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wmfÈ v, Cmebal "' ]fct freían Mms. o w ffinjyyl Time tabla tnklns effect Jnly 15th, 1888. Central Hlandaril Time. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. i glsg I g ! í g ? .i i y toe =¦- . . = ca 551 gííl lili i.M. A.. P. !..! P.M. P.. Ctiirairo 1... 500 I SW 4 40-... 10 10 u lo Ka!Am.-o. .. liii" 5 ÏS7 Creik.. 1 1 1" 18 1ÏI 7 ' -T 8 15 Jaoknon 120,4 10 8 4 618 4 Onaaüke.... i n 64 5( chelat-a 20i '0 l-i 7 10 527 Dexter 2 17 U. 24 7 7 641 I elhlMills... : T Ano Arbor.... 2 43 5 30 941 1040 7 50 000 Ypnllanti 58 1088 HOS 6 17 Wane.Ini.r S lo 0 05 H'l 888 643 Detrot'....Ar. 4 In 64S 1045 ..... 11 ' ÍJU 780 Mt.Thnmiw... ÍUIO'UUS 20' .. .12 10 12 4) S 25 Falla View 4 51 : 44 6 46 N Fi.ll i 221 5(18 347 650 Buffalo . . 3 30; 4 35: 7 I5 . .i 7 25 5 55 HC6 DETROIT TO CHICAGO C i fig I &J 4 Ü STiTIOHÍ. B. Qf f, I?" '- tü Llilli: A.M. A K A M P.M p. M P. . A.M. Buffalo I I13(i 55 605 00 1 .... N. Fallí, Iï45 H 43 .. 2 l3 .... St Thomas 4 B6S1110 105 5401... A.M A. i . P ¦, P M. P.M P.M A.M. Detroit... .I,v. 7 W) 9 10 1 2U 4 00 8 00 10 15 3 45 avni'Jnnc. 811 958 ¦¦ 4 45 838 1(155 .... Ypstlauti .... 21 5 12 HOolllH 4 45 Ann Arnr..., 850 10 40 2il 530 915 1135 5 U0 IMhi Milla.. I üOu 542 Dextr 908 5 0 9 44 5 15 Cht-lKia 111 605;10(0 5 27 OiauLake.. 43 ( 25 .. . 5 42 Jacktoa 10111145 327 7 10 10 55 1254 6 25 Battle Creek.. 12 08 188 188 RA2IM27 2 1517 55 Kalanmroi). . . 12 50 2 i4 5 15 9 45 1 0 3 0' 8 40 Chlcgii...Ar. Din 40 . 1 7 00 7 45 6 40 O. W. RUCÓLES, H. W. HAYKS, O. P. & T. Aeiit A;t.. ADn Arbor. Chiciiiio. To h1, Aun Arbor & Hortt Micliigan KailHaj. time -tni hile. Totiikc ctTt-cr ut ]2 i"clock, DOOI), on !uü (Imv, Beptembt-r 80tU, 1888. IVhIdí rnn hv standard Tiro. OOINO NORTH. SI i 10H8. 3 i ïó g o. I Ia. m. p m. a. a. Toledo Lv 5 35 3 25 00 Manhattan Juuction 5 11) 8 SI 6 10 Alexi 5 45 3 8S1 6 33 mamaria C3 8 50 7 15 JnoctloD 6 lu 4 05! - 00 Dnndm i; ï i rf. Aziilla H :7 4 23 8 50 8 46 4 81 9 15 f unia 7 .0 4 43 9 66 i'i'ftiel'! 7 08 4 52 1 15 ü.n Aruwr 7 2iJ 5 07i 10 80 l.elan 7 3 5 27 2 00 V.-I, t ¦„,,,, I..ikn 7 9i 45 12 30 Houell 8 45 6 34' 1 56 Uurai'd 93 7 1. p.M. Cornnna 10 "0 7 45 . UXK.0 10 10 7 55 Owgbco Junct'i'n ..10 20 8 00i Iiha a II 3t 9 1 St. Louis 11 5 9 3i Atoi 11 0 1 9 41 Mi Picasant '.S 45lO 20 Farwell 15.1,1105 Uadillac Ar 3 301 P. M.p. H (JOINQ SOÜTH. STATIONS. ti L I A. Y. P . Cadillac Lv . 2 00 Karwail "i &i 3 5(i Mt. lV-asant e 411 4 35 Alma Ta 5 in si. Louis 7 30 5 15.... 7 CO " ;W .... Utoo Janction beo 0'2a. x. Owoeso "¦ 9 05 6 35 5 30 Corunna " 9 17 0 49 5 50 Durand ¦ 9 35 7 15 li &5 Hnwell " 10 li E 13 9 30 Whilmoie Lake " 10 55 8 5 11 IS I-eland " ulo 9 5 12 00 Ann Arbor ¦¦ 1125 l 20 12 HO l'i t-fl IJ ¦¦ 11 4(1 9 3-2 1 .Tl l'mnl.i 11 17 !i in 15.3 Mi'an ¦ 12 00 y 50 2 85 Azalia " ,12 10 M 16 3 10 Pundee ."13 IK 10 IS 3 40 Monroe Junction IS M 10 W 4 06 Samarla 12 45 10 35 4 45 Alexis 12 56 Ui 60 6 16 Manhattan Junctiou 104 10 55 5 33 loiedo Ai 1 lOjll 00 5 43 IF. .p. . P. M. South Ia -ii ltranch. NOKTH BOUND. STATIONS. SOUTH BOUND. Train 8 Train C A. V. i. H. H IS Ar Wordens Ar. 8 55 8 30 Ar South Lyon Lv. 8 40 Connectlons: At Toledo, wlth