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H4MO.VIU IIIKKCTOKF. 4-x vbbob Oohhandkry, No. U raeets first Tuewiay of each month. C. E. HUcock, E. C; John K. Mluer, Recorder. TASHrESAW CHAITKK, XO. 6, R A. M.- Meets flrst Mondav eaeh montu. J. Ij. RVone H P.: 7t. Hoath. pnrptarv. 81MINESS CAROS. O. WYÖGEL, Dealer In al kinds of FRESH AND SALT MEATS l'oultr}-, Lard, etc. EVERY7HING NEAT WD CLEAN! V. 9 i: nu Mt, nu Arbor. 70 W. XICIIOLS DE1TT1ST. Booms Over Ann Arhor S: ¦ mrs Bank, Cmrt H'Mise Square. 7ITALÏZ3D AIR Adrainlsterert. It 'b agenMe a-d -ay to tke, and oo pmstrailng -rt 'ft fol'ow wtiile teeth re extraneï without pain. DR. C. H3WELL, PH YSICTJN Otticf, Room 4, M asonic Bixck. Office Moors : 8 to 13 ; 2 to 6 p. m. DR. H R. ARNDT, PKY81CIAN Okkhk Oveb Fikst National Bank. Hours at Orr'iéii OSOto 2 a. in ; ï:3 to ;i:W o. m Can be rotcli.l vt rosidence (W.'st Hurm sreet, the ''Prof. Nieltol pl-e") lv ielph'Hi, No. aï, and wlll reply to calis lo the eveulng. W 1 1,1.1 n IIERZ, House, Sin Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperii?, Olazfng, Gilding, and Calcimlnlui!, aud work of every di-criiition done in the beet style. and warranted to give Butiefaction. Shop, No, 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. DE AL Kit IK CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Ootnmnn CofBns. Calis attented to Day or Nlht. Kinbal mint? a specialty. Kto eroom on E. Washington slreet. Residence Cor. Liberty umi Klftn. W. II. J4CKSO., ID'iES11 IMIITÜTIISIITPIL OiTF-lCiC : Orer l?ach & ibel's lry Hool Store. Entrmicii nexr to NxHomhI Brtiik. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Establlshed over aquarter of acentary ago Representlng the tollowing flrst-class compaules. with over 60,000,000 Capital and Asset. HOME INS. CO., of Neir Vork. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN.3. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Pbüadelphla. ORIËNT IN9. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, L0ND0N and GLOBE. WASHINGTON KIRE nd MAKINE, of Boston. Rates Low as the, LoKes Liberally Adjusted and promptly Paid. C. EI. MILLEN. Jerome Freeman ! Moves froin his present stand over Watts' to the POSTOFFICE, BARBER SHOP I BATH Rooms, Mondaj-, Marcli 10. SI mm aai BDT MIES ! THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business CAPlTAL7r$8O,OOO. Organlzed nnrter Qenfral Bankin,' Law "1 tbl Slat, tbe Btocktioldorfl ar lndividnully iiahlc k tn rtd'tinal amount equal to the utock held hj tbao, tharehy.Tcatine a Unnrantue Fund lor thf benettiof ücpoKit tn of $100,000.00. Three pr cent. tnterept 1b rtllo-ved on a'l s Deposita of oue üollar and upwarnn, according i toe rnle of the Bank and lntert cm, wmi-annually Mouey to Loan on nnincumliort' fwl state and otber Kood ecurity. DIRECTORS: CHKI8TIAN MACK, Wm. D. UAKUIMAN, .W. WINES, DANIEL IIINCOIK, WILUAM ÜKUBEL, WILLAIU) B. SMITH. DAVID RIN8EY. ÜFFICÍ5R8: C. MACK, Pret. W. W. WINKS, Vlce-Fren C. B. HISCOCK.flishler. TttflflB UlTftH l"1" levolutlonlzed theworld IN VENTinN '"lr'n tlie lasl hall c-ntury. of luveutlve proi?resi 1 a ¦npthcxi Hm vsleno of work llmt cun he per'Drined all over the country without cparn'iii? ttie worke rs fnitu tlielf lmnieH. I'ay llboriiHny one oan do the work; eltherrex, ïung or old; no special abllity requlrad, Jpital not necded; you are started fr e. 'ut inu out and return to ns ai.d wewlllBfiid you rroe, Homethlng oí reat value and lraportance to yoa, ttiat will start you In buRl'i. wbleh wlll brlne you In more rnnney ;!ntway than anyhlng else In norld. {''am'yi outfit ree. Addrens True 4 Co„


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