Chelsoa. üo ïuUl 302.00 Messrs. OTIearn, IJutts and Girducr were uppotated a comraittee to purchase the lot soiith of the jail (now naed for a wood yard) for oounty use, and to change the ulley fiom the east side of the lot to the south side. Dr. C. G. Darling was awarded the contract for tltetuling the Jall lor the y cu-. Spencer Crawf)rd was re-elected as janltorof the court house. The electlon of county superintendent of poor wns postponed until next Tliuraday ata o'elock p. m.


Ann Arbor Courier
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