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00MEEfc CREAM jfAKlNg PERFECT Mj lts saperior eicellenoe preven In mlllions of home for morethan a iiuarler of noen! ury. It isunedby the United States government. Endorsed l)y t!ie hen. Is of the Oraal Unlversltiee iis the Ste-ongest, Purest, nd nmsi Healttifol. Dr. l'rlee's t&eonly liukiiiK Powdertha aos not contMln Amnioiilii, I.lnie or Alnm. Som OnlylriC BAKING POWDEBOO.. HEW YOHK. CHICAGO. ST. LOCIS. Best of All Cough medicines, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is in grtatet demand than ever. No preparatian for Throat and Lung Troubles is so prompt iu its effects, so a{,,, the tMte, and so widely known, as this. It is the tamil; medicine in thousanilíi of hoiiseholds. 11 1 liave ¦iiifTcred fur yoars from a lironiliial trouble tliat. wbenevet I take cold or ain exposed to incloment wcather, 8ÜDW3 itsclf by a very annoyinp; tickling sensation in the throat and by difficulty In breathing. I have tried a grcut inany remedies, Imt none does so well as A'ycr'.s Cherry Pectoral wliicli alwayS gives prompt relief in returns of mv ïd complaint.A - Eraest A. Hapler, Inspector oí Public lloads, I'arisb ïerre Boane, La. ¦ l c. msider Ayer's Cherry rectoral a most Important remedy For Home Use. I have tested its ruralivo (nnver, in my lamily, inany times during the past thirty v.-ars, and havo never knowu it to fail. It will relieve the most serious affertions of the throat and lnngs, whether in children or adnlts." - Mrs. E. G. Edgarly, CouncU Bluffs, Iowa. "Twenty yeara afro I was troubled witb a diaease of tlie lnngs. Doctor afforded me no relief and considered mylcase hopeless. I then becan to use Ayer's Cheirrj Pectoral, and, before I had linislieil ime tuittle, found relief. I continued to take tliis medicine iintil a i belie ve that Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral saved my life." - .Samuel Grfes, Waukegan, 111. " Six vears ago I contracted asevere ooM, whieh settled on my lnngs and soon dveloped all the alarming symptoms of Consuinption. I had a cough, niriït ireats, bfeedine of the lungs, jiains in chest and siiles, and was so prostrated as to be confined to my f the time. After trylng varioua prescriptions, without benefit, my pliysidan linallv deterininod to give me Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took it, and the effect was magical. I seemed to rally from the lirst dose of thi.i medicine, and, after using only three bottlus, am as well and sound as ever." - Bodney Johnson, Springfleld, 111. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPABED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by al] Druggiati. Price $1 ; ii bottlo, $6. CURE Kiel: Headaobe and relier all tho troubles incident to tt büious stuto of tho syatcm. euch as Ditúnei, Nausoa, Drowsinesa. Distress ufloi eatiug. Pair. u tlio Silo, .'.o. While th.irniost remarkable Buccess bas been shown in curing SICK Ileaflaruo, yot Cartrr'n I.ittlo Livor Tula ara c (iuaUy valuablo in Constipan n, cnringoaid prevcntlng tbiaannovinRCOijplalnt.wl.llo thryalso correct all liBor.l.Tfi(ifthostomachtlmnlatotha llTer umi rogul&tu thobowola. Eveniftheyonly HEAD Achc thoy wonld bo almost pricelessto thoso who euffer fromthiaditr .i-Miiicomplaint; brflfortunatoly thcirpX)(lm:riH d k?h notend lioro.&nd thoao whooiicotry tbcmwill find these liltlo pilla valuoblelnsoinany wavHtbatthey will not bo willing to do without tUem. But after alleick hoad ACHE Is tlio bane of (to many lives that hore Is whera wo mako our great boast. Oor pilla care it whila others do not. Cartor'g Little Ltver Pilis aro Tcry sraall and very easy to take. Oce or two pilla luako a doso. Tlioy arÖBtrictly veiiutabloandilo not gripo or purge, butby üieir gentleaction pleasoall who UBothem. In vlal3at25cents; flvoforfl. Sold by druggïsts overywhoro, er pent by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PR1CE "CHICAGO TRUSS.' rheap. Ap Spring p r o v e d by II' tul Rubber the hinlies Pu-J; LI Kht Medical Au au. 'cii.l tliorltyWnn Durable, day ani nlght byiin IDfanl ¦ weck i!d oran Adult 8( vean, Ettstíy aAjMtftd It meelaall fonus o Sorotal, Fermoral, IiiKuinal. and Orablllce Ht'rnfa, to both Infunts and Atiulls. Satitt t.i-t iun gaaranteed In In all cuea. Any de Rlrable pressareobtAlaed. Lady's Umbiilca 'J'ruBKes a t;tiil laccora. lf your dniggis di) nut keep thits l'niss. eoclose Hddjess, CUIt'AUO TK1 SS C'. Itl rist Randoph tt„ Office same place. t hicago, 111. T. Y. KAYXE, MAWiitK. SI) 1,1 by ANN AltHOK DKI ÍMÜSTM HA ISSS i il MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Fout Trip par Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND öt. Xsmmco. Oheboycrt. Alpina. Harrlsville, OscodA Pi 'ort Huron, flt. Clair, Oaki.ind Ilouae, Marine City, Every Week. Day Bctween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Bpecial Sunday Trips durinr: July and Ausuil. OUR ILLUSTRATEO PAMPHLETS Ktes and Bxcursion TickeU will b f uruialied by your Tloket Agent, or addreu E. B. WHITCOMB, Gen'IPM. Agent, Dutroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. O The BTJYEHS' GUIDE ia issued March and Sept., each year. It is an encyclopedia of useful information for all who purchase the luxuries or tha necessities of lile. Wj cfin olothe you and furnish you with all the neoessary and unneceBBary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, , finh, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizec, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required t do all these thinga COMFOP.TABLY, and you can make a fair estímate ol the value of the BUYEHS' GUIDE, whloh will be sent upon roceipt of 10 cent to pay postage, MONTGOMERYWARD & CO. 1)1 114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. 111.


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