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A Decision Rendered

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A decisión was rendered on Ffldty last n Un: snpienie court at Ivinslnjr, in tlie cuse of iíaiiiilton vs. Frotliingham, i suit commenced for pnyment of services in tlie sale of tlio Register print ingr office of this citj'. The case lias been tried so inany times tliat it lias beconie familiar to t lie citizens of this place, and it lias been retiirned at least twice froiu Che suprenie court for a nevv trial. ín tliis Instanre, bowever, the verdict of tlie lower court, in wliich Mr. HmiíIton was awanled judgmetit, was reversed. Over tliis outcome Dr. Frolhingbatu feels quite elated. He has proven hioiselt a I i-Ntent (ighter, and luid full failh in liavinjr ii just verdict in tliB end. We gtve lew ot' the saliont points from the decisión, whicli i a very !ong and thorongli one, writti'ii by Justi"e Lonjr. and con'urred in b}' evury meinber of the bench: Nowhere ttaroughotit the wliolo record, docH Itappear, [and (rom the record It nppearx thut ai Uie U'sUmouy waü relurnod] tliut aiti; Julv iss.í a new contruci whü tuadu by dereudunt wiih plalntiff. H la a HoinewhHl peculiar clrcumstanre lliat not un til (he .'M t.rim and atter thlu court hadaaid t lie re was _ravc iloubt whether there ¦- enougn lo no to ihe Jury ludlcaung that dftfeDdanl 6iei nwide any proiiiie to allow plalntlíltlie cxci ss ovnr $S,Ooo upon nny bal úsale upon a ca.sti basls, then for the ilrst time in che hlstory of the cine the nlnlntirr remembers Miat sumo otlicr und dlltercnt ooatnusi kiiI becMi iuade as to Uta couipeuaulloll. The contract now clatinei undr Is wholly iiicorisiMcnt wMh thut . flalmed upo! the former trial. Jflhls coutract was ade. tnen di' one upon whicli the foruier recoverv wa bad uní nut extit, ' II uch loeoDlMent posltlons were allowed to be taken In conrts orjustice there would bo no end to Iltlgatlon. I'arlles fludlng contraéis upon wbicli tliey have relied lor recnvery cannot be upheld in the oourt, are DOt pprmltied to retry thelr case upon an entlrtly ¦ li ir-i 'iii oontníot and míe entlrely contradlciorj id thuuneflrsi clalmed under, even for tbe parpóse of nirciliiK the opinión ofllie u i, iin.l iquurtng ihelr case wlth li. ïhcre Is Krcat doubl Ín lile fact, shown by thls recird wheiher tln-re wan any testlmouy snplortlng plainllIlM tlicory to gn to tlie Jury (luí i he sale was made by hls Hlbrts pt-udiux hls employmeut, lf uny siuh vmployinenl ever rxisted Thcjudgeinentoftlic court below must be revt'red wlth OOU, and a new trlal ordered.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News