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BIG SPECIALBARGA[N SALÍ ! DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBEE AT F. SCHAIEER'S Do not miss tlicm. HERE TÏÏEY ARE LOOK HERE. 5O pieces slriclly all wool Dres Gooils were 50c por yd., ent imw lo 2"x IS pieces 52 inch 75c quality Ladlt Cloilis now 50c. 2 piceos 5 inc Bmadelotha werft $1 now 75c jtor yd K! pieees :{ inch Henrieltas nt 25c pe yd. 27 pieces ilneall wool Henrietta in blacks and rhoice new símiles ai 40c, 50c nnd ?5c per jd. Wc nre stil doing the Pliish trades of tlie eltjr. nu will continue to sell a good Silk Plus at COc per yd., same as otlier stores wil a-k joh 75c The shades are new an it has a hnndsome close pile. BARGAIN SALETABLE LINENS AND TOWELS. 50 dozen Irish Hiick all Linen Tow els at 10c each 25 dozen Huck an Damask Linen Towcls at 12 l-2e. is dolen large Huck Linen ToweU at ISc 20 dozen extra Iarge Huck Towcls a 20c each. 5 pieces (4 inch Bleached and Crcain Table Damask at 40 and 50 per jd. 10 pieces C inch ('reani MM Bleached Table Damask beautlful pat terns at 65c and 75c per yd. 50 dozei Linen Xapkins at 75c and $1 per dozon Big drive in a 3-4 Linen Napkin at 11.85 worth 81.75 a dozen. Linei Uiiylieat 5c 8c IOc and 15c eacli. ." pieces Turkey Ked Table Damask at 25c per yd. 15 pieces choice bcautifu styles Turkey Ked Damask at 50c pci yd. 50 larpe Turkey Ked Table Covers at 75c and $1 each. 25 large Blcachct and Cream Table Cloths at $1.50 $.00, and $2.5O each. Novelties in Lunch and Tea Clotlis, Bureau Scarfs and sideboard Covers. 15 dozen large cotton flllcd Bed Comroriald.s at 5c, 75c, 85c, $1, $1 25 and $1.50 ench. Bargams in white, trray and scarlet Blankefs at $1.00, tl.M, tl.ftO, $2.00. 2 50 and $10 a pair. 2 cases lutlitV Merino Yests and I'ants at 39c each. IN OUR SHAWL DEPARTMENT WE OFFER 50 large doublé wool Shawls worth Í5.OO tor (3.50 each. Single wool Shawls at $1.50, $2.00 $2.5O. B aver mol Shawls at feS.OO, $2.50. $3.00 to 119.00. 100 MUses' and Chlldren'g Wool Shawls at 75e and $1. 50 pairs !itt iiiirlüiiu I-ace Curtains were $1.50 now $1 a pair. 100 pairs elcirant Lace Curtains H 1-2 jds. long at 2, $9.90 and 83 a pair. 25 pieces Curlain Scrim at 5c, c, Sc and IOc per jd. IN OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT WE ARE OFFERING Bargains in Children's Newmarkcfs at 19 50, !:!.(0, :i.5O, 4.00 and 5.00. Ladieg' piala and stripd Newmarkets at ., ?i(i. si7, to $15. LadieO Plush Jackets, Sacones, Modjcskas and Xewmarkets at #12, #11, #IN, #2O, 25, $'.iO, :. and $10. Money saved buyiug Dry Goods of D. F. SCHAIRER SHOOLOP MUSIC 'KSTABLISHE1) 1879 ) EEANCHES OF STUDY. Piano, Vota! Culture, Singing, Violin, 1'iolu, 'Cello, Orchestnd Instruments, )rjun, Charol Music, Harmony, Counterjoint. Cumposition, Science and Art of Teaching, l'hysical Cuttvre. FACUI.TY. Albert A. Stanley, Director, Orín ('adv, A m. lndorer, Krancis L. York. Kcuhen II Ce "pf. Mis. Atina K. Warden. Miss Murían mlth, Mlaa Murtha E.Teoney. Mis. .lnlia E. v'uri Slykdi Miss Ëüen K. (iarrlgues, Mr. K. 4. Moore. Studenlsare eatltled lo the Free lustruc ion in Ilnrmnny, ÏCn.semble Playing and horal Music, hesides nll Hecftals and Lecur-s glven by the School. Forfurther InforaatlOD iiddress, A. A. STANLEY, Din. lor. Ante-Koom, Unlverslty Hall. Oillce Hoiirs, :!!- :30 a. ni., and 12-1 p. m. lüTZEL'S WATER BACK ! A very important invention which vill be hailed with delight by everyody using a stove or range for hot vater circulation. After years of exerience we have succeeded in prolucing a simple and perfect WATER 3ACK. It overcomes all the present troubles )f extracting lime and other sedinents which accumulate in water acks, often making them useless tnd in great many instances becoms ng dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to limes. No household using a range :an afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city ,vater for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask our stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Hack. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for ale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HTJTZBL &c CO., Plumbers anti Steamfittem. ANN ARBOK, - - MIC II BE AL ESTÁTE INSURANCE" AÖENGY. OF J. A. SESSIONS. A.TT0RNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estáte Hold or renled and rents colleoted on reasonable terras. Nont hut oíd and ñrst-closs Inanrance Companlos represented- with lusuraoce capHul of Sl'J,(tOO,iXK. Hates as low as any other iniarauoe corop:inyaud losse proinptly pald. Ófrico over American Express office, Main Street, qd Arbor. Mlch. THIS "?¦ I niV ¦ ftl !¦¦¦ Koweli. A COS Kowspapor AdvortlBlng Bureau (10 Spruoe i be ode for It tu lik fff I Ullla '


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