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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powder never varíe. A m rvel of purlly, aftreogtli and wholi'nomeness. More ecouomical han We orrUniry kindi, and can ot be sqld in competitl n wUh the multitude of low test short v. Ighl alum or nh sphate puwdera. gold onhj n cans. KoYAl B jciMO Iivi)ki: Co , UH Wall 8t N. Y. NOT A PIMPLEONHIMNOW. Bad Hli Krzema. H air all gonr McalB coviTcd wit h erupti un. TlïouiïliCh h liuir witnld neve yrow. iiit by mini a Kcmcdii . Halr hpl nl UI and ot t pi nip Ie 011 liim. l cannt" Hy tM-otigh íd prai-iu f the Cutktra Hf.mkdiks. Mv bov.whcn one ycar oi . gu. wjs to w ii ti ecz nu ihai lost all oí hts bar. Hts pfeftlp wae covereil with eraptioue, which the roe ton Huid wtH -cald head, aod timt his hair wmld uever (r-(tw hL nu. D-fpirln oí h cure from phy sMhup, T b-ean 'he ao of tbe Citti' tha .kjikDIE3. Aüá, I uní hai'py t( By, witb the inopt per leer mio4H. His huir ie now siir.i ui.l,and tbere Ik not a p mple -n h m. 1 n r iiiüi ud the UTi cuka Hüwkiheh te m ihets at -he niopt cpeeJy, eco. omlrtlt ui pui.' en c fur]l skin distase of Mifaiitt u 1 ciliren, and teel that every moiher whi) has Hn HlUicud chüd w il 1 tbaok me iur so dolng. Mr-. M. E. W00.8UM, Norway, Me. A F Ter Hn VAgt Vears Cnrcd. I mn-Lexiend io you the thank-i of oue of my ca'i-mern, wiji haM beea cared, by Qtlng tbe Cctu ura Rbhkdik-, ol an oíd eore, caustd b a lo ü i-eli ol b ckm sb or lever eig'ii jt-ars Hgo. He ww 8- ha'l he W ft-arful he wonkl have to have bis let; umpu'ai-íd, but 0 b ppy t) -ay be is ijow eotirety weti, - hounrt as a dol. ar. HeivqufKte me ti nse hi nin ¦, whli-h ta H, M. CasOn, merCü.iiit of this place. JOHN V. MIXOR, Drngsclt, Gaiburo.Tenn. Severo Hvuli PUonn Onxrtl. A few wctike ait Bit wlfc culï't;rd very mQCb tr m a cutan'oii( dlceuse o the bc1i Hnd re c'ivcd nu reiiff fri-m th vaftnaa r ni 'di p bIi-ued anti nh! t led CuficuOA. The dlsatve [ircinp ly yildel 10 1 ii trea 111 ;in. and in a short ttblleahfWM entirdy wel!. 1 hure bas heen no return uf ihe filRease. and Ottïoub rank" No. 1 111 our et'iniation for (lts a-e ui the ekin RhV. J. 1JKE1?SLEY BAUKK'IW, D. D., Kuleigh.N. U. l'rmii Pimples 10 Scrofula Cared. CuticFRa. the Kríat kn cure, and CuriCTTBA Soap prepared f rom fr, cxternally, and Cü ICUR IÍE9OLVENT. tbe Dw hlood purifler. interuaHy. Hr: a pocitive cure tor every forin of skiu aud blod discHRee' from pimple1 tn Scrifula. Sildeverywhert-. Price: Cl'ticuba.öO c. ; SOAP, 25c; Re-solvknt, $l. Pr-partd by the 1'ottkk JJiurn & Cuehical Co,, Boston, M :&s fÉT'Seud for "lio to (Jure fekln Dieaees," 04 pages, 50 llliistrations aud 100 teatimoniale. D A DV'C skin fln1 scl!ïïreser'ed and beflutiDnD T O fi'-d liy ruTirUKAMKiïiCATKDoAP. Catarrhal Dansers. To be freed Irom the (Ungers ol enffocation whtle lylDs; down ; to bivutlie freelv, sleep eonndly and nndlstorbed; to r;se refreshed, head cicar, bruin active and freo from pa'. o or ache ; to Vnow that no poisonouB, nutrid mattur dctllee the brei:u and rots aw.i; the delicate machinery of smell. taste and heariüc ; to fee! th t the 8yftm does not (hrongta lts veins and arteries, euck np (he poisoo that la sure to nndermine and destrov, Is Indeed a blessina beyond all other human erJoyment. To purenase Immo'ilty from siich a futo chonld bo the object of al afflicted. liut hose wliu have trled many remedien and phjsiclan deepalr of reüel or cure. Sanford's Radical Cure meet cviry phase of CaWrrh, irom a himple heud cold to the most loatusome and destructlve etages. It Is lo-ai and conmitutional. Inatunt in reiluvlnu, perinaneni In curln', fafe. economical aod nover failln'. Sandtokd's Radical Curi constéis of one bottle of ihe Kadical (.'ure. one box of Catarrhal Solvem1. anrt mullfionii Iniialer, 11 wrappd in one pat-keg'-, wilh tretie and directlons, and sold byull Urugsrisis furïl. 1'ottïb Druu and Chkmical Co.. Boston. NoRheumatizAboutMe IX OXE 1WIXÏJTE r s The ('iillrnra Antl-Hnln ÊtS l'laxti", relieves Kheumitlc, 8 ia. 1T tic, Sudden.Sharpand Nerv iKl'aln?, M x 'tralns and Weakncsses. The lirt g l ud onlj pain-kllling piaster. Few, s original, ln"tau anenus, inf lHlile, salu A mirvell us Atid te to Pain, Inflnmma tl. m aud Wi-aknes'. l'tterly unlike and vaBlly enm.Ti.1 to all oiher plas ers. At all dnbftj't, 2i cents; flfe for 1.I1O ; or, póstate free, ol Pottiu Uitus ad (J BH1CAL Co., Boston, Mae. 3 V Ttie Best and Purest MedicineS III'ÍX. EVER MADE. III ,VTrtwlU!MvetheIImTorfrtmyoin-l I I XS, "d niake your skinl IHAWclejui and Bmooth. Th's.-I QVMfJ, ', ''y Lwhli h mar your lieautycg ?i ' f, ''. Varecuuscd liy lmpuregj -.?,. , 't, 'x.blood, anci can liclrl " Jo.c6n ¦'-f.AVreniovedlnashortll I & ?V' %, r %J ZJwlso anii lililí I t, ?%,&j'. Lbloo'll'ulU tifll mm Jm .fui. BUtíieXT3h V 11 lí.-t and ch.-ai..tXÍ % ¦ '-"I I 1 medicine. Try I , '}n'Scs 'o ' I U ' tiet lt of your Druglst. " 'c C - QdojCtWait. Getitatoscií m IR If tob are BiinVrinfc from K'd 35SMSkiBl III Tlicy never fall to curo. ]


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