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To-nlglit, at the Rink, Hou. Theodoro Booaevelt, of New Yoik. Mauro, l.iwrciice and Sawysr at tho " 1 1 1 wuril meeting house, Monday evening, Oct. Hon. A. J. Sawyer and John F. Lawrence will ipeak at the opera house, Dexler, on Sntdru&y evening.Oct. 20. Ralsinsof a pote 100 feet high, and addresses by kfenra. Bawyerand Lawrence at Plttsfleld town nuil, 'rukiyeveiiing Oot. 19lh. At the Rink. Frlilay evening evening, Oct. 2titli. Uie Hou. John K. Boise, of Hudson, will tddress tbe prople u pon the live issues ui Ui Is ecmpaign. Kvi-ryixnlv come and hereacandlü, earuest speaker. New int al 0. Bliss & Son' store. Duriiijr the convention the IJaptist chiuch will hare a teleplione. James Wilson fnr neinr druiik on tlie street was ent to jail for 'JÜ days. li i tí 1 1 1 Iliiri.-on veterans were on tlie platform :it Capt. Alleu's speech in Saline. Tli'i.v C irroll anti Loala Tlieuler. of this city, have been graMted au increase ol pension. This is on the dead. Tne demócrata are cooking up n barbecua for the 24th iiiet.. or tbereaboots. The Detroit Tribune ngenoy in (bis city has been tranatrrred to Mr. GKbo. Jolnsüii at the Aun St. bazaar. Tlie yottrs must muke tlieir clioice between the uorih and the south, as they did in 1861. Whtcb sball it be? Judge Frank Einerick, fornierly of this city, has been noiulnated for tlie legislature in tlie Montmorency district. N, A. Pruddpn of this city is another of tlie 1S4U Harrison veterans wbo wiJ OMl h ballot lor the grandson in 1888. Fred. Eallnfter basapplied for ;i patent on a uew kiml ol t.ick üaminur, and has a papei holder he deslntto inanutacture. On Tncsd .iy eveoing ncxt tlie CluutanqiM i-iick' hoi'is its rejrular meetinit at the of Miss McLaren on Nortli Street. Secretnry Qiiorfre M'Doueall annouucesan ezninluatioo ufcandldntei tr i's certiHcatea at Manchester, on Fiiday, Oet. -ilith. Thn MichlgMD Scboolmaster's Club will lio'd iis ftsslon ii: thiscity 'n the 27tli in-i , and tiaclieis Irmu uil over the state are inviiid lo be present. Woiild t nut be better for tlie people of tin- coiinty toso arrangre tlieir local tliat i noiiiiiiatioii on iiny ticket VTould nol be equivalent toan elccUon? There will be a lorch Jiuiit proceasion and a tine turnout in the city to-nlght if it doesn't siorm. It is Jioped tbat Mr. Hoosevelt will be í;ívcii b li.uidsoiiie reception. The latter part of tbis montfa tbe teacher3 expect to visit the Detroit Art Mii-euni on sonae day whiili sh.ill be allowel them for that parpoge. The (!entral to sell tickets for $1. A. J. Sawyer and .1. F. Lawrenee will tbe Bil i :ns o( the ."ta w-ird and vkinily, ander the augplces of the öth wanl repnbllcall club, in the Plfth W.ird Meetinf; House, on Monday evening next. The Trades and Labor Unrns wlll meet on 8aturday evening, Oet. 20th, at tlieir hall on N. Maiu st. Business of knportance is to come before tbe meeting, auil all membere are requested to be present. Tlie"Unlty Club" lias orr:inized itself for another of useful and instructlVf labor. Xext Monday eveiiinjf it will h"ld its animal opening social, to whicb all are cordlally invüi-d to altend. The nclal will begin at 8 o'clock. Admission free. Cba. S. Asliley been wrilinjr an anide to thn Popular S'-ieuce Monthly "n the "tarlffrobbery." The younir man liavintr g„i ,s knowledye of the tarlff fi'mi practical experience, and uut out ol Ooi lege texl books,, is very dedded in hls eonvictions. Tbe peopleof this city and vicinity will hnve pleaxure of lit'-ninir to Hop. John K. Boise, ,,f Hu.ison, on Kriday, the 26tb, on tlie lawet ol the day. TboM who 'lave héard Mr. Boise will certainly deS!re to hear him again, and thuae wbo "ave not hcarü him will confer a favor Upntlieiiiselve.sbyattcndiiiKthe meeting. Uur city formerly boasted of a "Civil service Reform Acsoclatlön," witb a full Mnplement of offleers, and all that. Wbat hu become oi it? Slumld it not be revlved tor the eapecial benefit of a certam Ingh government nfflolal who 9 nglecting liis duties and Rolnjt about bis district blaekmiarding lus politlcal opPonents. Tlie keeper of the county liouse declined to furnish tbe supervisors wHh a Üinneroii thelr annual visit lust Thurs0y, beo in-i' there were not enongh dishes wset the table witli Why not take up Oolleotlon and buy a few? Heretofore "ie keeper ha borrowtd enoujrh for this '". 'uit tbe county ought to be lich cnnugi, t„ (;wn a gufljuient quaotity. To-inorrow (Thunday) evening at aoUrt Hall, from 8 to 10 o'clock, a socl!l KMherlDff of the teachers and pupili wi' ,'S(h""1 "I Muslc Is to be held. to "n uil frlends ot tl e school and lovers "i mu-ieul culture are COldiallj invitcd. 'pecinl object of the occasion is to ex"'l ' weicome to Proressor Stanley, the w director of the school mul to Mr, Btuley, Wealmoit wish we lived In Dixboro, ""¦y are a tbnfty, good oatnred daas out ere, and gave most ampie avldence of " 'Mt l'bursday nigbt by aseinbliiig at _' ". E. parüonaee at a pound gucial. '"-as a w:iy they took to fret better quaint,., wltli thelr new pastor Kev. II. '¦"""¦r ai.d bis famlly. They had a Kood ;'". gol better arquiilnted, had Mme kwki muslo, and wheii the people left, ainlog room ,„1, lltt(1 g() m.Ul '"""'"„ it that some one allowed the l'"t mij;lit start ii Hore. A jtoodly ''"hei h1„ ,.„,,„. (,.,„„ n,,. p,.ee ciiurc, 'i miles east of lUcre The i-nJhte'J poiinding, and tbe pastor enjoyad ""gthutpoondert.


Ann Arbor Courier
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