railroads divers in?; at Manhattan Junction, with Wheelln & Krte K. K.; at Alexis Junction, wiib M. ('. Ii. E., U s. & M. S Ry. and P. & P. M R. R.; at Monroe Junrtion. wlth L. 8. & M. 8. Rjr.; at Donlaa, with L B. A M. B. Ky.. M. . O. Ky.; tl MUU Junction. with Wabash, St. Louis & Paciflc Ky ; al Pittneld.with L.s. A M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arhor wiih Michigan Central R. K., and at South Iaoii with Ufiroit, Lar.Klnir & Northern R. K., und Mlch. A. L Div. of Grand Trnnk Ky. At HamliurL' wlih M. A. Line DítísIoii Grand Trunk R'y. At Howi'll with Detroit, Linílng A Nonheru K'y. M Durand wilh Chiouu Grand Trunk K'y an.i n.Mroit, Grand Haven MUmokee R'y. At uwokKo.lunrtiun wiih Ditroit, i-rand Haven & Milwaukec R'y and M .chinan Central R. K. Ai St Lonl with Detroit, IL'BÍHK& Norlhiru K. Ii. and gi na Vilh-yiS1! Lools R'j. At Alma wit' Detroit lnnsiiiL' k Northern K'y At Mt. Pleauant !th Flmt 4 P re Marquette K'y. H. a ASULKY, General Marau'er. W. II. BENNKTT, A. J. PAIS1KV. SMi'I.Pna .t Ticki-t Mi Loral t Cliancery Sale. In rnrmianrp and hy vtrtue of a decree of tbe .i( Coatí I. r ihe ' iinty of Washlenaw In (.'hanccty, in the late of Mlchig m. made at ii entered pri t e Blxtcenth dn] of January, A. D. IsHS, in .i (vrinin caaa,in pt-nriintr, wuen-in VV'i lt m V lii i comï.laiiiant and John od1 a' Uorounii and Cntherlne M. Horoang ï-e df Isndantt. Noltcf Is lienln p'ven, ihat on Tu.sday, the louith day of D.ctm'i.r.'A. D. MS at t.-n o'tlock in the lore.noon ot paid day I fha 1 nel! at public anellon, or vendne to Ihe hi beft biddir, at Iba e:s; front rioorihelnK the Fourth stnet entrance ol the Court House, In iti' C'tJ of Ann Arb r, n said c ui ty of Was-hienuw nd S nte ol Mtchlran, ,iii üonrt Boom bilng th place oi Boldlnèlht t l'-r suiii ooim' to the amount lue to t'ie eaid cotnp'ainai t for principal, Inirrwi and co-ts In tttls cau-e 1 tho a rertati pieces o parcel of I ind nu,(d In til toWh-t.'], , I' , . , l Hl . Ml tj Of WilihH'! W nii'1 M ateo Mie iiiran, and d AC Ihed m tol vb: vz: lhnor hoaatqnar rtf ileou iwetqo "r a rt ib nortbwpm q ar' n the southeu qnaiter of nctkm thiiteen In t vn 1 Ii e,-, -oiiih o muf" lonreasl; ann nlto ue uuj Ii half of Ihe srutheH-t q ia rol t ie eou'hw - qnarter ol iwctl' n thtr¦:t on Ibree foo'h of rante fonr et, and ÍD mnklnv e ld sala all of sid land w. 11 he nffi-n rl „nd k"'i! n e tr.ict or pircel of land in aroord n ¦ wlri, th laM icr ¦¦ Dateil Ann Arl..,r, M 00 gm, Oct. I3lt FBANK .1 L' M, t iictiit v'ourt r -¦ In lid lor the lililí:! i of Wan1i and Blateol Mkl.ii-'ar.. NE K. FtUEMFP. Bo , or f - C mpla'nnrt', DR, MILES' RESTORATIVENERVINE ÊBtorf contains no Opium ordan. CSSrW perousdrug. Canbetakco !%Ú1 hy any one at any time The (atet and best Dlf ASSSLlWIA fOTfrj lr IIEADAtHK. CP KA MIIÏVOI SNESi, SI'ASJIS T ¦ W-X SLKKPLESSNES8 KIT mlLanXEEb s' si n. hi vkm-s, a tMFVoHVf NKBVOIS D1SEASKS. 5old by Druggists. Sample Bottles Freí HU f Kil ildCKd 1, ,M,,p.-,orObir. ¦'¦ on dvertising tpace whan n Chicago, wiil find it on Me at 45 to49 Randolph St., gn fi.TUnilAQ thAdvftiingAgiincyof LUHU tt I nUlnilVI


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News