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The Adrián Press (Stearns' paper) says that 14 officers of the llth Mich. Cavalry resignad tor the ffood of tho service. Who were the?e offlcers? We would like their names bo we could look them up emu yvrtj M iiispruve tbe statement. We can only find 16 resignations, hII told f rein the llth Cüvslry, and most of these were an account of disability. Will Mr. Stearns and his relativo Bowen give us the facts about the fourteeu whom they claim thus resigned ? - It is Ni1 Best to nlways believe everything that a person tells you, but when you hear that the best blood purifler is Sulphur Bitters, you can believe it, for they cured me of a severe case of blood poisoninjf. Rey. A. Faibchild. N. Y. City. It Is said that the telephone sharpens the hearing. A man bas got to sharpen up his hearing, or he will llnd little use tor a telephone. Hemorrhages. K,!: JCoiic. or from any oran U ipeedUy CODtrolled nd stopped. Sores, ülcers, Wounds. Sprains & Bruises. ItiscooüDg, cleansing and Heallng. foliriuVi " ' mort efficacUm for thl valall 11. disease, CoH tn the Head, etc "Pond' Extract Catarrh Care, special!; prepared to meet nerlou cun, should be applted with Pond' Kx trui t iSul Syrlllc. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparatlon hae cnred mor cases of theie ïitrcfling coraplaintó than the I iriKi. Pond'i Kxtract JPIaster Is invalaable In these dimim, Lumbago, l'nius In Back or Side, etc. Diphtheria, Sore Throat, le the Extract promptly. Dclay ü dangcrous. Dilac Blind, Bleedlngor Itchlng. l llCbi It ia the greatest knowu remedj ; rapldly cnrlng when other medicine har failed. Pond'i Extract Olntment Is of great service where tbe remora! oí clothing ís íuronveiiient. Chapped Hands & Face. Pond' Kx traot shonld b in erery iamily tbls Mvere weather. It remore tbe sorenens and roughnees and softeBS and heals the skia promptly. Female Complaints. Ity at femali diseasus the Extract can b nsed, a is wcll knnwn, with the greatest beneflt. Full dlrcctions accompaii etcb bottle. CAUTION. Pond's Extract iïïï theword " Pond's Extract Mown in the elae, and our picturu trade mark on pnrrounding buff vropper. None other U cennlne. Amays insleton having Pond's Extract. Take nn other preparatiou. It t never mld In buit or bi méasurt. Sold Krtrynhere, Trices. 50c, $1, f 1.76. Preparcd oulj bj roND'S EXTRACT CO, NEW ÏOUK AND UXU0N. Eslate oí Lucy W. S. Morgran. STATE OF M1CUIGAN, Coonty of Washtcnaw, . At a sesslon of the Probnto Conrt for the County ui Wubtenaw, bolden at tbe Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tucsday, the twentythird day ofOctober, in the year oue ihousHnd eight hundred and elghty-eiglit. l'reeout, Wllllam D. lliiriiinin, Judge of Probate. lu the mntter of the eetate of Lucy W. S. Morgan, deceaiud. l'ranklin U Parker, Edward U. Klune ano Otis C. Jobuson cxecators of the la?t wlll and teatament of ald deceased, come uto coort nil represent that th yare nuw prepartd to rondur thcir flnal acconnt as sucb cxecutur-'. Thercupon It Is ordered, that Tuesday, the tu'entieth d:iy of Notember next, at ten ocfock in the forenoon be assigned for cxamlnlng and allo'hij,' ciub account, ad that tho dovisees, legatecs :iiil li.-ire-at-law 01 unid dLV'i'ated, and allotber per sons interoBtfd imaid eptate.are reqnlred to appear urn of ïaid conrt, ihrn to bc holden at the Probate oftlce, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said cuiity and .etunv cnuee, ifany there be, why the said account hould not beallowed: And it is further ordered, that said executors glve notice to the persons interested in said estatc,oi the pondency of faid accoant,and the hearing thereof, by caimlng a copy of thls order to be publtshed In the Aun Arbor Courttr, a newspaper printed and clrcalating In said county, three succeeeive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLJAM D. H ARRIMAN, (A trne copy.) Jndae of Probate. WJI. G. DOTY. Probate Register.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News