Cleveland's Coffin
"He (President Cleveland) Iihs challenged the protected Industries of the 9 . country 10 a fight t a ñ? of pxte'm'natloii." O L, L &¦ Gmator Vest't letter o . (o Vest Democratie e _ A a Club oSt. Louis. % U , ix i GROVER CLEVELAND, L z Í S D, No. 6, 1888. 1 ' ' 'S 'S S er rt a o S ó ; 'The lurif U a lax." : ¦ï -s ". 'ls'ari was trae : L o _,' : toPoll. : 3 ¦ ' L Ij u i 'We (the Dmv (s -5 crHCy) wiil remove " 5" the occupantn , & 5 (ore Uivii g the # "¦? L 10 j{ off the a r ti house." - Henry Watterson. It appears that the unreoonrtruetrd ('oiifederncy in Virginia lias been driveu trt (lcaiiirnt( RtrHÏtR tO hold thfl Olil llcilll i 11 - ion in the detnocrit line. ïliero can be no loiirer any doubt as to the unreoougtructed condition of a considerable proportion of the populalion ot Virginia, as mi incident ju-t br"Urbt to the attention nf your corresponent will Ilústrate. H. L AniiMs, nf Jefferaoo, Culpeperoountr, bus wrltteo letter here under the date nf the eleventh in-t:uit, In which he sta tes tliut on Ilie night betore a most outrageous aitcmpt is mide to capture an Americim llajr, which bé kecps ttoaling before liis houe. The fl-ig is run up on a haljrard during the d.ijr, and at night ia drawo down and taken into the house It acts as a severe Irritant npon the dis loyal peoplc In the vicinity, and a numler ot times threats have been made that if the Üasi was not taken down the owner wmild suffer. On the nijrht of the tei)th Inat. a party nf men cal led at the house ot Amiss Hiid Indoced hini to go out upon the road sonae distance, upon the representatlon that a neighbor was found viTy 111 Wlien be bnd proeccded some dlstanpe from the house be was pounced on and ijiven to iindcrstand by the uiob tht unless he delirereri up the United States 11 g In hls house lic would bc killed. He saiil he would die before he would do so. While he was held by a part of the mob others went to tlio house and demandcd of the old ladv that ihe produce the flag. In stead of handlnj; out the (Ug sbe pointed a shot gun weli loaded and full uocked in the face of the men and coolly intormed (hem that unless they left the premises the would kill snmebody. The party fled and Mr. Amiss, who is well known in this city, was released It is statfd upon good authorit that the men who attenipteii the capture of the fliK belonged to the " F. F. Vs." All of this incident occurred within .'!0 niilea nf Washington. Tiie Adrián Presa acenses the Codrier of "throwing mud." If it is "thn.wing mud" to quote a man 's own words, or produce li is offljial war record, how can it be helped ? The Adrián Press s dd the rcason f ir the b'd i-nicll around the base of the. democratie pole wag not the breakinj; of 1(11 maiii, but thnt it liad "punctured the COURIBr'S Pond." Wrong rain, as umal. It was siinply some of Stearn's wind left over trom liis Hink speech. Tlicre bas not been a labor mensure presented to oonitrew hut has received the cordial and hearty support of Gapt Allen, lic itood by Hon. John J O'Xeil, chairiimn of the commiltpe on labor, when Roger (. Mili? b.v parllamt-ntary tactics knocked out the bill allowlng government employés cnnpencBtlon for work done by ihciii, over the regular le'al boaraof service. Hr Ims voted for and lavi.rcil, on the tlnor of the house und In coinmiltie, every nieasure in whieb the interest of the laborlng man has been at st.iko. ll is ftStfc man to lie to lor he U an honesl man, lio will not lie f"r votes, and ahvays nvi ju-t wli .t be mean.-.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News