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The Dexter "jamboree."

The Dexter "jamboree." image
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Ki ('oriUEit: - At the "great tnass meeting" tifld in Dexter Wedneiday eveninj, Oet. 17th, tlieie were OG "imported " torehes with be.trer?, and 8" home talent torcbea aiid tatntt. Tuere were 10 keg of beer emptied by the crowd In ope saloon nlotie, and probnbly about tliree ttoMi tlmt miiiibcT In the other wleont, not tiikinj: nto account kaarter beverages. Theri wwn iiumv of the crowd wlio be canic liiirbly enthusinstic, and moto tbatl one fjot too tired to walk and luid down by the wayslde to rest. It isalso asserted that the crowd Unit carne frora Aun Arbor had a wild timo on tlieir trip home. It was not a twnpenmoe nffulr In any gense, yet we have people rightamon U8, who l'ioked apon the ecene wlth dltust, luit who will aid by Ihcir votes iind inllucnce to p ¦rpetiiüle such tliings by favorlBg nul working tor a third l)arty, whoae aim is to destroy the republicnn pnrty and give vlctory to the democratie party. Huw they can conscientiously or ranrittenÜT io so is an unfathomable mysterp. IIow good, moral, teinperance people oould attend the democratie meeting Wednesday eveulng, and the republican meeting Tliursilaj' evening, and tlien 10 and vote to perpetúate tlie power of the lirst incntioned by Hiipportintf a th:rci party ticket stumps a man's faith in the sanlty of that portion of the cominunity. Verv Trulv Yours.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News